London Times, 01 May 00 (Tuesday)

p5b Dateline Beira, April 23(? 28) The Columbian, with the Canadian 12-pounder battery, has arrived. The officers of the Queensland Contingent gave a luncheon on board the Duke of Portland.

The Devon arrived at Cape Town on Saturday. The Columbian, from Table Bay, arrived at Natal April 29. The Ulstermore has arrived at Las Palmas.

Dateline Cape Town, April 30. The Nile has arrived at Cape Town from Natal with 25 officers and 252 men invalided home. The Aurania leaves Cape Town today with 400 sick and wounded.

Dateline Brisbane, April 30. Owing to the extent of the damage to the Manchester Port on April 28, the departure of the contingent will be delayed for about 10 days.


p7a Dateline Albert Docks, April 30. The Assaye arrived this morning with 19 officers and 296 men and a few others. The officers named were:

R A – Major Curtis

5/D G – Captain Derbyshire

East Surrey – Lieutenants Tyler, Hersford, Alexander

6/D G – Lieutenant Wheeler

1/Yorkshire – Lieutenant Tomlin

1/West Riding – Lieutenant Carmichael

F R H – Lieutenant Wauchope

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Piper

Seaforth Highlanders – Lieutenant Wilson

R O D – Colonel Law

D C Light Infantry – Major Teale

2/Northampton – Captain Freeland

Canadian – Captain Peltier

A P Depot – Captain Magee

Surgeon Warwick, Assistant Surgeon Gillespie and Staff Sergeant-Major Gully.


London Times, 02 May 00 (Wednesday)

p5b Dateline St Helena, May 1. The Bavarian arrived here today with 1,099 Boer prisoners.

Dateline Melbourne, May 1. The Bushmen embarked for South Africa today in the Victorian. The South Australian contingent sailed from Adelaide on board the Manhattan.

The Ulstermore, for Table Bay, has left Las Palmas, April 30. The British Princess arrived at Natal, May 1.


p6a The hospital ship Nubia arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following listed:

Staff – Colonel Beckett

19/Hussars – Lieutenants St Quintin, Fanshawe

RFA – Major Fowle, Lieutenant Kirke, 2nd Lieutenant Goff.

2/Lancaster Regiment – Captain Palmes

2/Royal Fusiliers – Lieutenant Macartney

2/Devonshire Regiment – Captain Masterson

2/Scottish Rifles – Captain R Wanless O’Gowan

1/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers – Major Davidson, Captain Foot, Lieutenant Pott

2/East Surrey Regiment – Colonel Harris, Lieutenant Poreh

2/Middlesex Regiment – Major Scott-Moncrieff

K R R C – Major Kays, Lieutenant Wyndham

1/Royal Irish Fusiliers – Major Davison

2/Rifle Brigade – Captain Paley

1/Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant McLeod

Natal Mounted Rifles – Lieutenant Stiebel

Imperial Light Horse. – Lieutenant Hare

RAMC – Major Kerin, Lieutenants Martin, Sloan


The Monteagle also landed a number of wounded at Southampton yesterday. (no names)


p12a LG for May 1. Note Irish Guards, Captain & Bt. Major C F S Vandeleur, DSO from Scots Guards and also to special service in South Africa.


London Times, 03 May 00 (Thursday)

p5c Dateline Beira, April 28. The Monowal arrived here on Thursday with 242 officers and men of the New Zealand Mounted Infantry.


p10f Note here on Bt. Major Vandeleur.


London Times, 04 May 00 (Friday)

p5d The Persia arrived at Cape Town on Wednesday. The Goth and the Canada arrived at Cape Town yesterday. The Woolloomooloo arrived at Cape Town from London May 3. The formosa left Lorenzo Marques May 2 for Beira. The Sicilian, London for Table Bay is at Las Palmas, May 2, and will be repaired after striking the dock there. The Montfort and the Orotava, London for Table Bay, have arrived at Las Palmas.

Dateline Buenos Ayres, May 3. The Angola sails to-night for Cape Town with 950 horses.


p6a & b The Kildonan Castle left Cape Town April 25 for England with the following sick and wounded listed:

Major Adye, Staff, in charge.

