County: Norfolk
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 16/05/1901, 12/08/1901 (IY), 12/08/1901 (Vols), 08/09/1901, 27/05/1902, 02/08/1902
Number issued: c. 330
Silver badges, to:
16/05/1901 presentation
Extracted from list published in the Eastern Daily Press, 17/05/1901.
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment –
Captain [Lieutenant-Colonel] W. DIVER
Lieutenant B.M. HUGHES
Lieutenant B.H.L. PRIOR
5419 Sergeant John FOWLER
5593 Sergeant Edward HORSFIELD
5389 Sergeant H. LAMBERT (absent - not on Eastern Daily Express list)
5445 Sergeant William Albert LANSDELL
5475 Sergeant Sydney John OWLES [H. Owles]
5390 Corporal George DEWING
5420 Corporal [Sergeant] Frederick Edward SOWELS [Sewells]
5597 Lance-Corporal W.J. CHURCHILL
5458 Lance-Corporal [Corporal] Charles Arthur William CRANNESS
5435 Lance-Corporal Stanley Arthur HOWARD
5503 Lance-Corporal William KNIGHTS
5595 Lance-Corporal [Corporal] A. PEARSE
5414 Lance-Corporal Walter Harry RUTTER
5442 Bugler Edward James WHITING
5448 Private George William ASHFIELD
5408 Private Charles Ernest AYRE
5402 Private [Lance-Corporal] Thomas Cubitt BALDWIN
5469 Private A. BALLS
5500 Private Thomas Arthur BEECHING
5472 Private Ernest BEVERLEY
5410 Private James Rufus BLOOMFIELD
5521 Private Herbert BRYANT
5455 Private Charles BULLEY (absent; invalided, arriving home 15/11/1900)
5473 Private Herbert BUNTING
5406 Private Wesley CURSON (Carson)
???? Private CLARKE (5463 Pte G. Clarke or 5601 Pte T. Clarke)
5457 Private Percy George CLAXTON
5460 Private Charles COE
5596 Private Corbett Kendle COOKE
5440 Private H.S. CREASEY
5605 Private Charles Henry DADE
5598 Private Russell DIX
5602 Private Ernest DOWNING
5397 Private James Ernest FISHER
5412 Private John David FRANKS
5483 Private Leonard Harper FRENCH
5490 Private Percy Barker FRERE
5437 Private Harry Sidney FULLER
5438 Private [Lance-Corporal] Joseph Larkman GUNN
5610 Private L. HADDINGTON
5413 Private J. HAWES
5611 Private Thomas HOLDEN
5462 Private Walter Frederick HOWLETT (absent – presented on 08/09/1901; see below)
5436 Private Ernest William HUGGINS
5491 Private W. HUTCHISON [Hutchinson]
5606 Private Edward INGATE
5404 Private Ernest Edward JESSUP
5451 Private Horace George JOHNSON
5470 Private Arthur Edward KNIGHT
5454 Private Walter LARGE
5603 Private F. LOAN
5431 Private Samuel Stephen MARSHAM
5429 Private Arthur MEEK
5409 Private Albert George MELTON [Milton]
5450 Private John MOBBS
5395 Private Charles MOORE
5430 Private Robert Ellington MOSS
5480 Private Arthur John NICHOLLS
5393 Private Alfred NOCKELS [Nickolls / Nockles]
5502 Private Oswald James Richard OLLEY
5427 Private John Joseph PAPPS
5401 Private Charls Henry PERT (absent; invalided, arriving home 14/09/1900)
5396 Private Frank POLL
5600 Private Walter Oscar READ [Reed]
5464 Private Walter Herbert RIX
5425 Private Frank Reynolds ROE
5507 Private Alma Ernest ROLL
5449 Private [Corporal] E.C. RUSH
5423 Private G.R. SAVORY
5612 Private John SKIPPER
5399 Private William SKOYLES
5456 Private William Aaron SMITH
5424 Private William George STANTON
5499 Private Percy TILLEY
5493 Private Herbert Benjamin TYRRELL
5489 Private William Hastings VEALE
5400 Private Edgar Charles WATSON
5495 Private Frank WEEKS [Weekes]
5481 Private Richard WOODEN
5407 Private John Leaf WRIGHT
Presentation made by the Mayoress, on a platform erected in the Market Place, Norwich.
