County: Glamorganshire
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 15/01/1903
Number issued: 38
15-carat gold medals and addresses, to:
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment –
7378 Corporal Herbert James CHARLES
7391 Corporal William Macpherson MACDONALD
7456 Private Albert Edgar DAVID [E.A. David]
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment –
Lieutenant Horace J. PECHELL
7545 Sergeant Henry ISAAC
7487 Lance-Corporal Albert Thomas SMITH
7570 Bugler Thomas W. RICHARDS
7466 Private Alfred BATES
7470 Private Owen John DAVIES
7485 Private Henry William PHILLIPE
7489 Private Thomas George TUCKER
1st (Wiltshire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
22771 Trooper Osborne GEORGE
22770 Trooper Leonard Cleeve JONES
2nd (Wiltshire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
29201 Trooper Herbert INGLESON
21636 Trooper Rees PRICE
21628 Trooper [Lance-Corporal] Hugh Price WATKINS
3rd (Gloucestershire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
28738 Trooper John HARRIS
4th (Glamorganshire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
9842 Squadron-Sergeant-Major Cyrus THOMAS
9897 Quartermaster-Sergeant H.S. Keates WILSON
9890 Farrier-Sergeant Alfred Henry SEIGNOT [Seignott]
9906 Corporal George Herbert MOUNTJOY
9925 Trooper William Thomas JONES
31327 Trooper John LEWIS
28751 Trooper Arthur John POUND
28764 Trooper Robert Barrie WALKER
9904 Trooper Percy O. WARD
28748 Trooper Evan John WILLIAMS (died, Harrisburg, 20/05/1901)
30th (Pembrokeshire) Company, 9th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
20570 Trooper Patrick Cuthbert KIVILIN [Kivelin]
31st (Montgomeryshire) Company, 9th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
35458 Trooper John Simon GRIFFITHS
47th (D.C.O.) Company, 13th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
???? Corporal Thomas Watkin DAVIES (died in S. Africa; no record found)
48th (North Somerset) Company, 7th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
2479 Trooper Gwilym V. JENKINS
2500 Trooper [Corporal] Thomas Price JENKINS
Welsh Hospital –
Nursing Sister Elizabeth LEWIS
St John Ambulance –
??? Corporal Ernest Frank GROVES
??? Corporal Arthur MORRIS
??? Orderly George DAVIES (possibly 162 Orderly G. Davies)
628 Orderly Thomas JONES
627 Orderly Patrick WELSH
Presentations made by Mrs Biddle and Mr H.W. Southey, at the Drill Hall.
Obverse with Welsh dragon and crossed leeks.
"The Medallions are of 15-carat gold, having on one side the Welsh Dragon, surrounded by a wreath of leeks, and on the other an appropriate inscription".
Remarks made by Colonel Lewis during the ceremony led to five Yeomen handing their medallions and certificates back in protest. Lewis had stated that the 3rd Contingent of I.Y. "was composed of raw men who could not handle a rifle, who could not shoot, who could not march, and who could not even walk properly". In the event, the quintette of protesters apologised for misinterpreting the Colonel's observations, and the medals and addresses were re-presented.
Note: a further 20 men received addresses only - these appear to have been men from the Merthyr area, but not from the town itself. Many came from Dowlais, a village that presented its own tribute in the form of a silver watch. SEE LIST BELOW.
Lieutenant Pechell example illustrated in Hibbard.
Lieutenant Pechell example held in the collection of the Africana Meuseum, Johannesburg.
Africana Museum, Johannesburg
Hibbard #D1
Volunteer Service Gazette, 23rd January 1903
The Merthyr movement to recognise the services of the local Volunteers in the Boer War was brought to a successful issue, under the secretarial management of Mr W.W. Meredith, solicitor, on Thursday, Jan. 15, when gold medallions were presented at the Drill Hall. The subscription towards the Merthyr Active Service Recognition Fund commenced to flow two or three years ago, and the project received the utmost support of three successive high constables. A large number of the men were entertained to tea at Bentley’s Central Hall early in the evening, and at a quarter past seven the Merthyr Detachment of the 3rd V.B. Welsh Regiment paraded at the Armoury under the command of Col. D. Rees, V.D., whence they escorted to the drill hall most of the guests of the evening. The attendance of the public was large, and the decorations were of an effective character. The proceedings were enlivened by the strains of Mr Gwilym Lewis’s orchestral band.
