Winsford Boer War Tribute Medal


County: Cheshire
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 26/06/1901, 04/04/1902, 24/06/1902
Number issued: c. 29 (+11 for Committee members, etc.)


Silver or bronze medals, to:

26/06/1901 presentation

22nd (Cheshire) Company, 2nd Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
1681 Regimental Sergeant-Major W. BARRETT [Barratt] (Bronze)
1683 Sergeant Edwin HOPLEY
1698 Trooper Thomas BAXTER, Dutton Hall, Warrington (Bronze; absent)
1709 Trooper Alfred Amos CARRICK (died, Drachoender/Draghoender, 14/05/1900 - medal presented to his father)
1706 Trooper John Kemp COOKE
1727 Trooper [Dr] Walter Braithwaite FELTON (bronze)
1771 Trooper Herbert Perrott RIGBY

1778 Trooper Rowland STUBBS

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, Cheshire Regiment ["E" Company, 3rd V.B.C.R.] –
7335 Private R. BENNETT
7333 Private Samuel BENNETT
7330 Private Alfred HATTON
7332 Private S. HULSE
7347 Private W. JOHNSON (died, Bloemfontein, 11/03/1901 - medal presented to his father)
7506 Private Edward PLANT
7341 Private Osman RIGBY
7331 Private J.A. ROBERTS

7504 Private John TIMPERLEY

St John Volunteer Ambulance –
833 Orderly F. CURZON

834 Orderly D. McKELVIE

Presentation made by Lord Dundonald, in the new Drill Hall, Winsford.

Two types were issued: silver and bronze.

04/04/1902 presentation

100th Company, 5th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –

Captain James A. TURNER

Army Service Corps [from 4th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (Militia)] –

7402 Corporal John BECKETT (died, Middelberg, 05/02/1902 - medal presented to his father)

19th Hussars –

4628 Private Aaaron WALKER (died, Ladysmith, 23/12/1899 - medal presented to his father)

Presentation made by Mr J.P. Jackson in the Drill Hall, Winsford.

24/06/1902 presentation (all silver)

2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Cheshire Regiment ["E" Company, 3rd V.B.C.R.]
7509 Private Samuel BAKER
7503 Private Joseph BOOTH (absent)
7501 Private Thomas CARDEN
7505 Private Joseph GREEN (absent)
7508 Private John HANCOCK (absent)
7507 Private Charles HODGKINSON

7502 Private Reuben SUCH

Presentation made by the Mayor (Mr J.E. Reiss), in the Drill Hall, Winsford.




It seems likely that all the I.Y. recipients received a second medal each from NORTHWICH

Troopers Baxter, Carrick, Cooke, Rigby & Stubbs definitely received both medals.

Trooper Rigby received a third medal from the INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY.


A further 11 medals were presented to various War Relief Committee members, etc. SEE: WINSFORD - Relief of Wives & Families


THIS MEDAL WAS ISSUED BOTH IN SILVER AND IN BRONZE - "The silver ones were for the Yeomanry and Volunteers belonging to Winsford, and the others for those who had been associated with the town and had been connected with the 22nd Company Imperial Yeomanry".
As of April 2022, only one named bronze example has been seen, suggesting that it is the rarer of the two types. Two unnamed bronze medals have surfaced in recent years (1993 & 2020).
Type 1 (1901).
Obverse with trooper and infantryman, and the legend: "TRANSVAAL WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA 1900.1901."


Type 2 (1902).
Obverse with trooper and infantryman, and the legend: "TRANSVAAL WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA 1900.1901."

Note alterations to raised lettering: "A" becomes "AN"; "IN" becomes "ON".

Type 3 (Memorial).
Obverse with trooper and infantryman, and the legend: "TRANSVAAL WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA 1900.1901."

Reverse: "Presented / BY THE TOWN OF WINSFORD / AS A SOUVENIR / OF THE PATRIOTISM & VALOUR / of Corporal John Beckett / of the 4th Royal Warwick Militia Regiment, who / served in the Transvaal / & died at Middelsburg [sic] / FEB:5:1902".