12/08/1901 presentation (to I.Y.)
Note: these may have been Bury St Edmunds badges
43rd (Suffolk) Company, 12th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
Captain J.R. HARVEY
Captain G.C. BUXTON
6721 Colour-Sergeant [Sergeant-Major] Thomas MANTLE
6725 Sergeant Robert Wrench WOOD
6765 Sergeant William VINCENT
6815 Farrier-Sergeant Albert Arthur LOW
6731 Corporal A.E.A. BECK
6778 Corporal Frederick George CHAMBERLIN [Chamberlain]
6748 Corporal Samuel Hewitt Robert KIDMAN
6758 Corporal G. REEVE
6760 Corporal W.E. SEELEY
6813 Trooper Harry Reginald ALDISS
6771 Trooper William ATKINS
6777 Shoeing-Smith [Trooper] Harcourt CALVER
6775 Trooper Cecil Thomas CARMAN
6782 Trooper William Logan COLLS
6737 Trooper William FINCH
6794 Trooper John Philip GREEN
6742 Trooper Henry HALDINSTEIN [Haldenstein]
6797 Trooper Vincent Robertson HOARE
6745 Trooper Hugh Dalton HUNTER [H.W. Hunter]
6799 Trooper R. KAY
6750 Trooper George K. MILLARD
6833 Trooper Henry Briggs MORRIS
6751 Trooper F.W. MYHILL
6817 Saddler [Trooper] C. NOOTH
6762 Trooper Harry SHOWELL [C. Showell]
6763 Trooper Patrick SMITH
6836 Trooper Charles Frederick Chevalier STEWARD
6764 Trooper William King THORPE
6831 Trooper H.K. YOUNGS
44th (Suffolk) Company, 12th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
6842 Sergeant W. PEPPERELL
6945 Bugler H.H. De BOLTZ
6848 Corporal [Trooper] Saville S. BARNARD
6907 [6807] Corporal [Trooper] Frank Oliver EDWARDS
6856 Lance-Corporal [Trooper] William Thomas CUBITT
6939 Trooper Charles William ARCHDALE
6862 Trooper S.E. COLLS
6940 Trooper J. FAIRWEATHER
6869 Trooper Arthur FLAXMAN
6876 Trooper Henry John GLADDEN
6878 Trooper Lewis GOODWYN
6888 Trooper Frederick George HOOD
6885 Trooper Arthur HURST
6846 Trooper E. LAKE
6913 Trooper Arnold PRESS
6938 Trooper Charles Bishop WALKER
6937 Trooper Alfred WELLS
Imperial Yeomanry (unknown companies) –
???? Trooper[?] E.J. PARKER
???? Private TODMAN
Presentation made by the Mayor, at the Maid's Head Hotel, Norwich.
It is possible that the badges given to Norfolk members of the 43rd & 44th Companies Imperial Yeomanry were Bury St Edmunds / Suffolk Yeomanry badges. They are described as "similar in design to those which had previously been presented to the men of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Company".
12/08/1901 presentation (to Vols)
Volunteers who had returned since the ceremony on 16/05/1901.
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment –
5594 Corporal B.G ANGELL
???? Corporal GREEN
5486 Lance-Corporal [Private] Ernest Edward MOORE
5485 Bugler [Private] William VINCE
5474 Private Richard Henry BALE
5468 Private George Alfred BALLS
5453 Private F.W. BARKER
5498 Private Charles BRETT
5501 Private George Nobbs CARR
5439 Private Herbert James COLLINS
5522 Private Frederick Ernest CRICK
5609 Private Herbert ELLIS
5467 Private Samuel John HANTON
5436 Private Ernest William HUGGINS
5494 Private S. KEMP
5466 Private Henry Benjamin LEECH
5434 Private Frank MANN
5484 Private Thomas William NICHOLLS
5452 Private Walter Albert RUSH
5443 Private Frederick William TALBOT
5421 Private J.W. TAYLOR
5444 Private William TONGE
Reports state that only members of the Imperial Yeomanry received badges on 12/08/1901. These Volunteers may have received theirs at a separate ceremony.