The High Constable (Dr C. Biddle) expressed the pride he felt in presiding upon so notable an occasion, and on behalf of the town of Merthyr he begged to welcome all the brave and patriotic men who went out to the Front and came back again. The war had shown that the Volunteers were a most valuable National force. Merthyr district had supplied 1,000 soldiers, both Regulars and Volunteers, for the late war, and that was above the average of any other town of similar size. Six only of the Volunteers had died from disease or on the battlefield.
Mr W.W. Meredith (Hon. Secretary) read a letter from Mr D.A. Thomas, M.P., deeply regretting his inability to attend. He also read the text of the illuminated address, the gift of Mr H.W. Southey.
The presentation to the Volunteers present of Medallions was then made by Mrs C. Biddle, wife of the High Constable, and by Mr Southey of the illuminated address. The Medallions are of 15-carat gold, having on one side the Welsh Dragon, surrounded by a wreath of leeks, and on the other an appropriate inscription. Enthusiastic cheers were accorded the recipients as they ascended the platform.
Colonel D. Rees Lewis proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of the town to the recipients of the Medallions and addresses for the services they had rendered the country. Practically every member of the 3rd V.B. Welsh Regiment had volunteered when the call was made for troops. He deprecated portions of the War Office policy in regard to later calls for Volunteers. He hoped the Volunteer Force would never be done away with, for without that Force they must have conscription. Unless employers of labour helped them to carry out the new regulations for the Volunteers they may depend upon it conscription was very near. He was sorry to say employers of labour did not encourage the Volunteers properly.
Mr Wm. Griffiths, formerly High Constable, seconded the proposition, which was carried with acclamation, and acknowledged by Lieut. PECHELL.
Colonel Lewis incidentally referred to the Government giving 5s a day to the last lot of Yeomanry, who scarcely knew one hand from the other, and contrasted this with 1s per day offered to Volunteers. Some of the Yeomanry present misunderstood the references, which Col. Lewis had distinctly said did not apply to them, as they were good soldiers, who had rendered efficient service, and they went up to the platform in a body to ask for an explanation. Colonel Lewis again explained the drift of his remarks, and the Yeomen, apparently satisfied, left the platform again amid cheers.
Medallions and addresses were presented to the following members of the Imperial Yeomanry: Squad.-Sergt.-Major THOMAS, Qmr.-Sergt. H.S. Keats WILSON, Farrier-Sergt. Alfred Henry SEIGNOTT, Corpl. George H. MOUNTJOY, Trooper Percy O. WARD, Trooper William Thomas JONES, of the 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); Corpl. Thomas Price JENKINS, 48th Company 1st Battalion (N. Somerset); Lance-Corpl. Hugh Price WATKINS, 2nd Company 1st Battalion (Wilts), Trooper Osborne GEORGE, 1st Company 1st Battalion (Wilts), Penydarren; Trooper John Simon GRIFFITH, 31st Company 1st Battalion (Montgomery); Trooper John HARRIS, 3rd Company 1st Battalion (Gloucester); Trooper Herbert INGLESON, 2nd Company 1st Battalion (Wilts); Trooper Gwilym V. JENKINS, 48th Company 1st Battalion (N. Somerset); Trooper Leonard Cleeve JONES, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); Trooper Patrick Cuthbert KIVELIN, 30th Company 1st Battalion (Pembroke); Trooper John LEWIS, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); Trooper Arthur John PROUD, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); Trooper