Derby ALL lighter less red s



County: Derbyshire
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 07/05/1901, bef. 04/06/1902, 04/06/1902
Number issued: c. 75


Silver medals and illuminated addresses, to:

07/05/1901 presentation

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Notts & Derby Regiment [1st V.B.D.R.] –
Captain Thomas Clifford NEWBOLD
Lieutenant Francis Anthony Cedric WRIGHT
7447 Sergeant David James HOLLAND
7343 Sergeant Archibald MACKENZIE
7334 Lance-Sergeant [Sergeant] Charles Thomas WILD
7445 Drummer [Bugler] Henry Etches ALLEN
7345 Drummer [Bugler] Henry MORETON
7335 Lance-Corporal [Private] Edwin Arthur BLACKNEY
7342 Lance-Corporal [Private] F.E. PEAKE
7331 Lance-Corporal [Private] Henry Edgar SIMPSON
7337 Private W. BAKER
7355 Private A.H. BANCROFT
7336 Private George Edwin BRADDOCK
7346 Private Arthur BROWN
7347 Private Thomas William BUNTING
7459 Private J.W. COWLEY
7341 Private Robert COTTERILL
7344 Private William Thomas HENSON
7348 Private Vernon Charles Joseph HICKMAN [V.H.C. Hickman]
7352 Private Ernest HOLLAND
7356 Private Lewis Edwin KELHAM [Ketham]
7339 Private Wilfred Stuart LACEY
7349 Private Walter William Abbott LAKER
7359 Private Edwin NEWTON
7350 Private George NAYLOR [J. Naylor]
7351 Private Egbert NEWBOLD
7333 Private Arthur PARKER [A.G. Parker] (absent)
7340 Private Wilfred John POYNTER
7451 Private A.T. RICE
7454 Private James SMITH
7332 Private Frank SMITH
7358 Private H.H. SWINDALL [Swindell]
7357 Private Robert Arthur TINKER
7354 Private Fredrick Louis WALKER
7338 Private Oliver WALPOLE (absent)

7353 Private Joseph WINGFIELD

Presentation made by the Mayor (Alderman Edgar Horne, J.P.), in the Drill Hall, Derby.

Bef. 04/06/1902 presentation

Royal Army Medical Corps [St John Ambulance Brigade; from 1st V.B.D.R.] –
14027 Private [Lance-Corporal] David BAGGOTT
14029 Private John Thomas BURNHAM
14186 Private [Lance-Corporal] William Thomas DAWES (absent - in S. Africa)
14188 Private [Corporal] William Frederick MASON
14028 Private Albert PEARMAN
14030 Private [Corporal] Charles Walter TOWERS

04/06/1902 presentation

2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Notts & Derby Regiment [1st V.B.D.R.] –
Lieutenant John Henry Frederick MARSDEN
7555 Sergeant H. BRITTON
7446 Corporal [Colour-Sergeant] George Mayfield CHESTER
7455 Lance-Corporal George Sydney TURTON (absent - in S. Africa)
7558 Bugler Henry MACE
7560 Private George William BETTS
7459 Private Samuel BRAILSFORD
7450 Private J.W. CLARKE
7559 Private James Charles DILKS [Dilkes]
7448 Private William DUCKERING
7586 Private T.F. FEARN [J.T. Fearn]
7467 Private W.H. HUDSON
7471 Private Robert HARBOTTLE
7443 Private Samuel JOHNSON
7458 Private John Arthur JOLLEY
7470 Private Frederick KIDDY (absent - in S. Africa)
7466 Private [Lance-Corporal] Arthur William MALLETT
7468 Private Fred NIGHTINGALE
7557 Private F.F. PARKER [F.J. Parker]
7452 Private Frederick PEAT
7469 Private William Alfred SAXTON
7575 Private [Lance-Corporal] J. SPEARS
7457 Private Samuel TRUMAN
7456 [7453] Private John TURTON (absent - in S. Africa)
7460 Private Arthur Joseph UPTON
7556 Private Frederick William UPTON
7461 Private William Frederick WATSON
7463 Private F. WINFIELD

7464 Privates J.T. WORSLEY (ill at Netley)

12th (South Nottingham) Company, 3rd Bn. Imperial Yeomanry [from 1st V.B.D.R.] –

23534 Trooper Elijah EGGLINTON

104th (Derbyshire) Company, 4th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry [from 1st V.B.D.R.] –
27404 Trooper E. ALLEN
29009 Trooper James BUCKLOW
30519 Trooper Arthur INNOCENT
Presentations made by the Mayor of Derby (Alderman A. Woodiwiss, J.P.), at the Royal Hotel, Derby.




Obverse with the civic arms of Derby (a buck within the palings of a park), and: "S. AFRICA 1900-1".
Reverse (for example): "PTE E. NEWBOLD / 1ST VOL BATT / DERBY".

