Great Yarmouth Boer War Tribute Medal


County: Norfolk
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 18/05/1901, 02/06/1902, abt. Aug 1902 [?]
Number issued: 34 or 41 (incl. 2 for deceased)


Gold or silver badges, to:

18/05/1901 presentation (gold)

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
Captain Walter DIVER

18/05/1901 presentation (silver)

1st Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
5475 Sergeant Sydney John OWLES
5477 Corporal [Sergeant] C.J. HARRISON (invalided)
5476 Corporal Charles Barwick DIVER (invalided)
5485 Bugler William VINCE (absent - in S. Africa)
5500 Private Thomas Arthur BEECHING
5498 Private Charles BRETT (absent – escorting POWs to India)
5602 Private E. DOWNING [A. Downing] (absent)
5483 Private Leonard Harper FRENCH
5490 Private Percy Barker FRERE
5479 Private George Frank HEWITT (invalided)
5497 Private Arthur Colin LAY (invalided)
5480 Private Arthur John NICHOLLS
5484 Private Thomas William NICHOLLS
5492 Private Ephriam G. NOCKLES (invalided)
5502 Private Oswald James Richard OLLEY
5478 Private Walter Philip Raven PRATT (invalided)
5499 Private Percy TILLEY
5493 Private Herbert Benjamin TYRRELL
5489 Private William Hastings VEALE
5483 Private R.C. VINCE (died, Bloemfontein, 26/01/1901 - did his family receive a medal?)
5488 Private Herbert Victor WARD (absent - in S. Africa, with I.L.H.)

5481 Private Richard WOODEN

Presentation made by the Mayoress, in front of the Town Hall, Yarmouth.

02/06/1902 presentation (gold)

2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
Captain A.W.M. ATTHILL

02/06/1902 presentation (silver)

2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
6798 Sergeant Arthur John FELMINGHAM
6810 Lance-Corporal A.J. FELMINGHAM
6816 Lance-Corporal [Private] A. FORDER (died, Pretoria, 03/05/1901 - did his family receive a badge?)
6823 Private W. BECKETT (absent)
6826 Private R. BLAKE (absent)
6809 Private Herbert Edward HASTINGS (absent - serving with the Orange River Scouts)
6815 Private Allden Edward OWLES
6812 Private Hugh Augustus PLAYFORD
6804 Private Percy Octavous POOLEY

6808 Private A.G. SELF

Presentation made by the Mayor (Colonel Walter DIVER, who had commanded the 1st V.A.S.C.), in the minor hall of the Royal Aquarium, Great Yarmouth.

Potential 1902 presentation (gold)

3rd Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
Lieutenant Harry DIVER

Potential 1902 presentation (silver)

3rd Volunteer Active Service Company, 2nd Bn. Norfolk Regiment [2nd V.B.N.R.] –
6875 Sergeant Arnold Eugene MAAS
6874 Corporal George C. ABSOLON
6878 Corporal S.L. GLANFIELD
6876 Private Arthur James GOLDSMITH
6871 Private William PYLE

6872 Private Charles Edward SHARMAN

I have been unable to find any report of a presentation to 3rd Service Company Volunteers. However, it seems likely that these men will have received badges, given that the presentation to the 2nd Company had taken place only two months before the return of the 3rd.
The Eastern Evening News (02/08/1902) states: "There will be no demonstration at Yarmouth in connection with the return of the 3rd Service Company of Norfolk Volunteers, and the local men are coming home independently". 

Type 1 (1901; 1900 hallmarks).

Obverse with the civic arms and motto of the borough (in enamels): "REX ET NOSTRA JURA / GT. YARMOUTH".

Reverse: "FROM THE MAYOR / C.S. ORDE / HOME AGAIN / MAY 1901".

Type 2 (1902; 1901 hallmarks).
Obverse with the civic arms and motto of the borough (in enamels): "REX ET NOSTRA JURA / GT. YARMOUTH".
Reverse: "HOME AGAIN / May 1902 / FROM / COL. DIVER / Mayor".

"The memento is a very elegant shield shaped silver badge, which bears enamelled in proper emblazonry on one side the civic arms with the borough motto, 'REX ET NOSTRA JURA', and on the opposite side, 'From the Mayor, C.S. Orde, Home again, May, 1901'".