Reece PRICE, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); and Trooper Robert Barrie WALKER, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan). Addresses only: Lance-Sergt. John Parry GRIFFITHS, 2nd Company 1st Battalion (Wilts); Trooper Ezekiel WATKINS, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan); Trooper Thomas Alfred MARCOMBE, 2nd Company 1st Battalion (Wilts), Treharris; Trooper Thomas COLLINS, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan), late of 12 Aberfan Crescent, Aberfan, reported to be still in South Africa (received on his behalf by Sergt.-Instr. T.H. Smith); Trooper Evan JENKINS, 27 May Street, Dowlais, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan). The representatives of the late Corpl. Thomas Watkin DAVIES, Duke of Cambridge’s Own, and of the late Trooper Evan John WILLIAMS, 4th Company 1st Battalion (Glamorgan), who died whilst on active service, received Medallions and special addresses by post. Medical Nursing and Ambulance Staff: Address – Civil Surg. C. Richardson WHITE, Nixon Villa, Merthyr Vale; Medallions and addresses – Nursing Sister Elizabeth LEWIS, the Welsh Hospital; Corpl. Ernest Frank GROVES, St John Ambulance Brigade; Corpl. Arthur MORRIS, ditto; Pte. George DAVIES, ditto; Pte. Thomas JONES, ditto, attached to the R.A.M. Corps; Pte. Patrick WELSH, ditto. Members of the 2nd and 3rd Active Service Companies (Volunteers) the Welsh Regiment: Medallions and Addresses – Lieut. H.J. PECHELL, Sergt. Henry ISAAC, Corpl. H.J. CHARLES, Corpl. W.M. MACDONALD, L.-Corpl. Albert Thomas SMITH, Bugler Thomas W. RICHARDS, Pte. A. BATES, Pte. Owen John DAVIES, Pte. Albert Edgar DAVID, Pte. Henry William PHILLIPE, and Pte. Thomas George TUCKER. Adresses – Sergt. Arthur J. PHILLIPS, L.-Corpl. J.E. DAVIES, Pte Hugh Pugh JONES, Pte. Ernest Edward DAVIES, Pte. Daniel QUINN, Pte. Charles JONES, Pte. John JONES, Pte. William Henry BAKER. Pte. William Stephen PRICE, Pte. T. WILLIAMS, Pte. William Thomas HALES, Pte. J. Richard MORRIS, Pte. William DAVIES (Cyclist Section). The parents of the late Pte. John Morgan BALL, M.A., Active Service Company Welsh Regiment, received an address by post.
Men who received addresses but not medals:
THE DOWLAIS MEN RECEIVED SILVER WATCHES (presented on 30/04/1901, 02/07/1902 & 23/12/1902)
2nd (Wiltshire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
26849 Lance-Sergeant John Parry GRIFFITHS, Dowlais
31301 Trooper Thomas Alfred MARCOMBE, Treharris
4th (Glamorganshire) Company, 1st Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
????? Trooper Thomas COLLINS, late of 12 Aberfan Crescent, Aberfan, reported to be still in South Africa (received on his behalf by Sergeant-Instructor T.H. Smith)
29196 Trooper Evan JENKINS, Dowlais
????? Trooper Ezekiel WATKINS
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment –
7380 Private John Morgan BALL, M.A. (died – posted to his parents)
7385 Private Evan Edward DAVIES [Ernest Edward Davies], Dowlais
7389 Private Hugh Pugh JONES, Merthyr Vale
7392 Private Daniel QUINN, Dowlais
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment –
7463 Sergeant Arthur John PHILLIPS, Dowlais
7479 Private Charles JONES, Dowlais
7491 Private John JONES, Dowlais
3rd Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment –
7642 Private William Henry BAKER, Dowlais
7625 Private William Thomas HALES
7628 Private John Richard MORRIS, Merthyr Vale
7643 Private William Stephen PRICE, Dowlais
7644 Private T. WILLIAMS, Dowlais
Volunteer Active Service Company, Welsh Regiment (unknown contingent) –
???? Lance-Corporal J.E. DAVIES
???? Private William DAVIES (Cyclist Section)
Civil Surgeons –
Civil Surgeon C. Richardson WHITE, Merthyr Vale