County: Fife
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 30/06/1902
Number issued: 11


Gold badges & chains, suitably inscribed, to:

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) [6th V.B.R.H.] –
7633 Sergeant Charles BELL
7634 Corporal David MILLAR
7637 Private James Paton BEVERIDGE
7638 Private James BROWN
7661 Private David MOODIE
1 unnamed volunteer
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) [6th V.B.R.H.] –
9005 Private James C. COOPER
9003 Private David GIBSON
9004 Private Allan MELDRUM
9006 Private Charles SUTTIE
1 unnamed volunteer

Presentation made by Major Shearer, at the weekly drill of A, B & C Companies, 6th V.B. Royal Highlanders.

The alberts (and medals, according to The Cornishman & The Scotsman) were the gift of Dunfermline ladies.



St. Andrews Citizen, 10/02/1900
Dundee Courier, 02/07/1902
The Scotsman, 02/07/1902
Dundee Courier, 18th May 1901


The Dunfermline volunteer service men, namely, Sergeant BELL, Corporal D. MILLAR, and Privates James BEVERIDGE, James BROWN, and David MOODIE, arrived at Dunfermline Lower Station from Perth at 6.45. They were met by the Dunfermline volunteer companies, and marched to the Volunteer Drill Hall, through the principal streets of the burgh. The route was lined by thousands of people, and bunting was displayed from many buildings. Provost Scobbie gave the men a cordial welcome back to their native city, and invited them to a public dinner on Thursday next.
Dundee Evening Telegraph, 1st July 1902


At the weekly parade of Dunfermline Volunteers last night, Major Shearer, in name of the ladies of Dunfermline, presented 11 of Dunfermline Service Volunteers who had been in South Africa with handsome gold chains and badges.
Musselburgh News, 4th July 1902
A very interesting memento of the connection of the Dunfermline Volunteers with the South African war was presented on Monday night to the Volunteers who took part in it from “Dunfermline toon”. This took the form of a gold chain and badge, contributed by the ladies of Dunfermline, which was presented to each member by Major Shearer at a special parade of the Companies.
The Cornishman, 10th July 1902


Handsome gold chains and badges have been presented on behalf of the ladies of Dunfermline to eleven local volunteers, who have just returned from South Africa.