London Times, 02 Sep 01 (Monday)

p3a Note Here: Lieutenant Colonel Vandeleur killed.


p5b The St Andrew left Albert Docks Saturday afternoon for the Cape with 12 officers and 492 men and 280 horses. She will call at Queenstown.


London Times, 03 Sep 01 (Thuesday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 04 Sep 01 ( Wednesday)

p8a The St Andrew left Queenstown yesterday after embarking 80 remounts.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 04 Sep 01

p11 "Amongst Boer prisoners of war detained at the camp near Lisbon is Mr J S Marais, late Auditor-General of the Transvaal”


p25 The Norman arrived here yesterday morning with the following named military passengers: Captain Egenes.

The Kinfauns Castle sails for England today with the following named military passengers: Major Wedgewood, Captain Roche, Captain Bunbury.



London Times, 05 Sep 01 (Thursday)

p8a & b Table of Casualties during August 1901 here.


The Englishman left Albert Docks yesterday afternoon for South Africa with 5 officers and 188 men and 126 remounts. Troops mostly from 12, & 17 Lancers and 1/Leicestershire Regiment She will call at Queenstown for an additional 350 men and 200 horses.



The hospital ship Oreana left Southampton yesterday afternoon for South Africa with nurses and details. including 15 officers and 138 men with some colonials.


London Times, 06 Sep 01 (Friday)

p3a Note: Details here of Lieutenant Colonel Vandeleur’s death.


p8a & b The Tagus left for England August 31 with the following invalids:

2/R Warwick – Lieutenant S S Butler.

2/Bedford – 2/Lieutenant H O H Smithers

1/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant H A Davis

RB – Major E A F Dawson

ASC – Lieutenant J W R Debathe

Cape Volunteer M S C – Lieutenant & Quartermaster W Austin

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel F A Deare, Lieutenants H C Thompson, G B Thomas

Civil Surgeon R Tilbury

Nursing Sisters C Brown, R M Bullock, F Low

Sick laying down, 58; convalescent, 277

Wounded laying down, 6; convalescent, 5

With the following on passage home:

Limerick City Militia Artillery – Captain S J Brasier-Creagh

2/R Scots – 2/Lieutenant D Mathers

1/R Scots Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenants H G B Miller, W H Hodgson

1/KOSB – Lieutenant & Quartermaster B E Parkinson

2/Derby – 2/Lieutenants A B Wayte, E A L Nickerson

3/Manchester – 2/Lieutenants A Mackrell, E Sheppard

3/ Gordon Highlanders – Captain C W Kennard

2/R Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant S M L Iredell

Reserve of Officers – Captain F G Hughes

Imperial Yeomanry – Major R W W Eyton, Lieutenants R J Vyner, C H H Williams, R H Baillie, Surgeon-Major J E Martin

South African L H – Lieutenant C O Taylor

Reverends F K Keene, J Cottrel

RAMC – Major A Baird

Civil Surgeons G A Herklots, W H Steele, A W Izard, J F Bulfin

Nursing Sisters B Brooks, C Terry, E Fry, M A Franklin

Due St Vincent Sep 13, Southampton Sep 20.


The Manila sailed from Southampton yesterday with 21 officers and 867 men.


London Times, 07 Sep 01 (Saturday)

p10a & b The Avoca, with invalids, arrived at Southampton Water yesterday afternoon. The following were listed:

6/DG – Lieutenant O St M Jones

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant M F Jones

2/Devon – Lieutenant Smyth-Osbourne

1/S Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant C R P Winser

ASC – 2/Lieutenant C E Scott

2/Northumberland Fusiliers – Lieutenant L B Coulson

2/Shropshire Light Infantry – Captains R A Smith, R R Gubbins

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant C Brand

12/Lancers – 2/Lieutenant W H Charlton

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant D Logan

RE – 2/Lieutenant A W Stokes

2/Hampshire – Lieutenant F C Moore

1/Cameron Highlanders – Captain W M Stewart

6/Dragoons – Lieutenant C H Higgins

3/Yorkshire – 2/Lieutenant R M St J Booth

Vet Dept. – Lieutenant J F Coley, Civil Veterinary Surgeon R D C Roberts

7/DG – Major B R Deitz

289 men

1 man died on the voyage, Private Monkton, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry


London Times, 09 Sep 01 (Monday)

p5a & b Note Here: Report of Vandeleur service, among attendance, Colonel Maxse,


The Englishman embarked, at Queenstown Saturday, 4 officers and 240 men for a total carried of 25 officers and 455 men, and 296 remounts. Among those who were embarked were 30 men who were sentenced to 18 months for looting a goods train at Naauwpoort and have been liberated after 5 months.