R A – Staff – Captain Russell

2/ Grenadier Guards – Captain Tryon

1/Scots Guards – Captain Bell

2/Royal Lancaster Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Hausburg

1/Yorkshire Regiment – Captain Pearson

2/Hampshire Regiment – Lieutenant French

1/Oxfordshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Fuller

1/Loyal North Lancashire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Case

2/Wiltshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Thornton

1/Highland Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Martin

ASC – Captain Studdart

4/Royal Lancaster Regiment – Captain Churchill

Imperial Light Horse – Lieutenant Spencer

F A – Lieutenant Stobart

1/C G – Captain Fielding (Feilding), Lieutenant Matheson

2/C G – Major Monck

1/Suffolk Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Butler

1/West Riding Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Wilson

2/Royal Highlanders – Lieutenant Harvey

1/Essex Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Woolhouse

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Lieutenant Atchinson

1/Manchester Regiment – Captain Gorges

2/Gordon Highlanders – Lieutenant Forbes

Canadian Infantry – Lieutenant Wilkie

3/North Staffordshire Regiment – Lieutenant Prior

Sick laying down, 45; sick convalescent, 206; wounded laying down, 29; wounded convalescent, 21.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Phillips.


The Braemar Castle left Cape Town for England April 27 with the following listed:

Captain Taylor, Yorkshire Light Infantry, in charge.

9/Lancers – Lieutenant Kincaid Smith

RE – Lieutenant Sandkey

1/Suffolk Regiment – Lieutenant Allen

RAMC – Lieutenant Scarlett, Civil Surgeon Barnes

16/Lancers – Lieutenant Neave

2/Norfolk Regiment – Captain Peebles

2/Yorkshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Walker

Sick and wounded men – Sick laying down, 79; sick convalescent, 141; wounded laying down, 25; wounded convalescent, 3. From Natal – sick laying down, 5; sick convalescent, 40; wounded convalescent, 3.


The American hospital ship Maine left Southampton yesterday for Durban, where she will embark her full complement of invalids and return at once to England. She is outfitted for 170 cot accommodations. The medical staff is Major James Meek, RAMC, 4 American Surgeons, 3 sergeants, RAMC, 7 male nurses, 11 men St John Ambulance Brigade, and 14 orderlies.


p7f Note Mention of Bt. Major Vandeleur, I G


London Times, 05 May 00 (Saturday) No military shipping mentioned.


London Times, 07 May 00 (Monday)

p7e The Algeria, from Algoa Bay, arrived at Natal May 5. The Englishman has arrived at St Vincent. The Sicilian is undergoing repairs at Las Palmas. The Orotava and Montfort were at Las Palmas, May 4.


p12b The Nile, left for England May 1, with the following sick and wounded named:

Lieutenant Colonel Mapleton, RAMC, in charge.

Royal F A – Lieutenant Colonel Montgomery

2/Royal West Surrey Regiment – Lieutenant McNamara

2/Royal Scots Fusiliers – Captain Hull

2/Royal Dublin Fusiliers – Captain Higginson

ASC – Major Ludlow

1/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Liebrecht

Chaplain – Reverend Pennington

RGA – Captain Fitzgibbon

1/Leicestershire Regiment – Captain Cox

1/KRRC – Lieutenants Jelf, Sterling, 2nd Lieutenant Dalyrymple

RAMC – Major Reilly

Middlesex Regiment – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Piens

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – Mr Sharpe

Men sick convalescent, 199; men wounded convalescent, 52.


The Oreana, with 178 invalids, arrived at Southampton on Saturday morning. The following were named:

1/Devon Regiment – Lieutenant Colonel Park

RFA – Lieutenant Colonel Blewitt, Major Walker, Captain Douglas

5/DG – Captain Holden

1/Leicestershire Regiment – Captain Drew

KRRC – Captain Beaumont

2/Royal Fusiliers – Captain Hill.

Of the total, all but 13 were convalescent. Five deaths took place during the voyage. they were:

2/Royal Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant T B Ely

1/Leincestershire Regiment – Private Durrands

2/Somerset Light Infantry – Private W Stanton

19/Hussars – Private E Reilly

1/Devonshire Regiment – Private Mitchell


London Times, 08 May 00 (Tuesday)

p5c The Maplemore arrived at Table Bay yesterday. The Roslin Castle and the City of Vienna have arrived at East London. The Gymeric, from Otago, arrived at Natal, May 5, and left May 6 for Beira with a detachment of New Zealanders.


London Times, 09 May 00 (Wednesday)

p7d The Columbian arrived at Table Bay May 8 from Natal. The Maori, from New Zealand, arrived at Beira May 8 and later left for London.

Dateline Perth, May 8. The Manhattan with some of the West Australian, Tasmanian and South Australian contingents of the Imperial Bushmen, sailed from here to-night.

Note here a Captain Pereira at Wei-Hai-Wei and wounded, May 7.


p13a & b The Pindari left Southampton yesterday for South Africa with 14 officers, 400 men and 377 horses. The officers listed were:

Gordon Highlanders – Captain Greenhill-Gardyne

2/Cheshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenants Ramsay, F Berkeley, and E A Jackson

1/Highland Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Craigie-Halkett

3/South Waled Borderers – 2nd Lieutenant Crosleigh

3/Highland Light Infantry – Captain Anderson

1/Royal Dragoons – 2nd Lieutenants Sir Ralph Gore, the Hon. W C W Egerton, H Ripley, and H Lambert.

