State: Victoria, Australia
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 13/12/1900
Number issued: 1


Gold locket & chain, to:

1st Victorian Infantry Company [1st Victorian Contingent]

53 Private [Lance-Corporal] Thomas MATSON

Presentation made by Councillor W.G. Burgess, in the Public Hall.
Possibly inscribed: "From the residents of South and East Brighton".
Private Matson also received a gold medal from the Shire of Moorabbin.



Melbourne Argus, 15th December 1900


On Thursday a welcome home was tendered by East Brighton residents to Lance Corporal MATSON (1st Victorian contingent) on his return from South Africa. In the afternoon, the local school children, to the number of about 300, serenaded the returned soldier at his home, and then marched to the local public hall, headed by the drum and fife band. In the evening an entertainment and dance were given. Mr Bent, M.L.A. (president of the shire) presided, and on the platform were Lance Corporal MATSON, Privates DAFF (South Brighton), STAYNER (Cheltenham), and RIGG (Mordialloc), who also returned by the Harlech Castle, together with a number of the G Company Rangers (Cheltenham), and the regimental band. During an interval, refreshments were supplied, and a number of appropriate toasts were honoured, and Councillor W. G. Burgess presented Lance Corporal MATSON with a gold locket and chain, on behalf of the residents. Lance Corporal MATSON, who had been made the recipient of a gold watch on leaving for the war, responded, and speeches were also made by Privates STAYNER and DAFF. An official welcome home will be tendered by the president (Councillor T. Bent, M.L.A.) councillors, and ratepayers of the shire of Moorabbin to the four local returned soldiers, Lance Corporal MATSON, and Privates STAYNER, DAFF, and RIGG.