Type 4 (Memorial).
Obverse with trooper and infantryman, and the legend: "TRANSVAAL WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA 1900.1901."
Reverse: "Presented / BY THE TOWN OF WINSFORD / AS A SOUVENIR / OF THE / PATRIOTISM & VALOUR / of Pte Aaaron Walker / of the 19th Hussars, who / served in the Transvaal / & died at Ladysmith / DEC:23:1899".

Issued in fitted cases, with retailer's name: "Thomas Ottley, Birmingham".




Private Timperley example included in the African Museum's "Commemorative Medals of the Z.A.R." exhibition, 17/11/1958 - 11/12/1958 (Dr F.K. Mitchell Collection).
Unnamed BRONZE version sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 12/05/1993, for £170.
Captain Turner example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 10/10/1995 (£430), 16/12/2003 (£550), and 23/09/2011 (£2,100).
Sergeant Hopley example sold through Dix Noonan Webb, 18/09/1998, for £330.
Trooper Baxter BRONZE example sold through City Coins, 19/10/2018.
Private Timperley example illustrated in Hibbard.

Private Walker example illustrated in Hibbard.



Runcorn Guardian, 23/01/1901 (nominal roll, 2nd V.A.S.C.)
Manchester Courier, 23/02/1901 (departure of 2nd V.A.S.C.)
Chester Courant, 19/06/1901
Northwich Guardian, 26/06/1901
Manchester Courier, 27/06/1901
Northwich Guardian, 07/06/1902
Smith, Anna H., Commemorative Medals of the Z.A.R., 1958, p.86
Hibbard #A27
City Coins, 19/10/2018
Runcorn Guardian, 23rd January 1901


A prompt response has been made by the men of the Winsford Company of the 3rd Cheshire Volunteer Battalion to the Government’s call for Volunteers and many hours had not elapsed after the publication of the notice before Sergeant-Instructor Robinson had the privilege of booking six names. Seven men have been in receipt of reserve pay since February last, and it is daily expected that these will be called up. Already the company is represented at the front by eleven of its members. This is not a bad record for a company of only 105 all ranks, and few, if any, can boast of such practical patriotism. The names of the Reserve Volunteers are: –

Joseph BOOTH, Moss Bank, Over, married.
John HANCOCK, Weaver Street, married.
Samuel BAKER, Princess Street, married.
Thomas CARDIN, Wharton.
Charles HODGKINSON, Winnington Street.
Joseph GREEN, Chapel Street.
Reuben SUCH, National Works.
Manchester Courier, 23rd February 1901 (departure of 2nd V.A.S.C.)


Much patriotism was displayed last evening at Winsford on the occasion of the departure of Privates BOOTH, HODGKINSON, GREEN, SUCH, HANCOCK, BAKER, and CARDEN, of the 3rd Cheshire Volunteers, for Chester, whence they leave on Sunday evening for Southampton en route to the front. The procession started from Over Board Schools, and was headed by the Volunteer band and accompanied by the chairman of the Council, Mr Prince Lewis, and a large crowd of people. As the train steamed out of the station the band struck “Auld Lang Syne”.
Runcorn Guardian, 4th May 1901 (return of the 1st V.A.S.C.)


On the country’s call for volunteers, Winsford people were rightly proud to learn that they had amongst their number men of sufficient patriotism and courage to respond, and take their share in facing the almost insuperable difficulties which the forces of this country had to contend with in South Africa. Out of the number who eagerly sent in their names only seven were selected in the first instance, namely, Pvtes. JOHNSON, HULSE, ROBERTS, RIGBY, R. and S. BENNETT and HATTON. The others were placed on the reserve, and anxiously awaited their turn. …….