Acting Chaplain – The Reverend H Molesworth

Civil Surgeon – J Thomson

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – E E Wells.


2nd Lieutenant Allen, 1/Suffolk Regt, and 2nd Lieutenant Thornton, 2/Wiltshire Regiment, also sailed for home in the Kildonan Castle on April 25. 2nd Lieutenant Butler, 1/Suffolk Regiment also saild for home in the Braemar Castle on April 27.


The Cymrie left Cape Town on April 18 and arrived at Southampton yesterday with 13 officers and 220 men. 2 deaths during the voyage, Dr. Biles and Sergeant Taylor of the Imperial Yeomanry

The officers listed were:

1/Essex Regiment – Lieutenant Colonel Tudway

13/Hussars – Lieutenant Spencer

RFA – Captain Erlice (?)

1/Welsh Regiment – Lieutenant F A Jones

1/Argyll & Southerland Highlanders – Captain Kirk, Lieutenants Thorpe and Macdonald

3/Norfolk Regiment – Major Wellesley, Captain Trevor

6/Lancashire Fusiliers – Captain Ezra


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 09 May 00

p1 Dateline Mafeking, Apr 14. Here a short account of Plumer’s cattle running attempt.


Supplement Picture here of officers of S R V No names.


London Times, 10 May 00 (Thursday)

p7c The Narrung arrived at Cape Town May 8 and later sailed for Port Elizabeth. The Galeka arrived at Beira on May 4. The Waimate, from New Zealand arrived at Beira April 28. The Formosa arrived at Lorenzo Marques and sailed for Beira May 8. The Pavonia left Cape Town on Tuesday with invalids for Southampton. The Persia arrived at Natal on May 7, and the City if Vienna on May 9.


p12a The Mahratta left Southampton yesterday afternoon with the following:

1/Hampshire Regiment – Captain Hicks (in command)

1/Gloucestershire Regiment – Lieutenants Menzies and Johnson and 200 men for St Helena as guards over Boer prisoners.

Liverpool Regiment – Captain Hudson.

Balloon Repairing Factory – 2nd Lieutenant E M S Charles and 29 men.

RE – Lieutenant Savage, 2 warrant officers and 40 men.

16/Lancers – 2nd Lieutenants Adams, Gilliat, Bellville, and Martyn.

Chaplains – Mr Clifford and Dr. Fraser.

Civil Surgeon – Mr D J Pierson

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – Mr G N Waugh

60 man cavalry draft

299 horses.


London Times, 11 May 00 (Friday)

p5c The Dilwara arrived at Cape Town yesterday. The Induna, from Buenos Ayres, with 950 horses, left Table Bay May 9 for Algoa Bay. The Cheshire arrived at Las Palmas May 4 and left for Table Bay.


p10c The Aurania left for England May 2 with sick and wounded. Listed are:

Major Llewellyn, 4/Somersetshire Light Infantry, in charge

RFA – 2nd Lieutenant Cameron

RE – Lieutenant Forster

KOSB – Captain Thellusson

2/Hampshire Regiment – Captain Shaw

1/Welsh Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Lloyd

1/KRRC – Captain Northley

2/Royal Irish Rifles – Lieutenant Stevens

2/Gordon Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant Arbuthnot Leslie

Remount Dept. – Major O’Neal

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants Mitchell and Whitaker

3/East Lancashire Regiment – Captain Trevor-Battye

Rifle Brigade – Quartermaster Mr Stone

RAMC – Quartermaster Mr Lines

Men sick, laying down - 121; men sick convalescent - 201; men wounded laying down - 54; men wounded convalescent - 38.

Also from Natal – sick convalescent- 115; wounded convalescent - 38.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Edwards and Chaplain Reverend Mr Daintree.


The Servia, with invalids from South Africa arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with the following named:

Lieutenant Colonel W Tylden RFA, in charge

RHA – Captain W Gillman

1/Leicester Regiment – Lieutenant B de W Weldon

1/Oxfordshire Regiment – Captain H L Ruck-Keene

2/Seaforth Highlanders – Captain J P Grant

2/King’s Shropshire Light Infantry – Lieutenant H M Smith

The Servia brought 150 men.


