County: County Durham
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 00/11/1900
Number issued: ?
Medals, suitably inscribed, to:
South Shields Volunteers, etc.
"Each of the men might also be presented with a suitably inscribed medal, which, as a token of public appreciation of their noble and self-sacrificing work, would naturally become a much-prized family heirloom". Were these medals presented?
On their return in May 1901, these men received gold medals from Gateshead. Accordingly, therefore, it seems South Shields did not present tributes.
Newcastle Courant, 10th November 1900
There is to be another patriotic demonstration in South Shields when the local volunteers serving at the Cape return home. A committee to organise the reception has this week been formed, and they will start their work with a number of promises of substantial monetary support. It is pleasing to know that the demonstration will not be simply of an evanescent kind. An effort is to be made to obtain a permanent memorial. This, it is expected, will be placed in a public position and bear the names of those who are to be honoured. Each of the men might also be presented with a suitably inscribed medal, which, as a token of public appreciation of their noble and self-sacrificing work, would naturally become a much-prized family heirloom. It were better far to celebrate the noble deeds of the local heroes by the establishment of public and private records than by promiscuous feasting and drinking.
Jarrow Express, 31st May 1901
The Home-coming of the South Shields Volunteers.
On Wednesday a meeting of the South Shields Volunteer Reception Committee was held – Dr Crosby in the chair – when final arrangements were made for welcoming the local members of the 5th V.B.D.L.I., who are returning from South Africa. Thet are expected tomorrow, Saturday, though the time of arrival is not definitely known. On arrival at Newcastle the men will march to the Barracks, where they will give in their arms, after which they will proceed to Gateshead, and will each receive a gold medal.
The South Shields contingent will then travel by train to their destination, and will be received by the Mayor and Corporation and the local reception committee. A procession will be formed headed by the mounted police, after whom will come the 5th Durham Band. Following the band will march the active service contingent, and next in order will be the South Shields detachment of the 5th V.B.D.L.I., under the command of Captain John Taylor, the Mayor and Corporation, and the Reception Committee. Other volunteers in uniform are invited to take part in the procession. The route will be by the Mile End Road, Fowler Street, Meldon Terrace, and Stanhope Road, to the Drill Hall, where they will be entertained.
Parent Category: Tribute medals
Category: S
Hits: 651