08/09/1901 presentation
1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment ["D" Company, 4th V.B.N.R.] –
5462 Private W. HOWLETT [F. Howlett]
Presentation made by Captain E. Mornement, on behalf of the Mayor and citizens of Norwich, at the Swan Hotel, East Harling.
Presumably Howlett had been unable to attend the ceremony held in the Market Place, Norwich, on 16/05/1901.
27/05/1902 presentation
Extracted from list published in the Eastern Daily Press, 28/05/1902.
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment –
Captain A.W.M. ATTHILL
Lieutenant BARTON
2039 Colour-Sergeant-Instructor Herbert HINDRY
6798 Sergeant A.G FLEMINGHAM
6792 Sergeant H. NELSON
6782 Sergeant Harry STREET
6772 Sergeant Charles Thomas WARNES
6850 Corporal H. BANNER
6799 Corporal H.E. CASTLETON
6822 Corporal W. DYER
6838 Corporal Alan Quartly WATSON
6827 Lance-Corporal R. BALDRY
6821 Lance-Corporal R.S. FIELD
6816 Lance-Corporal A.J. FORDER (died, Pretoria, 03/05/1901 - did his family receive a badge?)
6851 Lance-Corporal John Frederick SKOYLES
6763 Lance-Corporal A.G. SEAMAN
6760 Bugler Herbert Frederick BARTRAM (invalided 30/07/1901)
6863 Private G. ARTHERTON
6843 Private E. BAILEY
6829 Private H.A. BALDWIN
6771 Private W.H. BASSENDINE
6830 Private W.G. BEATON
6823 Private W. BECKETT
6859 Private Charles James BERRY
6774 Private F. BUNNING
6826 Private R. BLAKE
6792 Private Frank BUCK
6764 Private W. CHILVERS
6811 Private T.G. CHRISTIE
6776 Private W.C. COOPER
6788 Private Leslie COTTON
6848 Private F. COE
6831 Private H.G. CRASKE
6786 Private A. CROOK
6796 Private W. CROSS
6840 Private C.G. CUBITT [Culutt]
6810 Private A.J. FELMINGHAM
6768 Private G.J. FRANCIS (died, Johannesburg, 05/04/1902 - did his family receive a badge?)
6821 Privare F.R. GARROD
6806 Private C.J.E. GILES
6773 Private R.G. GIRDLESTONE
6857 Private William Stephen GRIMES [Greeves]
6855 Private E.E. HART
6809 Private H.E. HASTINGS (absent - serving with Cape Police)
6791 Private E. HAZELWOOD
6777 Private Robert Edward HEARN [Hearne]
6842 Private F.J. HENNION (absent - serving with Kitchener's Fighting Scouts)
6854 Private T.H. HIPKIN
6802 Private W.S. HOLLAND
6828 Private J.S. HORNE
6769 Private J. HOWARD
6766 Private R.J. HOWARD (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6825 Private W. HOWES (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6758 Private E.J. HUDSON