Each medal with "a gold centre, appropriately designed, and bearing upon the back the name of the recipient".

Note: according to the Derbyshire Advertiser (10/05/1901) illuminated addresses, but not medals, were presented to returned Derby members of the Imperial Yeomanry, St John Ambulance Brigade & the Borough Police Force (Reservists). However, this policy appears to have been reviewed, as an article covering the 1902 presentation (Derby Daily Telegraph, 05/06/1902), states that Imperial Yeomen and Ambulence Men who had transferred from the Derby Volunteers did receive medals.



Egbert Newbold example sold through Spink, 21/10/1999, for £334. This is the example illustrated in Hibbard.
Frederick Winfield example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 01/12/2010, for £550.
Frederick Upton example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 23/09/2011, for £720.
Elijah Egglinton example sold through Mellors & Kirk, 29/11/2012, for £850 (with QSA & WWI Trio).
Arthur Mallet example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 16/07/2020, for £240 (brooched, lacking suspension ring and very worn).

Sergeant D. Holland example sold through Stacey's Auctioneers, 22/01/2025.



Derbyshire Times, 11/05/1901
Derby Daily Telegraph, 08/05/1901
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 08/05/1901
Hibbard #A10
Derbyshire Advertiser, 10th May 1901



The Foreign Service Section of the Derbyshire Volunteers, which returned home last week and met with such an enthusiastic reception, were on Tuesday evening entertained at a public banquet by his Worship the Mayor, Mr Alderman Edgar Horne, J.P.  The function took place in the Drill Hall, which was appropriately decorated for the occasion, under the direction of Mr J. Ward, the borough surveyor, and Mr Steele, his assistant. The sides of the large hall were decorated with red and white bunting, festooned with blue and faced with white lace curtains. Over each of the alcoves at the sides of the room was placed a shield, &c., whilst flags and banners of every description were suspended from the roof. The floor was carpeted, and in front of the large organ was a beautiful decoration in the national colours. The steps upon either side were covered with green baize, and a large number of exotic plants, palms, &c., were requisitioned to complete the effect. The plants and flowers utilised were supplied by Mr F. Lewis, of the Leylands, whilst the reception room was upholstered by Messrs Jones, of the Market Place. The corporation flags and banners found a conspicuous place, and in front of the Mayor’s chair was placed the gold and silver maces emblematic of civic authority. The company present numbered about three hundred, including the Volunteers themselves, those members of the Imperial Yeomanry who have returned from the war and are Derby men, the members of the Derby Ambulance Brigade who went to the war, as well as the borough policemen who were called upon to rejoin the colours as reservists. Two out of the Foreign Service Section of Volunteers were unable to be present, one still being in South Africa, and the other, Private WALPOLE, having lost his brother, who has been serving his country at the front in another branch of the service. As our readers are aware, it was decided that each of the Volunteers should receive some memento of the war and the important part they had taken in it, and the public were invited to subscribe towards this. The response was such that the committee were enabled to present each man with a silver medallion, with a gold centre, appropriately designed and bearing upon the back the name of the recipient. This was accompanied by a beautifully illuminated address, the text of which is similar to that read by the Mayor when the men were welcomed home in the Market Place. In addition to this, through the kindness of Mr A.B. Hamilton, each man was presented with an excellent photograph of the arrival of the Volunteers and their reception by the Mayor and Corporation. …….

……. The Mayor proposed the toast of “The King”, which was received with musical honours, and the toast of “The Queen, Duke of Cornwall and York, the Duchess of Cornwall and York, and the rest of the Royal Family”, was also duly honoured.

The Mayor next proceeded to present the addresses and medallions to the men, on behalf of the inhabitants of the town, who, he said, had liberally subscribed towards the fund. (Hear, hear). In the first instance it was decided to give a watch pendant, medal, and framed address to each man who formed the Active Service Section. The address had been slightly altered, and he should be able to present copies of it that night to the members of the Yeomanry, St John Ambulance Brigade, and Borough Policemen, as well as the Volunteers. (Applause). Since he entered the hall, Lieutenant WRIGHT had given him a number of very simple looking and highly interesting mementoes of the war, viz., cards presented by the Mayor of Capetown to all those who served at the front. (Hear, hear). He was sure the men would value this, not for its intrinsic value, but for the kindness and thoughtfulness which prompted the gift. (Applause). There were sufficient to give to all the men who returned on the steamship Tagus. (Hear, hear).

Mr W. Crowther then read the text of the address, which was similar to the one read in the Market Place upon the arrival of the Volunteers. The addresses were beautifully illuminated, and at the side appeared the names of the various engagements in which the men had taken part.

