London Times, 01 Nov 01 (Friday)

p8a The Orotava arrived at Southampton yesterday. The following were listed:

3/R W, Surrey – Captain W H DeB Griffiths

4/Bedford – Captain R P Croft

5/Lancashire Fusiliers – Captain G Armitage

2/R Berkshire – Lieutenant Colonel E H Burney

1/R Berkshire – Major G De La M Faunce

3/R Munster Fusiliers – Captain A L Coppinger

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel J McLaughlin

Army Pay Dept. – Captain R W Fanshawe

W Province Mounted Rifles – Lieutenant R H Sawyer

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant Colonel H C Wilson, Captains M L Paget, M H Ingram, Lieutenants J Latham, G A Cove

P o. W Light Horse – Lieutenant T L Shaw

Reserve of Officers – Captain S Harrison

R N – Lieutenant R M Hook

Nursing Sisters – J Wilson, J N Lindsay, A Wishart

With the following on passage home:

Reserve of Officers – Major E P Curzon

R Highlanders – Lieutenant Colonel W Angel Scott

4/Manchester – Captain G F H Trueman

1/Northampton – Captains R W Rawlins, A F Bacon

1/W Yorkshire – 2/Lieutenant F H Hawky

3/Middlesex – 2/Lieutenant R R Rowe

2/E Yorkshire – Lieutenant E F Green

Reserve of Officers – Captain F G Jones

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants C Playfair, C Odlum

Remount Dept. – Captain R R Thompson

RAMC – Colonel J L Notter, Major R G Hanley

Reverends C Swarbreck, A D Firth

Civil Veterinary Surgeon E W Oliver

Civil Surgeons H H G Lnapp, J A H Brincker, W J Moir

Nursing Sisters L R Woolcoombe, B Turner, W Bron, S M Wright, M P Richardson


The Templemore left for England Oct 26 with the following on passage home:

1/Worcester – Lieutenant Colonel O H Oakes

21/Lancers – Captain A D Champion

1/S Wales Borderers – Captain H G Gasson, Lieutenant G E E Welby

3/Connaught Rangers – Captain J H N H Burke

3/Lancashire Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant RE Harris

3/Worcester – 2/Lieutenant R J Ford

Imperial Yeomanry – 2/Lieutenant W H A Auerbach

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant G H Stevenson

2/Cheshire – 2/Lieutenant E B Flanagan

1/R Welsh – 2/Lieutenant H de B Edwards

1/Loyal N Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant C P F Warton

1/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain H A Tremayne

Civil Surgeons C V B Stanley, W Pomeroy, J E Sandilands, C W Howe

Due Southampton Nov 18


London Times, 02 Nov 01 (Saturday) Nothing Mentioned


London Times, 04 Nov 01 (Monday)

p6b The Carisbrook Castle left for England Oct 30, with the following on passage home:

3/Northampton – Captain L H Martineau

RFA – Captain H Spencer

Indian Staff Corps – Major J M Camilleri

Namaqualand Town Guard – Lieutenant W Willman

Due Southampton Nov 15.


London Times, 05 Nov 01 (Tuesday)

p8b & c The Orcana arrived at Southampton yesterday with invalids. The following were listed:

RFA – Captains W A Nicholson, E P Smith

RGA – Captain G A Murphy

AOC – Colonel A Samut

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel J G Macneece, Captain G S McLoughlin, Lieutenant J W H Houghton

2/E Kent – Captain J Hasler

1/S Lancashire – Lieutenant J Huxford

1/R Scots – Captain I F F Gardiner

Queensland Bushmen – Lieutenant C Hugonin

2/Norfolk – Major W F Percy

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants W Wyatt-Edgell, L P Putland, A Profeit

7/DG – Lieutenant N D H Campbell

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Lieutenant F L Hingston

Chaplains – Fathers Keatinge, Sutherland

Civil Surgeons – R H Browne, E H Ridley

Nursing Sisters – Dawson, E M Hayden, M C Meeke, B Shipley, M E Gillan

Colonial Nursing Sisters – C G Jeffries, M E Crooke Smith

Reverend Schannell


The hospital ship Dunera left Southampton yesterday with a full nursing staff for South Africa. She is also taking out a number of privileged passengers.


London Times, 06 Nov 01 (Wednesday)

p8b, c & d Note Here: Table of Casualties for the month of October.


