Cape Times Weekly Edition, 05 Apr 99 Nothing Noted
Cape Times Weekly Edition, 12 Apr 99
p1 Colonel E O Hay, R A has been reassigned and Lieutenant Colonel E H Pickwood will replace him.
Cape Times Weekly Edition, 19 Apr 99
p1 General Sir. Wm. Butler and Colonel Morgan-Crofton arrived at the Caledon sanatorium for a stay. Captain Cumming, Kaffrarian Rifles, married Blanche Ebden at East London, Wednesday. The Arundel Castle left Cape Town for England Thursday night and will make an unusual stop at Mossamedes in about 4 days, They will land 35 settlers who have been in the Cape buying stock, implements, etc. Major Murray, Lieutenants Bowen and Bingham, L N Lancashire Regiment in charge of Honour Guard for Visiting Matabele chiefs at Cape Town.
Cape Times Weekly Edition, 26 Apr 99 Nothing Noted