The Dunottar Castle listed among her passengers for South Africa, 3 officers and 103 men of the Monmouth Mil. Eng.


London Times, 10 Sep 01 (Tuesday)

p9b The Custodian arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with the following:

4/DG – Lieutenant G J Metcalfe (invalid)

With the following on passage home:

RGA – Major F J Graeme

Donegal Militia Artillery – Captain J S Dewhurst

RFA – 2/Lieutenant T Chrisp

2/R Warwick – 2/Lieutenant L A Jones

SR – Captain R Wanless-O’Gowan

1/Dorset – 2/Lieutenant E A H Fell

2/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant F B Lane

4/R Dublin Fusiliers – Major C H Tippett

5/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant L C Swifte

W India – Captain H A Thorne

AOD – Captain E H Robinson

Reserve of Officers – Captains H E Bamfylde, H T Hall

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant J W Sutherland

Late Robert’s Horse – Lieutenant A F Todd

South African L H – Lieutenant J Dudgeon

Prince of Wales L H – Lieutenant D H Hanson

Loch’s Horse – Lieutenant Colonel J H Hodgson

C I C Bodyguard – Lieutenant W McEvoy

BSAP – Lieutenant P Gwynne

Civil Surgeons C W Donald, E S Wells

Civil Veterinary Surgeon L P Knight

Remount Dept. – Captain C F Whitley-Deans-Dundas


London Times 11 Sep 01 (Wednesday)

pages 11, 12, & 13 London Gazette Sep 10, 1901. Despatch from Lord Roberts of M I D

Note: of interest – Staff– Burn-Murdock, F S Maude, F D Farquhar

CG – Surtees, Drummond-Hay, Sterling, Feilding, Ponsonby, Steele, Pryce-Jones


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 11 Sep 01

p1 & 2 Note here article on the death of Lieutenant Colonel Vandeleur, I G


p23 The Dunvegan Castle arrived here Tuesday morning with the following named military passengers: Captain A F Brown.

The Saxon sails for England this afternoon with the following named military passengers: Major Clarke, Captain Elves.


p24 Here a mention of the thoughts of putting Boer POW on trains as a protective measure.

Dateline London, Sep 5. The purchase of mules for South Africa at Kansas City has been resumed.


p25 Dateline Durban, Sep 9. The hospital ship Nubia, with invalids, sails on Wednesday.


London Times, 12 Sep 01 (Thursday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 13 Sep 01 (Friday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 14 Sep 01 (Saturday)

p7a & b The Wakool arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following:

ASC Capot. E A W Courtney, (invalid)

With the following on passage home:

5/Lancers – Major A C King

RFA – Major C M Barlow

2/Scots G – Lieutenant the Hon. C E Craven

2/R Lancaster – Captain J A Paton

4/Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant F G Waddington

Middlesex – Captain H F Macewan

3/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant G E R Patey

RAMC – Major B J Mills

Reserve of Officers – Captains A B Boyd-Wilson, R A Vansittart

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain E D Mansel

Civil Surgeons E Turton, E B Jones, A Wade

Civil Veterinary Surgeons C E Steel, P B Brownrigg

Nursing Sisters E Mackae, A S Clarridge, K M Pieot, K Forde

Late Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants A L S Oelrichs, H J Parker

760 men

Many of the men were ex-POW of the Boers. Spoke well of them. Not of the foreigners.


p8a Note Here; M I D for China Operations.


London Times, 16 Sep 01 (Monday)

p3d Dateline Bermuda, Sep 14. The Montrose arrived here after a rough passage. She carried 932 Boer P O W, 37 convicts, and 285 men of the Warwickshire Regiment. Among the POW there were 74 cases of measles (2 died), 10 cases of pneumonia, 5 bronchitis, and 6 of senile decay.


London Times, 17 Sep 01 (Tuesday)

p3d Dateline Sydney, Sep 16. The N S W battery of the Australian Artillery returned here today. (no ship mentioned. )


p5a & b The Dilwara arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with 609 men under command of Lieutenant Colonel A F Gatliff, RMLI The following were listed:

RHA – Major P B Taylor.