The Armenian left Port Natal for Bombay on Nov 3 with Boer prisoners, 36 officers and 981 men. They were escorted by the following:

67 th Battery RFA – Major Manifold, Captain Tapp, Lieutenant Sheppard, 2/Lieutenants Newland, Russell and 157 men

69th Battery RFA – Captain Belcher, Lieutenants Clark, Herbert, 2/Lieutenant Shaw and 156 men

RFA – Lieutenant Colonel Lambart, 1 warrant officer and 2 men

RAMC – Major Holyoake, Lieutenant Fox and 7 men

RGA – Major Giles

AOC – (for Celon) Lieutenant Colonel Barrett

1/Shropshire Light Infantry – Lieutenant Colonel Bulman

1/Gordon Highlanders – Lieutenant Colonel Macbean, CB

Indian Staff Corps – Lieutenant Mitchell-Taylor

2/ Somerset Light Infantry (For Indian Staff Corps) – Lieutenant L G B Harrison

South African Constabulary – Captain Chammy


The Menes has arrived at Gibraltar, from Alexandria, bringing 109 officers and men of the 1/Derbyshire Regiment for South Africa. They will wait at Gibraltar for the Manhattan, which will take these troops to South Africa.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 06 Nov 01

p21 The Saxon sailed this afternoon for England with the following named military passengers: Major Haddock, Major Bernard, Colonel Cockburn, Captain George L Williams.

The Norman arrived here yesterday morning with the following named military passengers: Colonel & Mrs. Heyman.


London Times, 07 Nov 01 (Thursday)

p10a, d & f The Roslin Castle left for England Nov 1, with invalids. The following were listed:

2/E Yorkshire – Lieutenant Colonel E A Ogle

3/Yorkshire – Major Baron H de Teissier, 2/Lieutenant R H W Jacques

RE – Major W A Cairnes

RAMC – Major M O’D Braddell

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain F B Clarke, Lieutenant A Shaw

Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain L P H Bliss

1/E Lancashire – Captain Quartermaster W Holbourn

3/KRRC – Captain CB Petre

7/DG – 2/Lieutenant J H M Kirkwood

1/R Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant A H C Macgregor

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant W H Walmsley

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant J C Markes

1/R Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant D G H Auchinleck

1/Derby – 2/Lieutenant M B Rimington

14/Hussars – Lieutenant J F Champion

1/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant P B Lefroy

Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts – Lieutenant J P E Wylie

Nursing Sisters A Gore, T E Oram

Sick laying down, 5; convalescent, 493

Wounded convalescent, 34

With the following on passage home:

8/Hussars – Lieutenant Colonel P L Clowes

2/SG – Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel G S Robinson

2/R Lancaster – Captain W A L Lethbridge

5/Manchester – Lieutenant D M S R Watters

Veterinary Dept. – Captain G H Farrell, Lieutenant U Carr

Remount Dept. – Captain C G J Edmondes

3/N Staffordshire – Lieutenant C A Chaytor

R Fusiliers – Captain F B Oldfield

R Canadian Artillery – Captain F W Van Tuyl

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant E W E J S Vidal

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Lieutenant C W M Maydwell

Durham Militia Artillery – Lieutenant R G M Johnson and 72 men

Natal Carbineers – Major G F Tatham

Volunteer Company S Staffordshire – Captain G H Smith

9/KRRC – Captain T W M Fuge

Kaffrarian Rifles – Lieutenant E Goulder Smith (Late of)

Reverend J N Simms

Civil Veterinary Surgeon N Molyneaux

Civil Surgeons A S Arthur, R Moore Madden

Nursing Sisters E Fry, J Joel, A McKillan, W Nicholson, D Peiper, J W Williamson

Also on board, Miss Hobhouse and maid

Due Southampton Nov 22.


A draft of 1 sergeant, 2 corporals and 100 privates of the 3/Middlesex Regiment embark today on the Bavarian at Southampton for South Africa.


The Manhattan arrived at Gibraltar yesterday morning. The Pinemore arrived at Table Bay on Tuesday.


The Manhattan arrived at Gibraltar yesterday from Southampton. She landed 220 officers and men of the Brekshire Regiment and embarked a draft of the Sherwood Foresters, left in the afternoon for the Cape.


London Times, 08 Nov 01 (Friday)

p6b Officers and 400 men of the Brigade of Guards embarked in the Bavarian at Southampton yesterday. The following were listed:

GG– Captains F E G Ponsonby, J S Reeve, 2/Lieutenants A W J Cecil, I O Dennistoun, W D Drury-Lowe, E M Colston, C V Fisher-Rowe

CG – Captain J H C Graham, 2/Lieutenants G H Brown, G E Huth, E G Gillilan

Northumberland Fusiliers – 104 men

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – 1 officer, 103 men

Worcester – 104 men

Middlesex – 168 men

Manchester – 103 men

R Fusiliers – 104 men

RE – 82 men

Totals were 63 officers, 40 warrant officers, and 1,183 men

The Bavarian will call at Queenstown for more troops.


The Idaho sailed from Albert Docks yesterday with details from R Dublin Fusiliers, I Y, civil Veterinary Surgeons, RA and 370 remounts.


