This site's aim is to make available information on the Anglo Boer War 1899 - 1902 and other South African conflicts in the period 1779-1906 and to provide a forum for discussion of the many aspects of these conflicts.

The site is owned by Dr David Biggins, author of four books on the Boer War.  The site is free to use and has grown over the years since it was started by David and his late brother Chris in 2004.  Click here for a brief introduction to the site.

Latest publication: The Wepener Siege Account and Medal Roll was released by Token Publishing on 27 March 2022. 

Soldier's records: 753,000.  Forum posts: 95,000 Full text books: 131.  Articles: 5,200.  PDF pages: 27,000.  Images: 52,000.

GDPR and the ABW site.  The site fully supports the GDPR legislation. The only information this site holds about you is the name you provide and your email address. You will receive one email from the site at registration. After that time, you will only receive email from the site if you subscribe to one or more sections in the forum. We will never pass your data to a third party. If you wish to be forgotten on the site, please use Privacy Request on the main menu.