London Times, 12 May 00 (Saturday)

p7e Dateline East London, May 11. The Craigellachie, with Government stores, has been wrecked off Port Alfred. The Captain and crew were rescued by the Ifafa and are on the way to Port Natal.


p9d Dateline Albert Docks, May 11. The Assaye sailed this afternoon with 97 officers and 1,265 men. Among others, she carries 50 Canadians of Strathcona’s Horse, who arrived at Liverpool yesterday afternoon in the steamship Vancouver.

The Mahratta arrived at Queenstown from Southampton yesterday evening with 12 officers, 131 men and 299 remounts. She embarked, at Queenstown, 3 officers and 200 men. Officers listed were: Lieutenants Sir J Campbell and Sir G Prescott of the Life Guards. Captain Hicks, Hampshire Regiment is in command.


London Times, 14 May 00 (Monday)

p7d The Antillian left Table Bay May 12 for Natal, The Carinthia left New Orleans May 11 with 1,450 mules for Cape Town.


p9b The Cephalonia left for England May 4 with Major Vaughan Lee, Royal Horse Guards in charge. The following sick and wounded officers were listed:

RFA – Captain Lewis

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant Armstrong

1/Yorkshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Pearson

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain Mander

Royal Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant Stoney

RAMC – Captain Lewis

Imperial Yeomanry – Major Balfour

6/Lancashire Fusiliers – Captain Gildea

1/Royal Scots – Lieutenant Smith

2/Royal Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant Rayner

2/East Lancashire Regiment – Lieutenant Rutter

2/North Staffordshire Regiment – Captain Saunders

2/Rifle Brigade – 2nd Lieutenant Wood

AOC – Major Smyth

3/KOSB – Captain Greig

Robert’s Horse – Lieutenant Barley

Sick laying down, 102; Sick convalescent, 259; wounded laying down, 26; wounded convalescent, 21. From Natal, sick laying down 4; sick convalescent, 6.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Hunter


London Times, 15 May 00 (Tuesday)

p6b The Kildonan Castle, with near 300 invalids from South Africa arrived at Southampton yesterday afternoon. The following were listed:

Major Adye, Staff, in charge.

R A – Staff – Captain Russell

3/ Grenadier Guards – Captain Tryon

1/Scots Guards – Captain Bell

2/Royal Lancaster Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Hausburg

1/Yorkshire Regiment – Captain Pearson

2/Hampshire Regiment – Lieutenant French

1/Oxfordshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Fuller

1/Loyal North Lancashire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Case

2/Wiltshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Thornton

1/Highland Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Martin

ASC – Captain Studdart

4/Royal Lancaster Regiment – Captain Churchill

Imperial Light Horse – Lieutenant Spencer

F A – Lieutenant Stobart

1/C G – Captain Fielding ( Feilding ), Lieutenant Matheson

2/C G – Major Monck

1/Suffolk Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Butler

1/West Riding Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Wilson

2/Royal Highlanders – Lieutenant Harvey

1/Essex Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Woolhouse

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Lieutenant Atchinson

1/Manchester Regiment – Captain Gorges

2/Gordon Highlanders – Lieutenant Forbes

Canadian Infantry – Lieutenant Wilkie

3/North Staffordshire Regiment – Lieutenant Prior

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Phillips.


London Times, 16 May 00 (Wednesday)

p7c Dateline Beira, May 9. The Gymeric has arrived here. She lost 22 horses on the voyage.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 16 May 00 Nothing Noted


London Times, 17 May 00 (Thursday)

p5b Dateline Beira, May 4. The Galeka arrived here yesterday with 1,100 men, including Imperial Yeomanry Sharpshooters under Colonel Parke and Colonel brought by the Leitrim.

Dateline Beira, May 5. 700 New Zealand troops arrived in the transports Wannatta(? Manhattan), Maori, and Monowai.

Dateline Beira, May 10. The Hurona has arrived here with horses from New Orleans and the Jeanara with cattle from Buenos Ayres. 60% of the cattle died on the voyage. The Canadian Artillery, with a battery of 15-pounders, has arrived.


p5d The Ulstermore arrived at Cape Town yesterday. The Celtic Princess, from London, arrived at Table Bay, May 15. The hospital ship Princess of Wales, from Southampton arrived at Table Bay, May 11. The Dilwara arrived at Durban yesterday. The Mahratta has arrived at Las Palmas. The Manila, for Beira, left Table Bay yesterday.


p10c & d The Monteagle left Southampton yesterday with 20 officers, 462 men, and 304 horses. The troops consist of 209 men of the Inniskilling Fusiliers, 130 men of the St John Ambulance Brigade and some small drafts.

The hospital ship Oceana left yesterday for South Africa.