Supplied by Aldred & Son, George Street, Yarmouth.
Note: Lieutenant Harry Diver and Corporal Charles Barwick Diver each received a second medal from the Incorporated Law Society.
Type 2 example sold on eBay, 09/02/2025, for £550.



Yarmouth 2 Jun 1902




Eastern Daily Press, 02/08/1902 (nominal roll, 3rd V.A.S.C.)
Bosleys Auctioneers, 14/04/1997
NAM. 1997-11-16
eBay, 09/02/2025
Information and images provided by Paul Dunn
Information provided by Rob Carman
East Anglian Times, 20th May 1901

He [the Mayor] had to ask them to accept a small memento of the occasion, which the Mayoress would present to them. (Applause). After three ringing cheers had been given for Capt. DIVER and his men, the Mayoress presented each man with an enamel and silver badge, bearing the coat-of-arms of the borough, and engraved on the back: “From the Mayor, C.S. Orde. Home again. May, 1901”.

As Capt. DIVER came forward to receive his memento, which was in gold, the bronzed officer was greeted with a salvo of cheers, which were repeated for each of the men.
Norwich Mercury, 25th May 1901


The Yarmouth members of the Norfolk Volunteer Service Company arrived at Vauxhall Station on Saturday from Norwich. Their train was timed to come in at 10.42, but actually steamed up to the platform a few minutes earlier. They were met by the headquarter companies 2nd V.B.N.R., under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. Taylor, and the First Position Battery N.V.A. (E.D.R.A.), commanded by Captain T.P. Devlin, and several soldiers who have been invalided home, one of whom, Private HARDING, of Gorleston, had been on service with the British forces in China. Outside the station there was an immense crowd, and the cheering as the men from the front appeared was most enthusiastic. The Mayor and Mayoress, most of the members of the Town Council, and a very large company received Captain W. DIVER and his command at the main entrance to the Town Hall, where a square was kept for the purpose by Colonel Aylmer, and the Royal Artillery Garrison. Business establishments and private residences being gay with flags, the balconies filled with ladies, the spacious Quay crowded with people, and the sun shining brilliantly from a blue sky, the scene was a most striking one. Along the entire front of the Hall were displayed in gigantic letters of blue on white the words “Welcome Home”. In a feeling speech the Mayor expressed the town’s high appreciation of the services rendered by the Volunteers of the Active Service Company, and the public gladness in having them home once more. Captain DIVER having made a grateful reply, the Mayoress handed to each returning Volunteer a silver memento, bearing the inscription: – “From the Mayor, C.S. Orde. Home again, May, 1901”. On the opposite side are the arms of the borough in enamel. In response to a call from Captain DIVER, the Mayor, Mayoress, and Corporation were loudly cheered. The Mayor asked for cheers for Captain DIVER and his men, and again came from every part of the throng a great outburst of jubilation. Thousands of people accompanied the Volunteers in their triumphal progress through Regent Street and King Street to their old head-quarters, the York Road Drill Hall, where Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor addressed them, and Captain DIVER, in reply, expressed his readiness to lead another Norfolk Volunteer Company to the front if required.
Yarmouth Independent, 25th May 1901


