
This medal is identical to the Queen's South Africa (QSA) Medal except the inscription 'SOUTH AFRICA' on the reverse is replaced by the word 'MEDITERRANEAN'.  No clasps were authorised for this medal.  The ribbon is the same as for the QSA.

The Mediterranean Medal was authorised by King Edward VII and awarded to volunteer and militia troops who had replaced the regular troops in garrisons across the Mediterranean and who guarded Boer prisoners.

Approximately 4,951 medals were awarded. 

The units present and the approximate number of medals issued are:

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers (579)
West Yorkshire Regiment (855)
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (231)
Royal West Kent Regiment (1153)
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (768)
Seaforth Highlanders (817)
Royal Munster Fusiliers (548)

There is only one medal roll for the Queen's Mediterranean Medal: WO100/368 (Militia Units serving at Gibraltar, Malta and Egypt)

Mediterranean Medal


(4951 Records)

 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
AaronMReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Northumberland Fusiliers
AbbottAReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AbbottRReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Royal Munster Fusiliers
AbelRReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AbramsWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AckroydFReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AckroydWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AdamsFReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AdamsGReceived the Mediterranean Medal
Permanent Force Staff
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AdamsTReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AganTReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Northumberland Fusiliers
AgarJReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AhernSReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Royal Munster Fusiliers
AikenR GReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Northumberland Fusiliers
AinsworthWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AitkenJReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Northumberland Fusiliers
AkersWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AlabasterWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Queen's Own) Royal West Kent Regiment
AlderwickRReceived the Mediterranean Medal
3rd Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
(Prince of Wales's Own) West Yorkshire Regiment
AldusWReceived the Mediterranean Medal
5th Battalion
Source: Medal roll WO100 368
Northumberland Fusiliers
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