The Tagus left Cape Town for England on May 10 with invalids, Major Scott, Leicester Regiment in charge. Listed were:

2/South Wales Borderers – Captain Jones

2/Royal Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant Gordon

Kimberley Mounted Corps – Lieutenant Richards

3/South Wales Borderers – Lieutenant Wheen (?Gwynne)

Sick convalescent – 75

From Natal —

5/Lancers – Captain Parker

18/Hussars – Major Marling

19/Hussars – Lieutenant Binny

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant Manley and 2nd Lieutenant Steward

2/Dorchester Regiment – Lieutenant Godman

1/Manchester Regiment – Lieutenant Deakin

South Africa Light Horse – Lieutenant Robinson

Sick convalescent – 167; Sick laying down – 6; Wounded convalescent – 60

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Cooke and Reverend Mr Fagan.


London Times, 18 May 00 (Friday)

p5d The Orotava has arrived at Table Bay. The Pindari has passed St Vincent. The Simla left Natal yesterday woth sick and wounded for England.

Dateline Cape Town, May 17. The Canada sails today for England with wounded officers and men. Colonel and Mrs Neeld are also on board.


p11a & b Dateline Albert Docks, May 17. The Cavour saild this afternoon with 12 officers, 292 men and 215 horses. The troops were drafts of the R A, Royal Scots, 2/Yorkshire Light Infantry and 3/Devonshire Regiments The officers listed were:

Royal Scots – Captain H E P Nash, commanding

14th Hussars – Captain W Prevost

RFA – 2nd Lieutenants P W H Bourchier, V Assex, O F Stanley and Bedwell.

8th Hussars – 2nd Lieutenant E G Wood

2/Yorkshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant J C H Ackroyd

M S Corps – Surgeon Captain Pollock

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – J W Balfour

Chaplain – The Reverend S P H Statham


The Manchester Merchant will sail from Tilbury with drafts and remounts tomorrow.


The Pavonia left Cape Town for England May 8, with Lieutenant Colonel Pickwoad, R A, in charge. Listed were the following sick and wounded:

10th Hussars – Captain Lord Gorge Scott

2/Somersetshire Light Infantry – Captain Chandler

Royal Irish Regiment – Lieutenant Mansergh

RAMC – Lieutenant Safford

3/South Lancashire Regiment – Captain Vaughan

1/Northumberland Fusiliers – Major James

2/Berkshire Regiment – Lieutenant Bathurst

1/Leinster Regiment – Captain Harvest

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants Middleman and Broadbent

Sick laying down, 82; sick convalescent, 168; wounded laying down, 14; wounded convalescent, 5.

For duty on the voyage – Lieutenant Carlyon, RAMC, and Reverend Canon Orford.


The Braemar Castle, with sick and wounded from South Africa, arrived at Plymouth yesterday afternoon. The following were listed:

Captain Taylor, Yorkshire Light Infantry, in charge.

9/Lancers – Lieutenant Kincaid Smith

RE – Lieutenant Sankey

1/Suffolk Regiment – Lieutenant Allen

RAMC – Lieutenant Scarlett, Civil Surgeon Barnes

16/Lancers – Lieutenant Neave

2/Norfolk Regiment – Captain Peebles

2/Yorkshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Walker


There were 310 men beside the officers listed. About 30 of the men were from the Canadian Contingent


London Times, 19 May 00 (Saturday)

p7c The Cheshire arrived at Cape Town yesterday. The Umbria, from Lorenzo Marques, arrived at Natal yesterday. The Manchester Port, with the Queensland Bushmen’s Contingent, left Brisbane yesterday for South Africa.

Dateline Buenos Ayres, May 18. The Surrey, with 960 horses, sails tomorrow. The Beacon Grange, with 640 horses, sails Sunday for Cape Town.

p12c & d Dateline Tilbury, May 18. The Manchester Mrechant sailed this morning with 15 officers, 183 men ans 368 horses. She will call at Gibraltar to pick up additional troops. The officers listed were:

3/Derbyshire Regiment – Captain G H B Fletcher

3/Yorkshire Regiment – Captain R C Aspinall

2/Seaforth Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant R Laing

13th Hussars – 2nd Lieutenants Gubbins and Lambert

1/Suffolk Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Taylor

3/Bedford Regiment – Captain Dayrell

2/Cameron Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenants Smith, McConaghey, and Erskine(for Gibraltar).

Army Pay Dept. – Captain J,G,T Bruce

RFA – 2nd Lieutenant L S Biddulph

Reserve of Officers – Major Bright-Smith

Civil Surgeon – J C Barrett

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – Crawford


Major W H Rycroft, 11th Hussars and Captain Thompson, Seaforth Highlanders will join the ship at Gibraltar.


p14d Note. London Gazette, Friday, May 18.”Lieutenant Colonel J F Burn-Murdoch, 1st Dragoons, to be a Brigadier General on the Staff to command the 1st Cavalry Brigade, Natal, Field Force, South Africa, with the local rank of Brigadier General whilst so employed.”


