State: Victoria, Australia
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 10/12/1900, 19/06/1901, 09/05/1902, 18/06/1902, 16/01/1903
Number issued: 9
19/06/1901 presentation
156 Private Robert Brookes PETERS
393 Private Ambrose GEARY
290 Private Hugh Addison FISHER
09/05/1902 presentation
1326 Private John Henry RICKARDS
18/06/1902 presentation
953 Private Alexander CLARK
16/01/1903 presentation
483 Trooper Henry John ARNDT
Inscribed (1901): "South Africa. To _______ , ________ contingent. From the residents of Yarragon, as a mementoof loyal services. 1901".
Private Rickards also received a locket from Golden Square Fire Brigade, Bendigo.
On Monday night last, the Yarragon Mechanics’ Institute was packed, the occasion being a welcome home and presentation to Private TAYLOR, who returned from South Africa, per Harlech Castle last week. There were also present Saddler Sergeant Allinson, and Private Payne, of Warragul. Private G. Tuff was in the chair.
Corporal G. Murray presented Private TAYLOR with handsome gold medal, the inscription of which was as follows: — "South Africa. Presented to C.T. Taylor, V.M.R., 1900. From the residents of Yarragon as a momento of his loyal services". It was indeed a proud time of his (Corporal Murray’s) life to make a presentation on behalf of the residents, to one for doing his duty for the Queen and Empire. He was proud at last the V.M.R. had done something for the Empire. He hoped the recipient would live long to wear and cherish it as a small momento of his loyal services (Loud Applause).
Private TAYLOR was so much overcome that he could not speak so Sergeant Saddler Allinson replied on his behalf. He thanked the residents for their kindness, and also for their handsome present, though he had only done his duty as a soldier and a man. He (the speaker) used to often look at TAYLOR and say “Well, Taylor, old man, you’ll never see Yarragon again". But he was one of those who had gone right through. He thanked them for their kindness, on behalf of the recipient (Applause).
The following programme was rendered during the evening: – Overture, Miss Tuff; song, Master Griffin; recitation, "Old Boer Rifleman", Mr Reynolds; song, "Sons of the Sea", Mr Whitford; reading, "Drawing Fire", written on the field of battle by one of the V.M.R., Saddler-Sergeant Allinson; song, "If all the Stars were Mine", Mrs White; song, "Soldiers of the Queen", Mr White; song, Mrs Hodgson; song, Master Griffin; song, Mr Calvert; song, "The Old Brigade", Mr Calvert; song, "There’s something in the English After All", Mr Nott; overture, Miss Nott; violin solo, Mrs White; song, "The Thoreditch Handicap", Mr White; song, "Red, White and Blue", G. Russell; song, Mrs White; recitation, "The Witnesses", Corporal Murray; song, "The Holy City", Mrs Tuff; song, "A Soldier and a Man", Mr Whitford; sailors hornpipe, Miss Chapman; song, "Sons of the Southern Sea", Mr Nott; song, Mr Nott; cheers for Private TAYLOR and the other returned soldiers present.
There was a liberal supply of refreshments on hand, which were generously donated by the ladies of the district.
It is proposed to give each Yarragon resident now at the front a similar present on his return home, the money being already in hand.
An event which will long live in the memories of the residents of Yarragon took place on Wednesday evening last, the occasion being a welcome home social tendered to our citizen soldiers from South Africa. Those in whose honor the social was tendered were Privates R.B. PETERS (2nd contingent), G. BELLMER and A. GEARY (Bushmen), and H. FISHER (2nd Queenslanders). There were also present on the stage other returned warriors, in the persons of Messrs L. GRIGGS (1st contingent), ALLINSON and LANCASTER (second), and also several of the members of the local detachment of V.M.R. The evening turned out to be very wet; in fact, the rain descended almost incessantly, but notwithstanding the weather, there must have been fully 150 people present, as over £7 was taken at the door. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion, with flags, for the loan of which the thanks of all are due to Mr T. Nurse, whilst the words " Welcome Home" in red and blue, on a white background, showed up very conspicuously. The chair was to have been occupied by Mr A. Nichols, M.L.A., bat he was unfortunately detained, and Mr A.W. Hodgson had to take the position, and read apologies from several gentlemen who could not be present. The first part of the evening was a concert of a high quality, and was enjoyed by all. …..