3/Norfolk – Captain L W Gurney

3/Bedford – Lieutenant E St G Mivart

4/West Yorkshire – Captain H M Appleton

3/Yorkshire – Captain N Monckton

3/Welsh Fusiliers – Lieutenant O F Lenke

2/E Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant L F Allason

1/S Stafford – Lieutenant S C Welchman

1/N Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant CB Wallis

Volunteer Company R West Kent – Lieutenant P J F McCracken

1/Connaught Rangers – Lieutenant H M Hutchinson

3/R Irish Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant F R Shackleton

AOD – Captain A G Staples

Veterinary Dept. Captain A England

South African Mounted Irregular Force – Captain J Edwards

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain A Fitzgibbon, Lieutenants E R Brickdale, S E Thomas, T Field, 2/Lieutenant S G McLean

With the following on passage home:

5/Liverpool – Captain H S Husted

3/Yorkshire – Captain & Quartermaster G Croft

1/Lancashire Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenants J Sargent, E S Deane

1/S Wales Borderers – Lieutenant Colonel C V Trower

3/E Lancashire – Lieutenant Colonel R H Milne-Redhead

3/Border – Lieutenant Colonel N F Jenkins

Remount Dept. – Captain H Scott

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain G A Weir, Lieutenant G R McClintock

Australian Horse – Captain G A Thomas

RA – 2/Lieutenant F G Harington

Cape Police – Captain H Hayes

Driscoll’s Scouts – Lieutenant E P Prestwick

Civil Veterinary Surgeon J P Bell

Civil Surgeons R C Verley, W H Hunter, B G Brock

Nursing Sisters A M Glenie, A Hill, M L Harris


The Saxon left for England Sep 11 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Colonel Sir. C Parsons.

1/Durham Light Infantry – Captain L E C Elwes

BSAP – Captain Cashel.

Reverend F Knapp

1/Worcester – Major E St L Clarke

R Irish Fusiliers – Captain G K Swettenham

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H R Jameson

Due Southampton 27 Sep


The Nubia left Port Natal for England Sep 12, with the following invalids:

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H P Travers

Scottish Horse – 2/Lieutenant T McLetchie

5/Lancers – Captain M P R Oakes

4/KRRC – Lieutenant A J Fife

1/Derby – Lieutenants Gibson, W R Frend

Victorian Mounted Rifles – Lieutenant J H Brabazon and 27 men

R Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant D H Evans

2/Middlesex – Captain R A Haviland, Lieutenant F H Nugent

ASC – Major J S Moore, Lieutenant G Anstruther

RAMC – Captain N Marden, Civil Surgeons Dunn, Simpson, Lowe, Brew, Collyns

Nurses – Palmer, Gordon, Nutter, Phillips, Beetham, Douglas, Rider, Wells, Hunsellin

Reverend Peploe

Due Southampton Oct 6.


London Times, 18 Sep 01 (Wednesday) Nothing Noted


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 18 Sep 01

p11 The Canada arrived here Wednesday morning with over 1,000 troops.


p24 Dateline London, Sep 12. The Montezuma and the Raphael have sailed today from New Orleans with 2,000 horses and mules for South Africa.


p29 The Norman sails this afternoon for England with the following named military passengers: Captain Campbell, Captain A von Dessaner, Captain Logan.


London Times, 19 Sep 01 (Thursday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 20 Sep 01 (Friday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 21 Sep 01 (Saturday)

p6c & d The Hawarden Castle left for England Sep 18 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Lieutenant General Sir H J T Hildyard

13/Hussars – Major M A Close

RA – Lieutenant F M C French

R W Kent – Captain A W Martyn

RFA – Captain P Wheatley, Lieutenant W Williams

R Monmouth Militia Eng. – Captain R S Foresteit-Walker

2/Scots G – Major E Milner

2/Yorkshire – 2/Lieutenant C J H Gardner

1/R Scots Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant J D Strong

4/Lincoln – Captain E K Cordeaux

Devon – Captain N R Radcliffe

1/S Lancashire – Lieutenant E W E Milman

3/Border – Major R W W Jones

Reserve of Officers – Lieutenant C C H Harvey

Remount Dept. – Captain C M Wheatley, Lieutenants S Galvayne, G C Duncan

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain H E Holbrow, Lieutenants W E Guinness, E T Whitehead, 2/Lieutenant E C St J B Neale

RAMC – Lieutenant R L Davies

Rhodesian Field Force – Surgeon Lieutenant H Cardin

Chinese Regiment of Infantry – Lieutenant Quartermaster T Jones

Imperial L Horse – Major H A Rogers

Civil Veterinary Surgeons F H Pinkett, E E Clode, K Hewlett, J T Crosby

Nursing Sisters W M Pooler, G Chinnery


The Norman left for England Sep 18 with the following on passage home:

Staff – Major- General J M Babington, Captain C L K Campbell

10/Hussars – Captain Hon. J Dawnay

Prince of Wales L H – Captain R Rayner

Imperial Yeomanry Hospital – Captain Dessauer Chambers, Force Dr. H D Rolliston


The German left for England Sep 16, has on board Civil Surgeon T A G White.