Winsford’s interest in the local men on the veldt has not been of a fleeting character. Led by such stalwart champions at the Mayor of Over (Mr J.E. Ross), and the Recorder of Over (Mr J.H. COOKE), those left behind had been encouraged in the remembrance of the brave lads, and the duty that devolved upon them of making provision for the dependents has been faithfully and conscientiously carried out. A deep and lasting interest has been taken in the local Tommys, who must have whispered many blessings towards the Winsford people on the receipt of comforts, regularly sent. With Mrs MARSHALL, as hon. secretary, the Ladies’ Committee has also done kind and benevolent acts for the local warriors, which have been heartily appreciated. Every care has been taken to alleviate as far as possible the many pains and sufferings attendant on a long campaign, and each Volunteer from Winsford, in letters home, has tendered his most heartfelt thanks for the kindness shown towards him. …….

……. The leading citizens were in the Town Hall anticipating a meeting respecting the transfer of the Gas Works to the local authority, but on receipt of the happy intelligence that the men were at the station, the meeting was promptly adjourned to Thursday night. The gentlemen then proceeded to the station, and there the brave warriors were surrounded by hundreds of admirers. Ultimately a procession was formed, the Volunteer Band leading the way. After this came the conveyance containing the khaki-clad heroes. Mr R. Oakes, the mace-bearer, preceded the councillors, and the rear was brought up by the E Company of the 3rd Volunteers, under Colour-Sergeant-Instructor Robinson. …….

New Road, High Street, and Dingle Lane having been traversed, the company entered the new Drill Hall, and it was particularly appropriate that it should have been used for the first time on such an occasion. The body of the hall was set apart for the general public, and hundreds gained admittance.

The gallery was reserved for the soldiers and their relatives and friends, and in a very short time all available space was occupied. The scene was one of animation, and everyone seemed delighted to be associated with the joyous event. The appearance of Mr J.P. Jackson, the vice-chairman of the Council, followed by Mr COOKE and the heroes in the gallery, was the signal for cheering, which was continued for some time. The honoured eight occupied the seats in the centre, within view of all.

Mr Jackson addressing the company said he had to sound a note of regret on behalf of the Chairman of the Urban Council, who was unable to be present with them that evening. He had gone to Algiers, to recruit his health, otherwise he would have been present as the chief citizen, to welcome home their brave representatives. In another capacity he would also have been glad to have been there, and that as father of one of those they welcomed home. (Hear, hear and applause). The following telegram handed in at London from Mr Reiss was read by Mr Jackson – “Congratulate the brave fellows on their return from South Africa. Regret much not being with you. They have done their duty more than most of us can boast of”. Continuing, Mr Jackson again assured the gallant band of their high appreciation of the noble services they had rendered in South Africa, and thought it very creditable that out of a small town such a large number should have volunteered. They had done their duty well, and it was a source of very great gratitude indeed to them that they had returned looking so well and none the worse apparently for all the hardships they had undergone. He submitted for their approval the following resolution: – “That the town of Winsford heartily congratulates Privates RIGBY, R. BENNETT, S. BENNETT, TIMPERLEY, PLANT, ROBERTS, HATTON, and HULSE, of the E Company of the 3rd Cheshire Volunteer Regiment, on their patriotism and valour in responding to the call of the country, and proceeding to South Africa to vindicate the claims, exigencies, and defence of the Empire, and desires to tender to them our hearty appreciation of their valuable services, and to assure them of our hearty welcome on their return to Winsford. We sincerely deplore the loss which has happened to one of the company, and we respectfully tender to his family our sincerest sympathy in the bereavement which they have sustained”.

The Volunteer Band then struck up “Let me like a Soldier fall”, followed by “The Vacant Chair”.