London Times, 21 May 00 (Monday)

p8a Dateline New York, May 19. The Corinthia, from New Orleans for Cape Town with 1,450 miles, ran ashore at Point Gravois, on the south coast of Hayti. The Valencia has gone to Kingston for aid.

From St Vincent, May 20. The Pinemore, Table Bay for London, has put back to St Vincent for repair of two blades of propeller broken. Expect 3 days delay.


p12f The American left for England May 12 with Lieutenant Colonel McDonnell, RFA, in charge and the following listed sick and wounded:

3rd Hussars – Lieutenant Madden

9th Lancers – Lieutenant Brooke

18th Hussars – Lieutenant Cawston

RHA - Captain Ruck-Keene

2/Royal Warwickshire Regiment – Lieutenant Harvey

2/Norfolk Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Lyon

2/Bedfordshire Regiment – Lieutenant Wetherall

2/Northamptonshire Regiment – Lieutenant Skinner

Imperial Yeomanry – Major Martindale Vale, & Lieutenant Peacock

RAMC – Quartermaster Mr Dear

Sick laying down, 38; sick convalescent, 225; wounded laying down, 26; wounded convalescent, 19. From Natal – Sick laying down, 3; sick convalescent, 4.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeons Hutchins and Murray; Chaplain, Reverend Letcher; Qm Mr Ryder, 2/Worcestershire Regiment; Quartermaster Mr Byrne, 4/Durham Light Infantry


The Orient left for England May 15 with Captain Packman, 2/East Surrey Regiment, in charge, and the following sick and wounded:

RHA – Captain Monkhouse

2/West Yorkshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Ross

1/York & Lancaster Regiment – Lieutenant Gardner

ASC – Captain Black

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Rayner

Victoria Mounted Rifles – Captain Jenkins

RFA – Captain Becke & Lieutenant Wheeler

1/Gloucestershire Regiment – Lieutenant Ruck

2/Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant Britton

AOC – Captain Tracey

4/Royal Lancaster Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Simmons Lynn

From Natal – Sick lying down, 7; sick convalescent, 196; wounded lying down, 2; wounded convalescent, 11.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Blakiston


p13a The hospital ship Lismore Castle docked at Royal Albert Docks late yesterday afternoon, having on board 16 officers and 200 men, invalids, in charge of Colonel Brodie, Medical Staff Corps. She left Durban April 18. Officers listed were:

Royal Navy – Midshipmen Bolder and Hodson

RFA – Lieutenant Colonel J A Coxhead and Lieutenant T M Archdale.

2/West Surrey Regiment – Captain H F Warden

2/Royal Lancaster Regiment – Major C G Barton

2/Royal Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant E C Packe

1/Welsh Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant A R H Rycroft

1/Border Regiment – Lieutenant C L Macnab

1/Durham Light Infantry – Captain O B Harter

1/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant Bell

ASC – Captain J A R Purvis

Medical Staff Corps – Major Culling, Captain Stadden, Lieutenant Selby

Imperial L H – Lieutenant Shore


London Times, 22 May 00 (Tuesday)

p7c The Montfort arrived at ct, May 19. The Hortensius, from Southampton, arrived at Table Bay on Sunday and left for Algoa Bay. The Cheshire left Table Bay on Saturday for Durban. The hospital ship Simla left Table Bay yesterday for Southampton. The Orcana, Southampton for Table Bay, has arrived at Las Palmas.

Dateline New York, May 21. Her Majesty’s cruiser Prosperpine has gone to the assistance of the mule transport Carinthia, stranded on the coast of Hayti on the night of May 15.


p13b & c Dateline Albert Docks, May 21. The Ottoman sailed with 6 officers, 101 men and 415 horses. The officers named were:

ASC – Captain E M J Munns, Lieutenant & Qm W F Cox

10th Hussars – 2nd Lieutenants W A H Bass and G C H Potter

Civil Surgeon – Mr A C McLean

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – Mr A C Fountain


The Maori King sails from here tomorrow.


p13e The Nile arrived at Southampton yesterday morning bringing 16 officers and 251 invalids, of whom 52 are wounded. Lieutenant Colonel Mapleton, RAMC, in charge.