The magnificent reception the Yarmouth Active Service Company received at Norwich, which we fully reported in our columns last week, was repeated in earnest at Yarmouth on Saturday morning, when the inhabitants turned out en masse to greet their khaki clad soldier boys upon their return to their native town after an absence of fifteen long months. The train was due at Vauxhall Station at 10.40, but long before that time the town was all animation, flags were displayed in all the principal streets, and the route the men were to take was made particularly brilliant. Most of the large business establishments temporarily closed their shops, and for the time being nothing was thought of beyond giving the volunteers an enthusiastic reception in order to show that the admiration of our townspeople for pluck and heroism of her soldier boys had in no way diminished since they had given them so fine a send-off on their departure. Consequently immense crowds assembled at the Vauxhall Station and all along the North Quay, which was the route the men were to march. On the platform were assembled the members of the 2nd V.B.N.R., drawn up in double file under the command of Lieut.-Col. Taylor, the other officers present being Major P.G. Gilmour, Capt. Bond, Capt. C. O’Farrell, Lt. E.A. Combe, Lt. Gambling, Lt. P. Arnold, Lt. and Quartermaster A. Smith, Sergt.-Major Moorby and the Cyclist Company, under the command of Lt. W.E. Palmer. Later on the Artillery Volunteers, forming the 1st N.A.V. (E.D.R.A.), arrived, under Capt. Devlin and Lieut. Bayfield. Punctual to time the bursting of fog signals that had been placed on the railway line indicated the approach of the train, which steamed into the station amidst loud and enthusiastic cheers. Upon the Company detraining, Colonel W. DIVER, who commanded the Active Service Company, formed up the contingent, including Sergeant S.J. OWLES, Privates F.A. BEECHING, L.H. FRENCH, P.B. FRERE, O.J. OLLEY, P. TILLEY, A.J. NICHOLLS, W.B. TYRELL, R. WOODEN, W.H. VEALE, T.W. NICHOLS, and WARD. These were also joined by Corporal C.B. DIVER, Private W.B. PRATT, and Private F. HEWITT, Yarmouth men who had been invalided home, and Trooper F. BACON, of Lord Loch’s Scouts, Gunner S. LEAVOLD, R.G.A., and Trooper GAMBLING of Kitchener’s Horse (wounded), who had previously returned, all of whom were in khaki uniform. One of the two bands present struck up a lively air as they marched out of the station. Here they were greeted with cheer upon cheer, and the police had the greatest difficulty in keeping the enthusiastic crowd from breaking up the ranks. The large iron Suspension Bridge appeared to serve as a grandstand for the street Arabs, for agile youngsters were swarming amongst the iron girders, and many little pairs of feet were to be seen dangling from the arches above. The windows en route were filled with admiring spectators, and the empty railway trucks on the Hall Quay were crowded to excess. On the Hall Plain was a large collection of vehicles and a vast number of people, and in consequence all traffic was temporarily stopped. As the men forced their way through the crowd the bands were playing “Boys of the Old Brigade” and “Three Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue”, while the strains of the National Anthem rose as the column wheeled on to the plain fronting the Town Hall.



The scene upon the Hall Quay as the returning volunteers arrived was full of interest. The great square, with its enclosure of the stately Town Hall, hotels, banks, and stately public buildings, the trees in all the beauty of fresh spring foliage, and the river glittering in the sunshine, is a splendid vantage ground for anything like a demonstration, whether civic, naval, or military. On this occasion it was gaily decorated with flags, balconies were filled with ladies, there was a crowded platform outside the Hall, Lieut.-Col. Aylmer and the Royal Garrison Artillery kept a space clear for the welcome guests, and beyond stretched the people of every age and grade, in their thousands. The universal feeling was admirably and effectively summarized by the two simple words, “Welcome Home”, displayed in gigantic letters of blue on white along the North front of the Municipal pile.

Among the many who had gathered at the Hall we noticed the Mayor and Mayoress, the Deputy-Mayor ……., etc., etc.

A great burst of cheering heralded the approaching warriors, and presently while flags waved, handkerchiefs fluttered, bands played, and a chorus of voices continued the acclaim, as the bronzed and khaki-clad men so longed for and so warmly welcomed, led by Captain W. DIVER, streamed into the open space by the Hall, formed up into a line with other gallant men who had returned sick or wounded from the war, and saluted.