……. Mr COOKE, who was received with cheers, said it was with very great pleasure that he supported the resolution. It was a delight indeed to receive the men from Africa in that new building which was being used for the first time. They were delighted to know that they had come through all the hardships they had had to undergo, and were now safe back at their homes. They had always been considering about their welfare, wondering how they were going on, and whether they should come back safely. As the resolution stated, one, unfortunately, had not been able to come back. He had been left behind in South Africa. Those who had come back ought to be deeply thankful, and he was sure their parents were delighted to see them. Moreover, those present when the resolution was put to them, would show their testimony and thanks to the brave fellows in their midst. They would be further delighted to learn that the War Fund Committee had sent a donation to each parent with a view to the men being entertained. The same committee also hoped to have the pleasure of sending the men away for a week’s rest to the sea-side, so that they might enjoy themselves after their arduous labours in South Africa. (Loud applause).

Private RIGBY was the first to respond. He said: People of Winsford, I heartily thank you for the welcome you have given us today on our return home. (Applause).

Private R. BENNETT also spoke.

Private ROBERTS observed: I am pleased to come back and see the old faces in Winsford. I heartily thank the Ladies’ Committee and all the others for what they have done for us.

Private PLANT had very great pleasure in seeing Winsford people’s faces again. He hoped they would thank the Winsford Committee for all they had done for them, and particularly the Ladies’ Committee. (Laughter and applause).

The proceedings concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.
Northwich Guardian, 29th June 1901


At half-past ten Lord Dundonald re-entered the room, and was again heartily cheered. The distribution of medals, subscribed to by the town in recognition of the services of the Yeomen and Volunteers, then took place.

Mr Cooke occupied the chair, and explained that there were two classes of medals – silver and bronze ones. The silver ones were for the Yeomanry and Volunteers belonging to Winsford, and the others for those who had been associated with the town and had been connected with the 22nd Company Imperial Yeomanry. For instance, Dr FELTON, who resided in this district originally, went out as a trooper, and not only did his work as a trooper, but also as a surgeon, without any pay. They were recognising his services and a few others like Sergeant-Major BARRATT. Mr Cooke then called out the names of the recipients: –

Sergeant-Major BARRATT
Sergeant HOPLEY
Trooper H.P. RIGBY
Trooper J.K. COOKE
Trooper STUBBS
Trooper Dr FELTON
Father of Trooper CARRICK (deceased)
Private HULSE
Private S. BENNETT
Private O. RIGBY
Private PLANT
Private R. BENNETT
Private HATTON
Father of Private JOHNSON (deceased)
Private (Ambulance) F. CURZON

Private (Ambulance) D. McKELVIE

As each man ascended the platform he was loudly cheered. In handing them the town’s gift, Lord Dundonald had a personal chat with each as to his South African experiences, and in the case of the parents of CARRICK and JOHNSON he offered consoling words, and warmly shook them by the hand.

Mr Cooke thought his lordship had distributed the medals to the satisfaction of everybody. (Hear, hear). Winsford had been exceptionally honoured in his visiting the town, and he was sure those present would give him three hearty cheers, and that would be some recompense and some recognition for the trouble he had taken.

The cheers were enthusiastically given, followed by the singing of “For he’s a jolly good fellow”.

On silence being restored, Lord Dundonald said it had been an intense pleasure to him to distribute the medals to those great men. It was a sort of medal he prized, and he envied them. It was a recognition of the town that their duty had been well done, and, moreover, was a gift they might hand down from generation to generation. (Loud applause). …….


On one side of the medal was the figure of a Yeoman on horse back and a Volunteer, and around the border the words: The Transvaal War in South Africa, 1900-1901. The reverse, in the case of the Volunteers, contained the inscription: “Presented by the town of Winsford to _______ in recognition of his patriotism and valour in serving in the Transvaal War as Private in the V.C. 2nd Cheshire Regiment”; and in the case of the Yeomanry: “Presented by the town of Winsford to _______ in recognition of his patriotism and valour in serving in the Transvaal War as a Trooper in the 22nd Imperial Yeomanry”.
Northwich Guardian, 27th November 1901


