State: Victoria, Australia
Issued on: Departure and Return
Dates of presentations: 04/02/1900 (departure), 08/12/1900, abt. 12/06/1901
Number issued: 3


Gold medals/lockets, to:

04/02/1900 presentation (departure; medal)

3rd Victorian (Bushmen's) Contingent –

531 Lance-Corporal Thomas Edward THOMSON

Presentation made by Mr D.J. Duggan, M.L.A., in the Golden Age Hotel, Tarnagulla.

08/12/1900 presentation (return; medal)

2nd Victorian (Mounted Rifles) Contingent –

251 Private Simon William STRAHAN

Presentation made by Mr D.J. Duggan (Minister of Lands), in the Town Hall, Tarnagulla.

Abt. 12/06/1901 presentation (return; locket)

3rd Victorian (Bushmen's) Contingent –

531 Lance-Corporal Thomas Edward THOMSON

Presentation made by the Mayor (Mr Williams), at the Town Hall, Tarnagulla.


Departure medal inscribed: "Presented to Mr T. Thomson by Tarnagulla patriots on the eve of his departure for South Africa. 3/2/1900".


Note: Private Thomson received both a departure medal and a return locket.


Bendigo Independent, 6th February 1900


TARNAGULLA, Monday, Feb. 5.

Mr T. THOMSON, who has volunteered and been accepted for service in the Bushmen’s Corps now being got ready for South Africa, was tendered a complimentary send off at the Golden Age Hotel last night, The mayor of the borough (Mr J.S. Simpson) occupied the chair, and there were also present the Hon. Thos. Comrie, M.L.C., Mr D.J. Duggan, M.L.A., several of the Bet Bet Shire and Tarnagulla Borough councillors, and a large gathering of friends and well-wishers. Mr THOMSON was complimented on the step he had taken in volunteering to fight for his Queen and country. All wished him success in his undertaking and a safe return. Several of the speakers became quite enthusiastic and delivered patriotic speeches, and loyal songs were rendered by several of those present. The toast of “Our Guest”, which was proposed by the Hon. T. Comrie, M.L.C., was received with cheers and drunk with musical honours. On rising to respond Mr THOMSON was accorded a most hearty reception, and said he would endeavour to do his duty faithfully and satisfactorily. Mr THOMSON was made the recipient of a pretty gold medal, which bore the following inscription: – “Presented to Mr T. Thomson by Tarnagulla patriots on the eve of his departure for South Africa. 3/2/1900”. The presentation was made by Mr D.J. Duggan, M.L.A.  Mr THOMSON is very popular here amongst all classes. He has purchased his own horse, etc., and placed it at the disposal of the Government. He left for Melbourne by train this morning, and was accorded a most hearty send-off by a number of friends who had assembled at the station to see him off, cheers being given for him as the train steamed out.
Melbourne Argus, 10th December 1900


An enthusiastic reception was accorded Private STRAHAN on his return home on Saturday, when he was met at the railway station by the mayor and councillors of the borough, Mr Comrie, M.L.C., and Mr D.T. Duggan (Minister of Lands). The brass band, the fire brigade, and the members of the rifle club and the school children also met the train and there were nearly a thousand people at the station. At the town hall Private STRAHAN was heartily welcomed home by the mayor, and Mr Comrie, Mr W. Skelton (president of the Australian Natives Association) and the Rev. A McLellan. Mr Duggan presented the guest, on behalf of the people of Tarnagulla, with a handsome gold medal. Private STRAHAN, amidst cheers acknowledged the hearty reception and presentation.
Melbourne Age, 14th June 1901


Lance-Corporal THOMSON, of the Victorian Bushmen, who returned by the Morayshire, was accorded a most hearty reception. He was met at the station by the mayor and councillors, fire brigade, rifle club, school children, and about 300 townspeople. A procession, headed by the Inglewood Federal Band, escorted him to the town hall, where congratulatory speeches were made. The mayor (Mr Williams) presented Lance-Corporal THOMSON, on behalf of the residents of the town and district, with a gold locket. On Wednesday evening, he was entertained at a social in the reserve pavilion.