County: Cumberland
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 07/05/1901
Number issued: 6 or 7
Gold medals, to:
7191 Private Addison GRAHAM
3916 Trooper Richard O'MALLEY
Presentation made by the Mayor (Councillor J. Davis), in the Town Hall, Whitehaven.

Engraving on the inner cuvette of the gold watch presented to Sergeant-Major Allen.
On Tuesday night the Whitehaven Volunteers, who returned from the front last week, were together with a few members of the Yeomanry, Militia, and Army Reservists, entertained at the Town Hall to supper while the Volunteers were each presented with a gold medal. The invited guests were as follows: –
Pvts. J. BRAGG, R. WYLIE, J. HORNSBY, and A. GRAHAM, of the Whitehaven Rifle Volunteers, Sergt. W. COWMAN and Trooper Richard O’MALLEY, of the Cumberland and Westmorland Yeomanry, Pvts. J. LITTLE, 101 George Street; J. DONALD, 26 Back Row, Newhouses; and P. McQUILLIAM, 10 James’ Place, West Strand, Militia Reservists; [Sergeant-]Major ALLAN, Cumberland and Westmorland Yeomanry (permanent staff), who since his return from South Africa, has been acting in place of Sergt. Major DORAN, who is still at the front; Pvts AINSWORTH (P.C.), Granary Yard; A. HUGHAN, Longmire’s Court, Queen Street; DORAN, 67 High Queen Street; and ALLAN, 2 Todhunter’s Buildings, Border Reservists; Pvt. J. CRONE, Greenbank, reservist, Grenadier Guards; Pvt. CORRIE, porter, Whitehaven Workhouse, reservist, of the Coldstream Guards; Pvt. J. GIBSON, 2 Lonsdale Street, Bransty, reservist, Northumberland Fusiliers; and Pvt. FOX, of Cowen’s Court, Peter Street, who is a regular soldier, and belongs to the Hussars. These so far as the Reception Committee could ascertain constitute all the soldiers who had returned from the front. Fourteen of the eighteen men invited were present, the absentees being Pvts. CRONE, CORRIE, LITTLE, and AINSWORTH.
The supper took place in the large Hall which had been decorated with flags, &c., draperies representing the National colours being effectively employed, while rifles with fixed bayonets were hung at various points along the walls. This work was carried out by Mr J. Dixon, Lowther Street, and the whole of the arrangements for the gathering by the Reception Committee. The supper was provided by Mrs Heckle of the Black Lion Hotel.
The Mayor (Councillor J. Davis) presided, and was supported by Mr T. Brown (town clerk), Mr Alderman Dees, Col. J.S. Ainsworth, Capt. J. Hope Brown, Surgeon-Capt. Dickson, Capt. Pattinson, Surgeon-Lieut. Matthews, Mr J. Arthur Jackson, Mr Wm. Dickinson, Rev. R. Duncan, ….. etc., etc.
……. The Mayor during an interval said he had been entrusted with the great honour of having to make on behalf of his fellow townsmen a presentation to each of the volunteers who had returned from active service. (Cheers). He had before him some gold medals inscribed with the names of the recipients and which had been provided in a most spontaneous manner by their fellow townsmen and by a few friends resident outside the borough. These were to be handed to the men, not in any way as a return for the great service they had rendered to the country in that dark hour when they volunteered for active service, but they hoped they might be a tangible memento for all time to come of the appreciation and regard and esteem in which they were held by their fellow townsmen. (Cheers). They rejoiced to think that those who had left them had been permitted to return to them. (Cheers). They hoped they would long be spared to remain active members of our citizen army and good fellow-townsmen. (Cheers).
Song, “Soldiers of the Queen”, Surgeon-Capt. Dickson.
The medals were presented to Sergt. W. COWMAN, Trooper Richard O’MALLEY, Pvts. J. BRAGG, R. WILEY, J. HORNSBY, and A. GRAHAM.
2994 Private Thomas William ALLAN
3977 Private John CRONE
7331 Private John CORRIE
???? Private J. GIBSON
4029 Trooper John FOX
2453 Private John DONALD
6238 [1233] Private Peter McQUILLIAM [McQuillan]