About 10 p.m. the chairman addressed the assemblage, in a graceful manner. He observed that they were all aware of the occasion of the meeting that evening, and were very thankful at the safe return of their boys. The readiness of their friends, and the willingness of all who volunteered, but did not succeed, was to his mind a splendid example of patriotism. The honours the Australians had won so nobly were examples of what they could do as soldiers, and he knew that each of their guests had done their duty thoroughly. (Applause). He urged the men to take Lord Roberts’ advice, and not be led astray by honours, but to settle down just as before they went. He was very pleased to be able to welcome them all home on his own behalf, and also of the district generally, and hoped they would be spared to enjoy for a long period the laurels they had so nobly fought for and won. (Applause).
Mr Hodgson then presented a handsome gold medal to each guest, which was inscribed as follows: “South Africa. To ______ , _______ contingent. From the residents of Yarragon, as a memento of loyal services. 1901". The chairman made a few congratulatory remarks to each recipient.
Private GEARY, in replying, said that he was very thankful to the audience for their reception, and also for the medal, which he would cherish as long ae he lived.
Private PETERS was glad to be back again, and thanked the citizens and citizenesses — (laughter) — for their kind treatment and excellent presentation. When be heard he was to he welcomed home to Yarragon be was surprised, and now he was surprised at the treatment he was receiving. He was pleased to see all his comrades-in-arms assembled, and would have liked to have seen some of the men still in South Africa present. He would cherish the memory of that evening and the receipt of the medal as the one great event in his life. (Applause).
Private FISHER said he was not a speaker, but thanked them for their reception and present.
Private BELLMER said he would always treasure the present, and always be thankful to Yarragon residents for their reception. (Applause).
At this stage, Mr Fisher, sen., who had been sitting at the back, proceeded to the stage, and heartily welcomed his son home for the first time, to the accompaniment of "For he's a jolly good fellow", by the audience. Cheers were then given for the guests, and the concert concluded with the National Anthem.
Notwithstanding the very wet weather a large number of the residents of Yarragon turned out to welcome Privates L. BORLAND and J. RICKARDS, on Friday night last. The welcome took the form of a social, during which the returned soldiers were presented with medals, and songs were contributed as follows: — Mr Walden, comic song, (encored), Mrs White, song from the 'Runaway Girl'; Mr Davey, 'Hark, the drum'; Mrs Hodgson and Miss Fisher also contributed songs and Master Harold Atkin played the overture. Mr and Mrs Davey acted as musicians for the dance, and were ably assisted by Miss McNair, Mrs H. White and Miss Fisher.
Corporal Murray, in presenting the medals, pointed out that nearly every member of the community had subscribed to the fund for their purchase, showing that the conduct of the recipients was highly appreciated. It was the duty of every citizen to defend his native land when attacked, but the soldiers whom they were honouring showed their courage and devotion to the Empire by taking part in its defence, where they had no interests or ties. (Applause).
Privates BORLAND and RICKARDS expressed their gratitude for the handsome presentations, and also heartily thanked the residents for their hospitality.
On Friday evening June 13th., a very large company of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the Mechanics' Institute, Yarragon, for the purpose of extending a hearty "welcome home" to Private CLARKE, of the 5th Company.
Cr. Campbell, J.P., of Allambee, was called upon to make a few remarks by way of opening the proceedings. In the course of a very eulogistic speech as to Private CLARKE's splendid conduct during active service, the above-named gentleman made reference to the proclamation of peace, expressing great satisfaction at the honorable conclusion of the war, and humorously referring to the chagrin of other nations. Three cheers were lustily given for peace, and another for the King. Dancing was then indulged in to the sweet strains of piano and violin creditably supplied by Mr and Mrs Davey, interspersed with songs by various gentlemen, including Mr Pender who received an encore for his rendering of the "Dublin Fusiliers", and Mr Fisher received quite an ovation by his display in dancing an Irish jig.
Immediately before the refreshment hour Mr Campbell again took the platform for the purpose of presenting to Private CLARKE a gold medal suitably inscribed. In making the presentation Mr Campbell made flattering references to Private CLARKE's general character, he had known the young private from childhood, and during the whole of his career up till then could speak of him as a thoroughly upright, industrious and manly young fellow, and the good accounts he had heard of Private CLARKE from one of his comrades (Private JARRET) who had been a member of his company during active service, was further gratifying proof of his manly qualities. He was an Australian native, and his bush training peculiarly qualified him to fight the Boer. He came from the right stock for energy and pluck, and he had the greatest pleasure on behalf of the people of the district in cordially welcoming him home again, and he would ask his acceptance of a slight memento, in the shape of a gold medal, as a mark of appreciation from the people of Yarragon and district.