Country: New Zealand
Issued on: Departure and Return
Date of presentation: 21/03/1900, 17/07/1901
Number issued: 2 (1 departure; 1 return)


Gold medal (departure) and Maltese cross (return), to:

21/03/1900 presentation (departure)

4th New Zealand Mounted Rifles –

1018 Corporal James Ireland LOW

Presentation made by Mr T. Ross (president of both clubs), in the boat-house.

"a gold medal suitably inscribed with a view of the boat-shed and football grounds on which LOW had fought out many a hard battle".

17/07/1901 presentation (return)

4th New Zealand Mounted Rifles –

1018 Corporal James Ireland LOW

Presentation made in the local boating shed.

"a handsome gold medal having crossed Mauser rifles in relief on the front, and on the back an appropriate, inscription".



Otago Evening Star, 26th March 1900
The farewell to Trooper J.I. LOW, of the Otago and Southland Contingent, by the West Harbor residents took place in the Council Chambers last Wednesday evening. His Worship the Mayor (Mr H.E. Moller) presided, and the chambers were crowded by an enthusiastic audience. The Mayor, in thanking the residents for turning out in such numbers, called upon the secretary (Mr J. Ross) to read the balance-sheet, which showed that £50 for horse and equipment had been subscribed. The Mayor, in making the presentation, which consisted of a beautiful pair of Zeiss field glasses, dwelt on the good qualities of Mr LOW, whom on behalf of the residents he wished God-speed and a safe return to New Zealand. Messrs Ross, Cray, Hawcridge, and Keilett also spoke in warm praise of the energy and interest Mr LOW had always taken in athletic affairs in West Harbor. Mr LOW, in reply, thanked all for the kind remarks, and also for the handsome present they had given him. The audience sang “For he's a. jolly good fellow” and then the National Anthem. The athletic clubs at a later hour the same evening entertained Mr LOW at a social in the boatshed, which was most gorgeously decorated for the occasion. The grand march was led by Trooper LOW and Mrs Ross, and seventy couples took part. Mr T. Ross (president of both clubs) presented Mr LOW with a handsome gold medal suitably inscribed with a view of the boat-shed and football grounds on which LOW had fought out many a hard battle. Mr Ross, who made a nice patriotic speech, in making the presentation fully explained to the large audience that men like LOW could not be spared from the district, but as he was fighting for the Queen he wished him a safe journey. God-speed, and a safe return. A word of praise is due to the musicians (Messrs Yates brothers) and to the ladies who supplied the excellent supper.
Otago Evening Star, 20th July 1901
Corporal LOW, of the Fourth Contingent, was entertained at a social by the members of the boating and football clubs of Ravensbourne. The building was crowded. Corporal LOW led the grand march, and over a hundred couples took part. Members of the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Contingents were also present. Before the supper adjournment the president of the Boating Club, in the course of a patriotic address, eulogised the sterling qualities of their guest, and on behalf of his athletic admirers presented him with a handsome gold medal having crossed Mauser rifles in relief on the front, and on the back an appropriate, inscription. The guest, on rising to return thanks, was greeted with prolonged applause, the audience singing with great power “He's a jolly good fellow”. Songs were contributed during the evening by Messrs T. Low, F.G. Cray, and Corporal LOW. Messrs Collins and Graham acted as M.C.s, and the music was supplied by Messrs Himmel and Beath.
Otago Daily Times, 23rd July 1901
The Ravensbourne Boating and Football Clubs gave a reception to Corporal James LOW, of Ihe fourth contingent, in the local boating shed, on Wednesday, July 17, at which he was presented with a gold Maltese cross.


Surname: LOW
Reg No: 1018
Given Names: James Ireland
Contingent: Fourth
Rank: Private
Unit: No 9 Company
Joined from: none
County/City: Dunedin suburb
Age: 24 years, 4 months
Occupation: Flour Miller
Ship: “Monowai”, 20 March 1900
Address: Ravensbourne, Dunedin
Next of Kin: Low, Mrs J.
Next of Kin Address: Ravensbourne
Relationship to Soldier: unknown