State: Queensland, Australia
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 09/05/1902
Number issued: 9


Gold pendants, to:

5th Queensland (Imperial Bushmen's) Contingent –
Captain Thomas Henry DODDS (Adjutant)
Captain Charles George GEHRMANN
Lieutenant Herbert Asher BENJAMIN
Lieutenant Bernard William COOK
Lieutenant Claude HUGONIN
Lieutenant William Scott HUNTER
Lieutenant Felix Bernard Theodore KOCH
Lieutenant George Hilfers KOCH
Lieutenant James LOYNES
A personal gift from their commanding officer, Major Frederick William TOLL.
Presentation made by Major Toll, at the Imperial Hotel, Brisbane.
In the form of a number "5", with the letters "Q.I.B." intertwined around a boomerang.
Also with the recipient's initials and those of the donor: "F.W.T."
Described as: "a beautiful gold pendant representing the numeral 5, and the letters "Q.I.B." intertwined round a boomerang. Each badge bore the initials of the recipient, and "F.W.T.", the major's initials".



Brisbane Telegraph, 10th May 1902

Fifth Contingent.

More Welcomes Home.

Dinner to Officers.

Nearly the last, but not by any menus the least of the festivities in connection with the return of the fifth contingent took place last night at the Imperial Hotel, when Major TOLL entertained his officers at an informal little dinner as a final "break up". The officers present in addition to Major TOLL were Captain T.H. DODDS, the adjutant, Captain C.G. GEHRMANN, Lieutenants LOYNES, HUNTER, COOK, G.H. KOCH, F.T.B. KOCH, BENJAMIN, and HUGONIN.

Host Daniells provided a most excellent table. After dinner a short toast list was gone through, including "The King", "The Major", and "The Adjutant". The latter two were drunk with musical honours, and wore suitably responded to by Major TOLL and Captain DODDS.

Major TOLL presented each of the officers present with an autograph photograph of himself, and also a beautiful gold pendant representing the numeral 5, and the letters "Q.I.B." intertwined round a boomerang. Each badge bore the initials of the recipient, and "F.W.T.", the major's initials.

After a most happy gathering the officers adjourned to the Protestant Hall as the guests of the N.C.O.'s of the Moreton Regiment at a smoke concert held in honour of their returned comrades who served with the fifth Q.I.B. in Africa.