The Tagus arrived at Southampton yesterday morning with about 700 men, mostly invalids. The following were listed:

2/R Warwick – Lieutenant S S Butler.

2/Bedford – 2/Lieutenant H O H Smithers

1/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant H A Davis

RB – Major E A F Dawson

ASC – Lieutenant J W R Debathe

Cape Volunteer M S C – Lieutenant & Quartermaster W Austin

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel F A Deare, Lieutenants H C Thompson, G B Thomas

Civil Surgeon R Tilbury

Nursing Sisters C Brown, R M Bullock, F Low

With the following on passage home:

Limerick City Militia Artillery – Captain S J Brasier-Creagh

2/R Scots – 2/Lieutenant D Mathers

1/R Scots Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenants H G B Miller, W H Hodgson

1/KOSB – Lieutenant & Quartermaster B E Parkinson

2/Derby – 2/Lieutenants A B Wayte, E A L Nickerson

3/Manchester – 2/Lieutenants A Mackrell, E Sheppard

3/ Gordon Highlanders – Captain C W Kennard

2/R Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant S M L Iredell

Reserve of Officers – Captain F G Hughes

Imperial Yeomanry – Major R W W Eyton, Lieutenants R J Vyner, C H H Williams, R H Baillie, Surgeon-Major J E Martin

South African L H – Lieutenant C O Taylor

Reverends F K Keene, J Cottrel

RAMC – Major A Baird

Civil Surgeons G A Herklots, W H Steele, A W Izard, J F Bulfin

Nursing Sisters B Brooks, C Terry, E Fry, M A Franklin


London Times, 23 Sep 01 (Monday)

p8b The Manhattan left for England Sept 18 with the following on passage home:

17/Lancers – Lieutenant R B Brassey (Invalid)

R Anglesey Militia Eng. – Major F H Rawlins, Lieutenant A L Stanley and 53 men

3/Devonshire – Lieutenant R J Scarborough

Volunteer Company R Scots – Lieutenant R G W Adams

RFA – Captain V R Hine-Haycock

Volunteer Company S Staffordshire – Lieutenant E Smith

5/Manchester – Captain C A Vanderzee

Remount Dept. – Captain W H Croker, Lieutenant C S H Johnstone

Reserve of officers – Major A A W B Bright-Smith

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain C E Brooke Hunt

Scottish Horse – Lieutenant A Martin

Late of Robert’s Horse – Lieutenant F A F Bone

Veterinary Captain R J Anderson

Civil Surgeon C J Craddick

Civil Veterinary Surgeon A Crofton

Due Southampton 15 Oct


The Norham Castle left Southampton Saturday afternoon with The following listed:

Lieutenant Colonel W J Macnamara, Major G E Hall and some other officers and doctors


London Times, 24 Sep 01 (Tuesday)

p5c The Simla arrived at Southampton yesterday morning. The following were listed:

1/Yorkshire – 2/Lieutenant E G C Bagshawe

6/DG – 2/lt. Selby Lowndes

2/E Yorkshire – Captain E T Marshall

RAMC – Majors H J Barratt, J E Nicholson

1/KOSB – Captain A G Fraser

2/SR – 2/Lieutenant F G W Draffen

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains G B Baker, C J Wahab, Lieutenant C E B Chalmers, 2/Lieutenant C C Ommaney

Army Pay Dept. – Major C F H Beardmore

1/RB – Major A G Ferguson

ASC – Captains G H Pedlar, A F F Fisher, 2/Lieutenant E F G Dillon

2/Somerset Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant F E McClellan

5/Victorian M R – Lieutenant W S Wedd

3/Dorset – Lieutenant C H Ching

Reverend Father Hepburn

RFA – Captain E C W D Walthall

About 200 men, mostly invalids.


London Times, 25 Sep 01 (Wednesday)

p8b The Wakool left Albert Docks for South Africa last evening. She takes out numerous details of the Essex and W Riding Regiments and about 200 South African Constabulary.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 25 Sep 01

p1 Dateline Durban, Sep 21. The Armenian sails from here for Bombay today with 1,000 Boer POW


p11 The Lake Erie has arrived here with drafts. The hospital ship Bavarian has sailed for England with invalids. Lieutenant Percy Smuts named.


p31  The Dunvegan Castle sails for England this afternoon with the following named military passengers: Lieutenant Colonel Lowden.