6832 Private R. HUDSON (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6754 Private A. HUGGINS
6767 Private Edward William HUGGINS (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6753 Private E. HUNT
6817 Private A. INGATE
6862 Private R.S. JUNIPER
6790 Private E.A. KEMP
6866 Private Harry KINDER (absent - hospital, S. Africa)
6813 Private George KING
6765 Private William KING (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6856 Private E.E. KIMM
6835 Private Arthur C. LAMBERT
6787 Private William Herbert LANSDELL
6853 Private T. LARGE
6781 Private Ezekiel LARTER (invalided 12/09/1901)
6794 Private William Charles LEACH
6864 Private Edward LOOSE
6847 Private W. LUBBOCK
6849 Private Thomas MACK
6836 Private F. MANN
6814 Private Charles Frederick MANTRIPPE
6789 Private G. MOORE (died, Pinetown Bridge, 02/01/1902 - did his family receive a badge?)
6775 Private Ambrose Robert MYALL
6779 Private H. NICHOLLS (died, Klerksdorp, 09/12/1901 - did his family receive a badge?)
6834 Private Robert NUNN
6780 Private Thomas NUNN
6815 Private Allden Edward OWLES
6844 Private William PAWLEY (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6846 Private J. PEELING [Beeling]
6812 Private Hugh Augustus PLAYFORD
6804 Private Percy Octavous POOLEY
6833 Private John REEVE
6839 Private J.T. RIPPER (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6805 Private William James ROWE
6801 Private Edward Briggs SAVIDGE [Savage]
6808 Private A.G. SELF
6778 Private Clare SMITH
6819 Private William SMITH
6797 Private Albert George SMITHDALE
6861 Private Geiorge SPELLS (not on Eastern Daily Press list)
6756 Private John Ouseley STANNARD
6785 Private Herbert Fisher STEARNE
6784 Private George SUCKLING
6793 Private Charles Robert TOLVER (invalided)
6795 Private Frederick George TURNER
6761 Private Henry TUTTLE
6770 Private Henry WALKER
6824 Private George Frederick WEAVERS
6858 Private George Walter WEBB
6803 Private Joseph WHALE
6807 Private R.J. WHYARD
6841 Private George William WILLIAMSON
6783 Private William Edward WILSON
6860 Private Claud Rands WRIGHT
6757 Private WHITE (invalided 29/08/1901)
Presentation made by the Mayoress, at Norwich Barracks.
02/08/1902 presentation
3rd Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment –
Lieutenant H. DIVER
Lieutenant J.H. HOTSON
985 Sergeant-Instructor Henry CADMAN
6875 Sergeant Arnold Eugene MASS
6869 Corporal Herbert Harry ROGERS
6877 Corporal William W. UPCRAFT
6873 Bugler John Samuel BAGGE
6874 Private George ABSOLON
6909 Private Herbert Edward ALDERTON
6916 Private Miles ASHBY
6925 Private W. BUNN
6926 Private M. BUTCHER
6892 Private James BURTON
6927 Private S.A. BRUNDLE
6880 Private Samuel BANKS
6912 Private Frank BRITTAIN
6917 Private Samuel George BARNABY
6918 Private Edgar Arthur BLAKE
6870 Private Archibald Isaac CLARKE
6884 Private Charles COOK
6895 Private Michael CANTY
6913 Private A. CROWE
6919 Private William Austin CHANDLER
6920 Private George Edward CULLUM
6921 Private Herbert John DENNIS
6896 Private Ernest DAVISON
6903 Private G. DAY
6910 Private Charles Henry DADE (second tour of duty)
6900 Private Edward ENGLISH
6883 Private Sheridan Selby FAIRHEAD
6878 Private S.L. GLANFIELD
6885 Private Ernest GREEN
6876 Private Arthur James GOLDSMITH
6898 Private A. HOLMES
6914 Private T. HILL
6899 Private E. LARGE
6902 Private George Henry LUSHER
6923 Private John Edward LAY
6868 Private Jabez MOORE
6886 Private B. MOUNTAIN
6915 Private Edmund MACE
6882 Private Robert George NEWSON
6905 Private Herbert NORTON
6871 Private William PYLE
6904 Private J.W. PULL
6922 Private James RISEBOROUGH
6911 Private Ernest Charles RUMBELOW
6872 Private Charles Edward SHARMAN
6894 Private R. SPALDING
6924 Private J. SPALDING
6906 Private R. THOMPSON
6908 Private Ernest TWIDDY
6887 Private Frank VARVEL [Varvell]
6888 Private Edward WARD
6889 Private George WOODCOCK
6897 Private Frederick WILTON [Walton]
6907 Private Pymer WHYBRO
6890 Private T.E. YEOMANS
Presentation made at Norwich Barracks
unrecorded presentations
c. 25 volunteers, yeomen, etc. (unaccounted for - see below)
Note: the total number of Norfolk volunteers was stated in the Norfolk News, 11/05/1901, to be 273 (excluding 7 men who died in South Africa). Presentations to men returned or still on active service on 11/05/1901 only account for 248 volunteers, leaving a balance of 25. The 3rd V.A.S.C. did not leave for the front until March 1902, so is not included in this calculation.