Royal F A – Lieutenant Colonel Montgomery

2/Royal West Surrey Regiment – Lieutenant McNamara

2/Royal Scots Fusiliers – Captain Hull

2/Royal Dublin Fusiliers – Captain Higginson

ASC – Major Ludlow

1/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Liebrecht

Chaplain – Reverend Pennington

RGA – Captain Fitzgibbon

1/Leicestershire Regiment – Captain Cox

1/KRRC – Lieutenants Jelf, Sterling, 2nd Lieutenant Dalyrymple

RAMC – Major Reilly

Middlesex Regiment – Lieutenant & Quartermaster Piens

Civil Veterinary Surgeon – Mr Sharpe


London Times, 23 May 00 (Wednesday) No shipping information this issue.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 23 May 00

p15 No Dateline.” The Troops at Mariandellas camp are New South Wales men and South Australians, under Lieutenant Colonel Airey. At Bamboo Creek there is a large camp, where the men wait entrainment on the broad gauge.”


London Times, 24 May 00 (Thursday)

p7e The Cheshire has arrived at Natal and the Ranee at Algoa Bay. The Manchester Port left Sydney May 22, with a detachment of the Bushmen’s Corps, for Beira. The Manila sailed from Lorenzo Marques for Beira yesterday.

Dateline New York, May 23. A telegram from Kingston, Jamaica, states that the Corinthia is fast on the rocky bottom and cannot be floated. The mules on board have been landed.


p9a & b The Britannic left Southampton yesterday with 56 officers and 1,038 men for Cape Town. The officers listed were:

Staff – Colonel W F Cavaye, commanding

RHG – Captain G J FitzGerald

5/DG – 2nd Lieutenant J Norwood

GG – Captain G D White, 2nd Lieutenants Lord H C Seymour, C Le D Leslie-Melville, V Vivian, and B N Brooke.

CG – Brevet Major G Fremantle, Lieutenant & Adjutant the Hon. G A C Crichton, Lieutenants E T H Hanbury-Tracy, C J C Grant, and H A Herbert-Stepney.

Durham Light Infantry – Brevet Lieutenant Colonel H S FitzGerald

Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant Colonel Sir R Colleton, 2nd Lieutenants E Barlow and R S Allen.

RAMC – Major M L Hearn

AOD – Major R W M Jackson and Captain Bernard.

RE – Captains T A H Bigge, D H C Colnaghi, Lieutenants H W Gordon, R A Gillam, R P T Hawkesley and R F Knox.

Royal Welsh Fusiliers – Captain C H M Doughty.

Royal West Surrey – Captain C Parsons and 2nd Lieutenant Watson.

RFA – Lieutenant C W Scott.

Royal Lancaster Regiment – Lieutenants W E S Woodgate, E von Broekdorff, and H K Clough.

Reserve of Officers – Lieutenant Cave-Brown-Cave

Bechuanaland Rifles – Lieutenant H H Cowie

Liverpool Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant W J P England.

1/Devonshire Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant C E Edward Collins.

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant R S J Willans.

1/A & S Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant J A L Campbell.

Royal West Kent Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant H D Belgrave.

Assistant Civil Engineer – Assistant-Surveyor T H Webb.

Civil Surgeons – D Harris and H Dingle.

Post Office Corps – 2nd Lieutenants Moffatt and Woolley.

Acting Chaplains – The Reverends H D Burton, W H Turpin, W T R Crookham, F H Powell, S Rawlinson, and J F Sweetman.

Royal Navy Reserve – Lieutenant R Graves.

Royal Navy – Sub. Lieutenant H Boyle, Midshipman H T England, Naval Cadets R N Suter and D Stuart.

Dateline Albert Docks, May 23. The Maori King is scheduled to sail from here on the night tide with 500 horses for South Africa.

The Aurania arrived at Southampton on Tuesday evening with 610 patients.

Lieutenant Colonel E H Llewellyn, 4/Somersetshire Light Infantry, in charge

RFA – 2nd Lieutenant Cameron

RE – Lieutenant Forster

KOSB – Captain Thellusson

2/Hampshire Regiment – Captain Shaw

1/Welsh Regiment – 2nd Lieutenant Lloyd

1/KRRC – Captain Northley

2/Royal Irish Rifles – Lieutenant Stevens

2/Gordon Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant Arbuthnot Leslie

Remount Dept. – Major O’Neal

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants Mitchell and Whitaker

3/East Lancashire Regiment – Captain Trevor-Battye

Rifle Brigade – Quartermaster Mr Stone

RAMC – Quartermaster Mr Lines

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Edwards and Chaplain the Reverend Mr Daihtree.


London Times, 25 May 00 (Friday) No shipping mentioned this issue.


London Times, 26 May 00 (Saturday)

p13b The Canada left for England on May 17 with the following listed:

2nd Life Guards – Lieutenant Colonel Neeld, in command

New South Wales Staff – Major Owen

Australian Artillery – Major Bridges.