The Mayor said he desired to publicly thank Mr Hamilton for his kind gift of photographs, and he incidentally mentioned, in answer to certain letters in the newspapers, that he hoped the peace rejoicings in Derby would be on a very extensive scale, and that the town would be able to welcome every Derby man who had seen service at the front in any capacity. (Applause).

The Mayor, who was loudly applauded on rising, said: Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to offer for your acceptance the toast of “Our Guests”, whom we heartily welcome here tonight. (Applause). Nothing that may be said or done here tonight can possibly equal the magnificent welcome given to the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Active Service Section of the Sherwood Foresters, Derbyshire Regiment, on their return home on Monday week, although we are delighted to have them with us tonight, and trust they will always have pleasant recollections of tonight’s proceedings. (Applause). As the Mayor of this good old town of Derby, I did my best – (applause) – to make the welcome home by the Corporation as hearty and complete as possible, and the inhabitants of the town loyally did their best to assist [illegible] (Applause). I take this first public opportunity of thanking my fellow townsmen for responding so splendidly to my appeal to “hang their banners on the outward walls”. (Applause). I feel grateful for this ready response, for I believe that every scrap of bunting in the possession of the people at large was brought into requisition; and one noticeable feature was the fact that not merely in the principal thoroughfares through which our returning heroes passed, but in side streets quite remote from the line of procession, the people made every display in their power. (Applause). This, to my mind, is a convincing proof of the genuine love and esteem which every section of the community feels towards these brave Volunteers who so eagerly responded to their country’s call. (Applause). I should like here to refer for one moment to our enemies abroad, and those much more dangerous enemies at home, who for some time past have been complaining that we are making too much display towards our gallant defenders, and that it is a sign of our decadence as a nation that we pay so much tribute to men, who, after all, have only done their duty. Gentlemen, I differ entirely from this doctrine – (applause) – for it is not a mere perfunctory performance of duty that the nation has witnessed during this unhappy struggle in South Africa. (Hear, hear). What we have been witnessing, and what has earned our fullest gratitude, is the enthusiastic manner in which the members of our Regular and Auxiliary Forces have cast aside every consideration of self, and have eagerly risked everything that is dear to them in the shape of their homes, their families, and their lives, and cheerfully borne the greatest hardship and dangers in defence of their King and their country. (Loud applause). Gentlemen, it is an insult to our intelligence to tell us that this war meant nothing but the aggrandizement of interested capitalists. (Applause). It is absolutely untrue. (Renewed applause). Our position as an Imperial Power was distinctly threatened, and we have only to read the articles which appeared in foreign newspapers at the time when our position in South Africa was so critical, to understand what mischief was intended for us had we been soundly defeated. (Hear, hear). But, gentlemen, “when night was darkest, dawn was nearest”, and it was the sense of imminent danger which roused the manhood of our Empire, and brought eager Volunteers from every portion of the globe where the British flag is flying; and we are proud to know that our Derbyshire Volunteers and Yeomen were amongst the very first to volunteer for the front, and I contend that we are only giving honour where honour is due, by doing everything in our power to show our gratitude and respect for our guests of tonight. (Applause). …….

……. Gentlemen, I ask you to drink to the health, long life, and happiness of our guests, and I will ask Captain NEWBOLD and Lieutenant WRIGHT to respond for the Active Service Section of the Volunteers, Colonel Chandos-Pole on behalf of the Yeomanry, Dr Cassidi on behalf of the St John Ambulance Corps, and the Chief Constable on behalf of the Derby Borough Police. (Applause).

Lieutenant Cedric WRIGHT, who was received with applause, rose to respond. He said he had been so overwhelmed by all the presentations which had been made to his men and himself, that he felt his speech would be full of thanks. He could assure the Mayor that the thanks of his men and himself came from the bottom of their hearts, (Hear, hear). He begged, first of all, to thank their worthy Mayor for the reception he had given them upon their return from South Africa, not only that night, but on the previous Monday week when they arrived in Derby. (Applause). The reception they met with that day was quite beyond their expectations. (Hear, hear). They were sure they would get some kind of welcome, but they never anticipated it being of the character it was. He not only thanked the Mayor, who was kind enough to go up to the Barracks to receive them, but also the residents of the whole town and county. (Hear, hear). He tendered his thanks on behalf of his brother officers, himself, and the non-commissioned officers and men. (Applause). The Mayor had very kindly said that he hoped the men would remember this reception for years. Now he (the speaker) would go further than that, and say that they would remember it to their dying day. (Hear, hear). He could also assure those present that the men would never forget the time they spent in South Africa. (Laughter). His thanks and the thanks of the Active Service Section were particularly due to the inhabitants of the borough for the generous gift they had made to them that night. The beautiful framed address and the medallion the men would treasure all their lives. (Applause). He also desired to thank Mr A.B. Hamilton for the very appropriate gift of a photograph of the reception in the Market Place. (Applause). They would all remember that day, but if ever they were likely to forget, they would have that photograph as a reminder. (Hear, hear). …….
Derbyshire Advertiser, 27th December 1901