It seems possible that part of the short fall will be made up of men who volunteered for service with the R.A.M.C., R.E., etc.
Seven medals have been seen with similarly engraved names. These are all to members of the 1st V.A.S.C., which strongly suggests that all medals to members of the first contingent were named.
Obverse with the civic arms and motto of Norwich: "PRESENTED BY MAYOR AND CITIZENS OF NORWICH".
Naming (1st Service Company only): "PTE / E. INGATE / 5606".
"The badge, which is oval in shape, is of solid silver, and is carried on a ribbon of the national colours, with a silver buckle for attachment to the uniform. In a border of laurel leaves the obverse side contains the arms of Norwich surmounted by a crown".
Made by Messrs T. & J. Bragg, Vittoria Street, Birmingham.
The Norfolk News (11/05/1901) states: "There are no less than 280 Norfolk volunteers who have gone out to South Africa during the war. Of these, seven have died, leaving 273 who are now in South Africa, or who have returned, or who will return; and there is a general desire to present each one of them with a badge, to mark the part they have taken in the campaign". This suggests a total of 273 badges were presented (excluding the 3rd V.A.S.C., who had not yet sailed). The presentations reported in the press account for 248 of the 273, leaving a balance of 25.
Private T. Holden example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 06/07/2004, for £210. Engraved: "Pte T. Holden, 5611".
Two unnamed examples sold through St James's Auctions, 18/06/2008, for £180.
Private E.C. Rush example sold through Baldwin's, 27/11/2017 (unnamed; with QSA).
Private E. Ingate example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 21/07/2021. Engraved "PTE / E. INGATE / 5606".
Private C. Pert example sold through Trevanion & Dean Auctioneers, 16/09/2017, for £260. Engraved "PTE / C. PERT / 5401".
Private A. Nockels example sold through eBay, 21/01/2022, for £422.50. Engraved: "PTE. / A. NOCKLES / 5393".
Private F.E. Crick example held in the collection of the Royal Norfolk Regiment Museum.
Unnamed example sold through eBay, 07/02/2023, for £426.
Private C. Bulley example sold through Warwick & Warwick, 21/06/2023, for £500 (with 3 clasp QSA). Engraved "PTE / G. BULLEY / 5455".

Named example
Norfolk News, 11/05/1901
The Times, 18/05/1901
Hibbard #A19
eBay, 07/02/2023
Eastern Evening News, 14th may 1901
On the arrival of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Company in the city on Friday, the proceedings in the Market Place will include the presentation of silver medals by the Mayoress to each member of the Company. These badges are of oval form, surrounded by a wreath of laurel. In the centre is a shield of ancient form, upon which are placed the arms of the city, the civic cap being shown above, while upon the ribbon around the shield are the words: – “Presented by the Mayor and Citizens of Norwich”. On the reverse of the badge the following inscription is given: –
“Pro Patria.”
Norfolk Volunteers,
South Africa,
The badge is suspended from a ribbon of the national colours – red, white, and blue – with a silver buckle at the top to attach it to the coat. They have been made by Messrs T. & J. Bragg, Vittoria Street, Birmingham, and are very pretty. Immediately after the presentation the men will go to the Cathedral, where the Dean will conduct a short thanksgiving service, and from the Cathedral they will proceed to the Britannia Barracks, where they will deposit their equipment. In the evening they will be entertained at dinner by the Mayor.
It is particularly desired that the route, more especially Prince of Wales Road and London Street, will be decorated by the citizens.
