County: Clackmannanshire
Issued on: Departure
Date of presentation: 07/02/1900
Number issued: 4


Gold medals/badges, to:

4th Bn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders [Renfrew Militia] –

Lieutenant the Hon. Robert BRUCE, "The Master of Burleigh" (absent - in S. Africa)

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders –
7254 Private A.F. FORSYTH
7250 Private Alexander FYFE
7256 Private D. MERCER

Presentation to volunteers made by Lady Balfour of Burleigh, in the Public Hall, Clackmannan.

Lieutenant Bruce’s medal/badge presented to Lady Balfour (the recipient's mother) by the Rev. Mr Robertson.

The men also received knitted helmets & small writing cases with pencils (from the Hon. Mary Bruce).



Edinburgh Evening News, 9th February 1900


Lord and Lady Balfour of Burleigh attended a great demonstration in Clackmannan last night, and Lady Balfour presented each of the three local Volunteers for the front with a medallion and a box containing tobacco, &c. The Rev. Mr Robertson, parish minister, presented her ladyship with a gold badge on behalf of Lieutenant the Hon. Robert Bruce, her ladyship’s eldest son, who has proceeded to the front. Lord Balfour, in replying, referred to his son’s determination to go.
The Scotsman, 9th February 1900


In the Public Hall, Clackmannan, on Wednesday night, Privates FORSYTH, FYFE, and MERCER, three of the local contingent of Volunteers for the front, were each presented with a gold medal by the inhabitants and a woollen knitted helmet by Lady Balfour of Burleigh and her daughters at Kennet House. The hall was filled to overflowing, and the meeting was presided over by County Councillor Henry Terris. Lady Balfour of Burleigh pinned the medals on the breasts of the recipients, and handed each a small box of useful articles, the gifts of friends. The Hon. Mary Bruce presented the men with a knitted helmet each, and also a small writing case with pencils. Captain J.B.N. Moyes, Captain of the Clackmannan Company of the 7th V.B. A. and S.H., acknowledged the gifts on behalf of the men. The Rev. Mr Robertson, on behalf of the inhabitants, handed to Lady Balfour a gold medal to be forwarded to her son, the Master of Burleigh, who is at present at the front with his regiment, the 4th (Renfrew) Militia Battalion Argyl and Sutherland Highlanders. Lord Balfour, in acknowledging the gift, returned hearty thanks. He said he rejoiced very much that his son had gone to the front. Greatly as his son would have liked to have been present, they might take it from him that his son’s keenness to go to South Africa was such that he would have grudged very much the fortnight at home so that he might be present that evening. (Applause).