We are pleased to note that Mr Herbert P. RIGBY, son of Mr John Rigby, chairman of the Urban Council, Greville Lodge, Winsford, has passed the intermediate examination conducted under the auspices of the Incorporated Law Society. It will be remembered that young Mr Rigby was for a year and a half in South Africa as a trooper in the Cheshire Yeomanry, and the fact that he has only been at home five months, and that more than three could not have been spent in the preparatory studies, makes the success all the more gratifying. He is articled to Mr J.H. Cooke, Winsford.
Northwich Guardian, 9th April 1902

The Chairman then presented Captain TURNER with a silver medal, from the town, amid applause. On one side of the medal were troopers on horseback and round the border “Transvaal War in South Africa 1900-1901”, and on the other “Presented by the town of Winsford to Captain James A. Turner in recognition of his patriotism and valour in serving in the Transvaal War as an officer on the staff”.

Captain Turner expressed his thanks for the town’s recognition of his services, and briefly narrated one or two war incidents to the intense gratification of the large audience. He also expressed his sympathy with the parents of Corporal BECKETT and Private WALKER, and encouraged them to think that the men had died for a good cause.

The Chairman then handed the medals to the parents named. They were similar in pattern to the one he presented to Captain TURNER. One bore the inscription: – “presented by the town of Winsford as a souvenir of the patriotism and valour of Corporal John Beckett, of the 4th Royal Warwickshire Militia Regiment, serving in the Transvaal, and died at Middelsburg [sic], February 5th, 1902”. The other bore the words: – “Presented by the town of Winsford as a souvenir of the patriotism and valour of Private Aaron Walker, of the 19th Hussars, serving in the Transvaal, and died at Ladysmith, December 23rd, 1899”.
Runcorn Guardian, 28th June 1902

Mr Reiss then presented silver medals to the following – Privates Thomas CARDEN, Charles HODGKINSON, Samuel BAKER, Joseph GREEN, and Reuben SUCH.

The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Relief Fund Committee were also desirous of recognising the valuable help and assistance given by the following ladies and gentlemen in the administration of the fund during the years from and including 1899 to 1902, and accordingly the following were the recipients: – Miss THRELFALL, Tilstone Lodge, near Tarporley, who by the aid of the county fund and with considerable trouble, had seen to the requirements of the wives and families of Yeomanry and Volunteers who required assistance in Over; Colonel KENNEDY, Brook Side, Sandbach, who had in the same way nobly assisted the wives and families of the Yeomanry and Volunteers in Wharton; Mr REISS, as chairman of the committee; Mr J.H. COOKE, as hon. secretary to the committee; Mrs MARSHALL, as hon. secretary to the Ladies’ Committee; Messrs W. KISSOCK for special services in despatching parcels to the front; W. SHAW for special services in payment of relief; J.G. DODD, J.B. SMALLWOOD, W.G. BATES, for assistance rendered to the committee; the WINSFORD VOLUNTEER BANDMASTER for assistance rendered.

Mr COOKE read the following letter addressed to himself by Miss M.E. THRELFALL, secretary, Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families’ Association, Eddisbury Division: – “24, Cadogan Gardens, S.W., June 23, 1902. I feel greatly honoured by the beautiful medal the inhabitants of Winsford have been so kind as to give me. Will you express to them my warm thanks, and my regret at being unable to attend the banquet. My most sincere thanks are also due to you and the committee for the invaluable help you have given me, without which the work could never have been so thoroughly carried out. We all feel that the little we have been able to do for the soldiers’ families is but a small return to those brave men for the immense hardships and dangers they have endured in their country’s cause. I shall prize my beautiful medal all my life.
Northwich Cooke 001 descreen s
Cooke, John H., "5,000 Miles with the Cheshire Yeomanry in South Africa", p. 369
Cooke, John H., "5,000 Miles with the Cheshire Yeomanry in South Africa", pp. 280 & 281.
 Carrick 001 a s
1709 Trooper Alfred Amos CARRICK (died, Draghoender, 14/05/1900)