Greetings over, the Mayor said: – Captain DIVER and members of the Active Service Company, this is a day of days, the day of all others that we have been looking forward to for the last year and a half; a day, the recollection of which will never die in the memories of the inhabitants of Yarmouth. (Cheers). It is the day we have hoped for and prayed for, and now you are home again. What pleasanter words than these could you hear? Whenever one leaves home the return is always the pleasantest part. How much more must your return be pleasant after the perils you have passed through. You are our heroes – (cheers) – our gallant boys – (cheers) – the flower of the Yarmouth youth, who came forward and volunteered for service when the country had need of strong support. (Cheers). I can only add how very proud we are of you, and how more than pleased we are with, and to see you. (Cheers). You volunteered, led by the example of Captain DIVER, whose name – (cheers) – with that of all of you, will live in the memories of the inhabitants of Yarmouth. (Cheers). The enthusiasm you hear around you is not only a feeling of joy at your return, but expresses the pent-up feelings of the past year and a half. (Cheers). It is not too much to say that there is no one in this town who has not thought of you, hoped for you, and prayed for you during the past fifteen months. You have been in a warm corner or two when you were away, but there will be a warm corner for you in the heart of every inhabitant of the old town so long as we shall live. (Cheers). The Town Council desire me to tell you that they last Tuesday carried a resolution expressing their desire to place on record their high appreciation of the patriotism of Captain DIVER and the Yarmouth members of the Norfolk Volunteer Active Service Company, whom are now returning from South Africa, having so gallantly responded to the country’s call, and that this resolution be engrossed on vellum, sealed with the Corporate seal, and a copy thereof be presented to each of the Yarmouth members of the Norfolk Volunteer Active Service Company, and that the names of each of the Yarmouth members be recorded on a tablet, fittingly inscribed, to be placed in a suitable position within the Town Hall. We all most fervently hope that you may live long to enjoy the blessings of peace. Before you go I will ask you to accept a trifling memento of this occasion, which the Mayoress will present to each of you.

Hearty cheers were then given at the call of the Mayor for Captain DIVER and his men, the Mayor leading and waving his hat.

Captain DIVER, standing at the front of the khaki company, said: – We are deeply grateful for your warm words of welcome. We are not unmindful of the part the Mayor and Mrs Orde took in having met us already in Norwich, and they are again taking a leading part in welcoming us on our arrival in our native town today. We have been moving in an air of congratulations, and passing through lines of cheers that will never be forgotten by us. It would be impossible for me to find language adequately to thank you for what we have received. It will live in our memories till we shall be no more. (Cheers).

The presentation of mementoes then took place, Captain DIVER first received his, then Sergeant S.J. OWLES, after whom the other men received theirs from the Mayoress, who warmly shook each by the hand, and congratulated him on his safe return.

The memento is a very elegant shield shaped silver badge, which bears enamelled in proper emblazonry on one side the civic arms with the borough motto, “Rex et nostra jura”, and on the opposite side, “From the Mayor, C.S. Orde, Home Again, May, 1901”. This very charming and appropriate souvenir of a most interesting occasion was supplied by the well-known firm of Aldred & Son, George Street.

This pleasant ceremony ended, at the call of Captain DIVER the contingent cheered vigorously the Mayor and Mayoress and Corporation, and then followed another salvo for Captain DIVER, Mrs Diver, and the Active Service Company.
Norfolk News, 7th June 1902



On Monday at the minor hall of the Royal Aquarium the officers of the headquarter company of the 2nd V.B.N.R. entertained to a “welcome home” dinner the regimental section of the second service company which has just returned. The chair was appropriately taken by the Mayor, Colonel DIVER, who in addition to commanding the 2nd V.B.N.R., was the commandant of the first active service company of Norfolk Volunteers, and he was supported by Captain ATTHILL and the officers of the corps. The khaki-clad company had a position of honour at the centre table, and all around them, in addition to their comrades of the 2nd V.B.N.R. and the local Artillery Volunteers, were a great many townsmen, who thus added their tribute of recognition to the patriotic service of the returned volunteers. Mr J.W. Nightingale provided a magnificent menu, and introduced a novelty by giving each guest a tricolour flag, with which there was much patriotic display through the interesting evening. .......

....... The Mayor next distributed to Captain ATTHILL and each member of the company an interesting souvenir.
Eastern Evening News, 2nd August 1902


There will be no demonstration at Yarmouth in connection with the return of the 3rd Service Company of Norfolk Volunteers, and the local men are coming home independently.
Tablet in Yarmouth Town Hall
2nd VASC Norfolk Regt s
2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment (Atthill 1909, Frontispiece)
2nd VASC Norfolk Regt Atthill s
Captain A.W.M. Atthill, 2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Norfolk Regiment (Atthill 1909, facing p. 97)