County: South Yorkshire
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 30/08/1902
Number issued: 3
Gold medals, to:
6877 Sergeant Frederick William JONES
1802 Private George BETTS
Reverse: "PRESENTED TO / Fred Jones / BY THE / W.W.M.C & I. / STATION RD / Aug. 30. '02".

On Saturday night the members of the Station Road Workingmen’s Club and Institution assembled to pay a tribute of respect and admiration to three Wombwell men, who have served in South Africa, namely, Privates Geo. BETTS and Wm. GASCOYGNE and Sergeant F.W. JONES. All the men were members of the club prior to going to the front, and when leaving England were given a splendid “send-off” by the institute. In the afternoon a grand meat tea was provided, about 100 members sitting down to the repast. The gathering at night was presided over by the president, Mr H. Buckley, who was supported by officers of the club, Mr Councillor W. Lincoln, Mr W. Stevenson (secretary), Mr J. Pashley, Mr Allen Ogden, and others. Mr Councillor F. Sokell was unavoidably prevented from attending, the Chairman reading the following letter: “Hong Lane, August 30th, 1902. Mr Stevenson. Dear Sir, – I am sorry not to be able to be with you this evening. I trust you will have a jovial time, as I feel sure you will show your appreciation to the returned warriors for their services rendered for their country out in South Africa. Again allow me to apologise for non-attendance, and remain, yours truly, F. SOKELL”. – The usual loyal toasts were proposed from the Chairman. – Mr Stevenson proposed the “Town and Trade of Wombwell”, which was responded to by Mr R. Cattle. – Mr Councillor Lincoln presented the medals, which were solid gold, star design, with a miniature shield in the centre, and suitably inscribed. They were supplied by Mr J. Ogden, jeweller, of High Street. – Mr J. Pashley supported the presentations, after which each recipient suitably responded. – Songs were rendered at intervals by various members of the company. – At the close Mr Allen Ogden moved a vote of thanks to the steward and stewardess and the committee, and the singing of the National Anthem concluded a very enjoyable night. – Sergeant F.W. JONES, 2nd Volunteer Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, left England in January, 1900. Private George BETTS (reservist), 3rd Batt. Grenadier Guards, went out in December, 1899. Private W.H. GASCOYGNE (reservist), 21st Lancers, afterwards transferred to the 17th Lancers, went out on January 20th, 1900.
Wombwell’s Heroes.
The memorial tablet has been erected upon the Station Road side of Wombwell Town Hall. It is of white and grey marble, and is flanked by carved figures, representing the volunteer-man at the front. An obligation to tell the truth forbids one to say the figures are well-carved. It they in any way resembled the Wombwell volunteers, then Wombwell volunteers went to the front suffering terribly from gout. The memorial records the fact that some 45 men went out from Wombwell to South Africa, and that two Wombwell men died there in their country’s service.
The actual inscription upon the tablet runs: –
“This tablet is erected by the people of Wombwell, in appreciation of the loyalty and patriotism of their fellow-townsmen named below, who so nobly responded to the call to arms, for their Sovereign and Country, during the Boer War, 1899 to 1902”.
Then follow the names of the two Wombwell men who died in South Africa: J.T. TABOR, 2nd V.B. Y. and L. Regt., died at Newcastle. T. WILSON, King’s R.R., died at Ladysmith. The names of the 43 men who survived the campaign and have returned to Wombwell, were inscribed below.
……. Lieutenant-Colonel Mitchell then, in a few well-chosen words, presented the tablet to the Urban District Council, on behalf of whom Mr W. Washington accepted the gift.