2/Royal Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant Frederick

1/Welsh Fusiliers – Captain Throckmorton

1/King’s Own Borderers – 2nd Lieutenant Coulson

1/South Staffordshire Regiment – Captain Buckle

2/Northampton Regiment – Captain Allen

Imperial Yeomanry – Major Braithwaite

1/West Kent Regiment – Lieutenant Hickson

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Kettlewell

2/Seaforth Highlanders – Captain Fielden

1/Munster Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant Hall

4/Bedford Regiment – Major Beaton-Ellis

4/A & S Highlanders – 2nd Lieutenant Hazlerigg

RAMC – Captain Lawson

Sick laying down, 94; sick convalescent, 396; wounded laying down, 23; wounded convalescent, 25.

For duty on voyage – Civil Surgeon Russell, Chaplain the Reverend Mr Pope.


London Times, 28 May 00 (Monday)

p12a & b The Kildonan Castle left Southampton yesterday with 52 officers, 1 warrant officer and 1658 men for South Africa. The ship will stop at Queenstown for an additional 22 officers and 951 men. The officers listed from Southampton are:

Lieutenant Colonel C N Miles, 1/Life Guards, commanding.

1/Welsh Fusiliers – Major H T Lyle, DSO, and Lieutenant F C R Price and 100 men.

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Major R J Wilbraham, Captain Tremayne, Lieutenant E B Ward and 100 men.

Royal Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenants H W Hamilton & J D M Flood, 2nd Lieutenants C E P Wallis, E Browne, A E Mahon, H J Atkinson, H H B Cunningham and 100 men (2/RIF)

2/Royal Fusiliers – Captain W W Anderson, & 2nd Lieutenant A Webber

King’s Royal Rifles – Major Henniker.

2/Norfolk Regiment – Major Percy

Royal Scots Fusiliers – Captain the Earl of Cassillis

17th Lancers – 2nd Lieutenant Lord Vivian

Clergy – Canon Knox-Little and Messrs. Wright, Webb, Fortin and Bell

Mixed drafts and details.


London Times, 29 May 00 (Tuesday)

p10b The Kildonan Castle arrived at Queenstown on Sunday afternoon from Southampton and left yesterday afternoon after embarking 3 officers and 180 men of the 3/KRRC, 5 officers and 170 men of the 2/KRRC, 5 officers and 100 men of the 1/Essex Regt, 2 officers and 100 men of the 1/Leicester Regiment, 5 officers and 250 men of the 1/A & S Highlanders, and some details for a total of 173 officers and 2,114 men.


London Times, 30 May 00 (Wednesday)

p12b & c The Winifredian left for England on May 17 with the following listed:

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Major Brunker, in command

Middlesex Regiment – Major Dyer, Captain Foster

From Natal

Bethune’s M I Captain Gordon Cumming

South African L H – Lieutenant Leith

Sick convalescent, 328; wounded convalescent, 70

For duty on voyage – Captain Ward, RAMC


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 30 May 00 Nothing Noted


London Times, 31 May 00 (Thursday)

p5e The Australia left Table Bay for East London May 28. The hospital ship Maine arrived at Table Bay May 29.


p10b The hospital ship Simla left Cape Town for England May 21 with the following:

RAMC – Major Deeble, in charge

7/DG – 2nd Lieutenant Vaughan

8th Hussars – Captain Campbell

1/KOSB – Lieutenant Broadbent

1/Royal Munster Fusiliers – Lieutenant Colonel Evans

5/Royal Dublin Fusiliers – 2nd Lieutenant Kinsman

CIV – Lieutenant Brailey

From Natal

Hq. Staff – Lieutenant Colonel Acourt

RFA – Major Abdy, 2nd Lieutenant Salmond

RE – Lieutenant Shipwith

2/Royal West Surrey Regiment – Captain Whiffin

2/Royal Lancaster Regiment – Lieutenant Morrison

2/Devonshire Regiment – Lieutenant Ingles

2/Scottish Rifles – 2nd Lieutenant Bramwell

1/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant Evans

RAMC – Major Wills, Captain Erskine, Lieutenant Morris

2/East Surrey Regiment – Captain Ellis

1/Northamptonshire Regiment – Captain Kenney Herbert

1/Manchester Regiment – Lieutenant Dunlop

1/York & Lancaster Regiment – Lieutenant Isherwood

1/Durham Light Infantry – 2nd Lieutenant Rasbotham

2/Royal Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant Taylor

1/Royal Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenants Molesworth & Halahan

ASC – Major French, Lieutenant Mears

Chaplain Dept. – Acting Chaplain S T Fisher

Sick laying down, 156; sick convalescent, 80; wounded laying down, 19; wounded convalescent, 13