Norwich Mercury, 17th August 1901 (presentation to Suffok I.Y. - possibly
Bury St Edmunds badges)
The Mayor of Norwich (Mr J.J. Dawson Paul), with a renewal of his munificent hospitality to the Yeomanry and Volunteers who have returned from the seat of war, entertained another big detachment of the men at the Maid’s Head Hotel on Monday evening. The guests represented the 43rd and 44th Companies of Yeomanry and a goodly sprinkling of others who had volunteered for and seen active service. …….
At the conclusion of the repast, the customary loyal toasts were given from the chair and received with enthusiasm. A pleasant prelude to the speech-making of the evening followed. The men of the Yeomanry filed in single line past the chair, and each received at the hands of the Mayor a silver badge, similar in design to that which had previously been presented to the men of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Company. The officers, Captain HARVEY and Captain BUXTON, also received badges.
Diss Express, 13th September 1901
The officers and men of the D Company, 4th V.B.N.R., mustered at the Swan Hotel on Sunday evening, and, headed by the band of the G Company, marched to the parish church. The company was under the command of Captain Mornement, and Captain Long was also present. After the service, refreshments were provided at the Swan Hotel. The commanding officer presented Private F. HOWLETT with the medal given by the Mayor and citizens of Norwich to all Norfolk men upon their return from active service in South Africa.
Eastern Daily Press, 28th May 1902
The ground at the Britannia Barracks was kept by the non-commissioned officers and men of the Depot. Major Dods was in command, and there were also present Lieutenant Fellowes, Mr and Mrs Stafford Jerningham, Mrs and Miss Dawson Paul, Mr Breeds, Mr J. Moore, the Rev. T. Stone, &c. Shortly before seven o’clock the general public began to pour into the Barrack Square, and were followed at 7.5 by the returning company, who marched in to the tune of “Rule Britannia”, amid cheers of the large crowd who had by that time assembled. When they were drawn up they were briefly addressed by the Mayor, who said he was very pleased to see them back again. He believed they had been fighting in a very great battle, and fighting very well. He believed that as a result of their labours, and the labours of others, we were very shortly going to hear that peace had been proclaimed, and that victory remained on the British side. He was exceedingly glad to welcome them back safe and sound, and one and all recognised that what they had had to do in South Africa they had done well. (Cheers).
The Mayoress then distributed the medals, and at the conclusion of the ceremony Colonel Shepherd called for three cheers for her. He said it was very kind of Mrs Colman to come up there to present the medals, and it was equally kind of the Mayor to come there to welcome them on behalf of the city of Norwich. (Cheers).
The men then broke off for a short while, Colonel Shepherd having meanwhile given them some directions as to their baggage, and as to their dismissal on the following day.
Norwich Mercury, 2nd August 1902
The steamship German, with nearly 1,500 returning troops, principally belonging to various infantry volunteer companies which have been serving at the front, arrived in Southampton Water on Thursday evening, and anchored off Netley for the night. The troops include the Third Norfolk Volunteer Service Company, who are expected to arrive in Norwich this afternoon. At half-past 6 the Mayor will entertain the company at the Royal Hotel. It has also been arranged that the men shall be met at the station by a band, and march to the Barracks, where they will be presented with medals. The dinner will follow this function.
The returning men do not constitute a full company. They went out on March 3rd last about 60 strong, and 58 of them are returning. Those not coming home are not detained in Africa by illness, but are remaining there for other reasons. The officers in charge are Lieutenant DIVER and Lieutenant J.H. HOTSON. They went out to relieve the Second Service Company, and, like their predecessors, were given a splendid send-off, being entertained to dinner, and made recipients of presents of various descriptions. The Mayor of Norwich, Colonel Shepherd, and Colonel Hill, were on the platform to bid them farewell.
The following is a list of the Company: –
The men left Southampton at 9 o’clock this (Friday) morning, and expected to be in Norwich about 3 p.m.
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment (Atthill 1909, frontispiece)
Captain A.W.M. Atthill, 2nd Volunteer Active Service Company (Atthill 1909, facing p. 97)