London Times, 26 Sep 01 (Thursday)

p4b For Lieutenant J W R Debathe, ASC, invalided home on the Tagus correct to read Lieutenant J W R Bathe, Imperial Yeomanry


The Victorian left for England Sep 20 with the following on passage home:

R Monmouth Militia Eng. – Lieutenant Colonel H E M Lindsay, Captain R L Matthews and 61 men

6/Lancashire Fusiliers – Colonel F C Romer, Major F L Sanders, Captains A F Owen-Lewis, R V H Applin, D F Robinson, P H Atkin, F S Garratt, Lieutenants C W Gaitskell, Sir A V F Seymour, P Beaumont, H Eardley-Wilmot, G H Hardman, A D C Krook, Lieutenant & Quartermaster A W Smith and 446 men

RAMC – Civil Surgeon S H Clarke

Nursing Sisters L L Watts, E M Young

Due Southampton Oct 11.


Note Here: A long article about POW at Bermuda.


London Times, 27 Sep 01 (Friday)

p5a & b Here a chart of Camp numbers for August 1901.


The Bavarian left for England Sep 20 with invalids. The following were listed:

3/R W Surrey – Captain E G Williams

RE – Captains G O Bigge, O T O’K Webber

1/Suffolk – Captain J R G Hopkins

2/Bedford – Captain A R Finlay

3/Welsh – Captain A E Pope

1/Derby – London Times, h. f. wATSON

Seaforth Highlanders – Captain F E L L Daniell

1/ Connaught Rangers – Captain A W H Bell

RAMC – Colonel W L Gubbins, Civil Surgeons W Faull, H M Roberts

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant R A H Campbell

N S W Bushmen – Captain T W Breckenridge

Marshall’s Horse – Lieutenant W S Herbert

P O W Light Horse – Captain A J Crosby

Reverend A G Pentreath

Nursing Sister L M Culverwell

Sick laying down, 79; convalescent, 330

Wounded laying down, 21; convalescent, 15

With the following on passage home:

9/Lancers – Captain D J E Beale-Brown

RA – 2/Lieutenant B R Brewin

1/N Lancashire – Captain F C L Logan

3/Seaforth Highlanders – Captain C E Johnston

1/R Scots – Captain H E P Nash

Remount Dept – Lieutenant H S Windham

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel H Howard, Veterinary Captain J H Lockwood, Lieutenant F C T Pines

5/N Z Contingent – Lieutenant J B Rose

RAMC – Major W Hallaran, Civil Surgs, G A C Casalis, D G MacArthur

N S W M S C – Lieutenant Colonel R Vandeleur-Kelly

Queensland M S C – Major W B Nisbit

Cape G A – Lieutenant C P Smuts

Reverend A Dyer

ASC – (Late) Mr Honeywood

Nursing Sisters C Hamilton, E H Hordley, L A H Seligmann, A Lawrence, A McLeod.


The Dilwara left Southampton yesterday for South Africa with 59 officers and details for the Cape. She also has a detail of 2 officers and 194 men for Gibraltar. At Gibraltar she will embark 1 officer and 103 men for South Africa.


The Chicago left Albert Docks for South Africa with nearly 400 horses and a few details.


London Times, 28 Sep 01 (Saturday)

p7a The Saxon arrived at Southampton yesterday morning. The following were listed:

Staff – Colonel Sir. C Parsons.

1/Durham Light Infantry – Captain L E C Elwes

BSAP – Captain Cashel.

Reverend F Knapp

1/Worcester – Major E St L Clarke

R Irish Fusiliers – Captain G K Swettenham

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H R Jameson


The Chicago called at Southampton yesterday morning and embarked 250 additional horses for South Africa.


p10, 11, & 12. London Gazette 27, Sep 1901. Awards of various Orders.

F S Maude, DSO p10a

F D Farquhar, DSO p10a

H C Surtees, DSO p10d

G P T Feilding, DSO, p10d

J Ponsonby, DSO, p10d

J A G Drummond-Hay, Bt. Major, p10d

J T Sterling, Bt. Major, p10d


London Times, 30 Sep 01 (Monday)

p5a & b Note Here: A long article containing extracts from Mrs Neybergh’s report on Refugee Camp, Johannesburg.


p10a-e Note Here: An interesting article here on reorganization of Army Medical Service and Army Nursing Service.