A further call to arms in connection with the South African war, at the beginning of 1901, met with a ready response from the First and Second Derbyshire Volunteers. Prior to the departure of the Derby active service section, the Mayor (Mr E. Horne, J.P.) entertained them and a number of other friends to a banquet at the St James’s Hotel. The room in which the proceedings were held was tastefully decorated, excellent speeches were delivered by the Mayor, Lieut. Cedric Wright, and other gentlemen, and the banquet was a great success. Capt. GOODMAN, of the 2nd Derbyshire Volunteers, was in command of the section, and Lieut. MARSDEN, of Derby, was one of the officers. Capt. GOODMAN is now returning home. The first foreign service section returned home in May, and besides receiving a most enthusiastic reception, were entertained at a public banquet by the Mayor (Alderman Horne, J.P.). By the generosity of the public the invitation was extended to the local Yeomen and members of the St John Ambulance Association. The Mayor presided, and was in the happiest of moods when submitting the chief toast of the evening. Each Volunteer received a memento of the war in the shape of a silver medallion with a gold centre, appropriately designed and bearing upon the back the name of the recipient. This was accompanied by a beautifully illuminated address, referring to the work of the Volunteers in South Africa. The gathering was highly successful and memorable.
Derby Daily Telegraph, 5th June 1902

The Mayor then presented the members of the section with an illuminated address and a medallion, in the shape of a five pointed star, with the borough arms in gold in the centre, and surmounted by a crown, the recipients being: –


The following members of the St John Ambulance who had already received medals and addresses (Corporal MASON, Corporal C.W. TOWERS, Lance-Corporal BAGGOTT, Private PEARMAN, and Private BURNHAM) were also present, but his Worship handed medals and addresses to four members of the regiment who have served in the Imperial Yeomanry, viz., Privates E. ALLEN, A. INNOCENT, J. BUCKLOW, and E. EGGLINTON. Privates J.T. WORSLEY (ill at Netley), Lance-Corporal G.S. TURTON, Private F. KIDDY, and Private J. TURTON (remained in South Africa), have still to receive municipal acknowledgement of their services, and also Lance-Corporal DAWES, of the St John Ambulance Corps.
Derbyshire Advertiser, 6th June 1902



A complimentary banquet was given by His Worship the Mayor (Mr Ald. Woodwiss, J.P.), at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday evening, to those men of the 2nd Active Service Section of local volunteers who have just returned from South Africa. His Worship the Mayor presided, wearing his gold chain of office, and the attendance numbered over a hundred. …….

The address he [the Mayor] had to present to each man would no doubt be cherished by them and their children, and the medals would form a valued record of the part they had played in the South African war. (Applause). The entertainment that night was not intended for the officers of the battalion, but for the men, and he hoped they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. (Applause). They were sorry to know that they had left one of their comrades behind them at Southampton through illness. He hoped, however, that in a few weeks, he would be again amongst them. (Hear, hear). In conclusion, he desired to say that the citizens of Derby sincerely appreciated their services and the splendid manner in which each man had carried out his duty. (Applause).

The Mayor then proceeded to present the address and medallions to the men. The text of the address has already been published, and the medallions which were distributed were in the shape of a star with a gold centre, and bearing the borough arms.

The names of those who received medals or have already received them were as follows: –


The following members of the St John Ambulance have already received medals and addresses: –

Corpl. MASON, Corpl. C.W. TOWERS, Lce.-Corpl. BAGGOTT, Pte. PEARMAN, and Pte. BURNHAM, but his worship handed medals and addresses to four members of the regiment who have served with the Imperial Yeomanry, viz., Ptes. E. ALLEN, A. INNOCENT, J. BUCKLOW, and E. EGGLINTON. Pte. J.T. WORSELEY (ill at Netley), Lce.-Corpl. G.S. TURTON, Pte. F. KIDDY, and Pte. J. TURTON (remained in South Africa), have still to receive municipal acknowledgement of their services, and also Lance-Sergt. DAWES, of the St John’s Ambulance Corps.
Spink, 21st October 1999
DERBY TRIBUTE MEDAL, silver (Hallmarks for Birmingham, 1900), by 'A. & B.', in the form of a six-pointed star, the uppermost point of which is displaced by a crown, with gilt central medallion bearing a stag encircled by a fence, and the arms decorated with fleur de lis, the plain reverse engraved, 'Pte. E. Newbold, 1st Vol. Battn., Derby', 30mm. by 43mm. including integral loop suspension, good very fine.