Note Here: Article and charts concerning Concentration Camps.


London Times, 09 Nov 01 (Saturday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 11 Nov 01 (Monday)

p12a The Britannic left Southampton on Saturday with 31 officers, 958 men, 39 women, and 3 children. Drafts included the following:

South African Constabulary – 300 men

Imperial Yeomanry – 116 men

RHA – 41 men

RGA – 242 men

Inniskilling Fusiliers – Colonel R L Payne, DSO, in charge.


The Bavarian arrived at Queenstown Saturday morning and embarked the following :

RFA – 2 officers and 76 men

Northumberland Fusiliers – 2 officers and 16 men

Worcester – 2 officers and 103 men

4/Manchester – 2 officers and 70 men

She sailed in the afternoon.


London Times, 12 Nov 01 (Tuesday)

p8c The Canada arrived at Southampton yesterday morning. The following were listed: 1/DG – Lieutenant F H Charlton

Indian Staff Corps – Captain V R Davidson

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant D C P Cameron

3/W Riding – Lieutenant P R J Henry

ASC – Captain J M Harrison

RAMC – Colonel H Grier

Imperial Yeomanry Lieutenant E J Hodgson

Imperial Yeomanry – 2/Lieutenant C R Powell (Attached ASC)

Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts – Surgeon-Maj, R C Perkins

BSAP – Major A V Gosling

French’s Scouts – Captain H Bettelheim

Colonial L H – Lieutenant D F Scott

Lord Lovant’s Corps – Civil Surgeon H H Hartley

Nursing Sister K E King

Wounded lying down, 29; convalescent, 12

Sick lying down, 65; convalescent, 396

With the following on passage home:

8/Hussars – Lieutenant Colonel D E Wood

10/Hussars – Lieutenant Colonel H Alexander

12/Lancers – Lieutenant Colonel T J Atherton

Loyal N Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant R T G Salusbury

4/Northumberland Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant D Radford

4/Middlesex – 2/Lieutenants A K Budge, G Woodfull

R Fusiliers – Lieutenant W R Warren

Cheshire – Captain A S Ash

R Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant H S L Maydwell

4/R Warwick – 2/Lieutenant R G Beatty

2/Northampton – Lieutenant M O N Rees-Webbe

3/R Warwick – Lieutenant C K Brown

Shropshire Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant R A K Wilson

2/Bedford – Major A A Fraser

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants H H Heathly, W N Bazley

RAMC – Lieutenant Colonel S H Carter, Lieutenant J W Leake

Reverends G Litchfield, N N Birt

South African L H – Lieutenant J W Thompson

Indian Staff Corps – 2/Lieutenant F H Humphries

Tasmanian Bushmen – Captain F B Adams

P o W L H – Captain Lord C Kennedy

Gorringe’s Flying Column – Lieutenant T M B Crouch

Late Nesbit’s Horse – Lieutenant C H Wardrop

Robert’s Horse – Lieutenants the Hon. A J P Littleton, C J R L Learmouth

Civil Surgeons – J McMurray, R C Macdonald

Civil Veterinary Surgeons – J Crawford, J J O’Connor, S Hirst, J C Young

Nursing Sisters – M Brough, A Hayhurst, R M Kennedy, E M King, M F Forrest


London Times, 13 Nov 01 (Wednesday)

p10b The Saxon left for England Nov 6 with the following on passage home:

3/Yorkshire – Captain G Hoole-Lowsley-Williams

Rifle Brigade – Lieutenant Colonel G Cockburn

P O W L H. – Major L B Haddock

Due Southampton Nov 22.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 13 Nov 01

p17 The Kinfauns Castle sails this afternoon for Southampton with the following named military passengers: Lieutenant Colonel Lewis, Major Bernard, Captain Ferguson, Captain Barnett, Captain T C E Goff, Captain Pahner.


p24 Dateline London, Nov 7. The Australia has embarked 1,300 men for South Africa to reinforce the troops there. 200 were for the CG and 200 for GG



London Times, 14 Nov 01 (Thursday)

p7b The Fortunatus sailed from Albert Docks today and will call at Southampton. She will take 106 men and 467 horses of 2/DG Also will carry 137 other horses.


London Times, 15 Nov 01 (Friday)

p8a The Lake Erie left for England Nov 8, with the following on passage home:

3/DG – Major C L Cotton

2/W India – Lieutenant Colonel J R M Dalrymple-Hay

4/Liverpool – Captain J W Allen

Sligo Militia Artillery – Captain G A Heather

W Militia Submarine Miners – Lieutenant R B T Rye

Lancashire Militia Artillery – Lieutenant H F Hollins

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenants A J Roser, A J Blake

2/R Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant N H C Russell

3/Middlesex – 2/Lieutenant J C Philips

1/Scottish Horse – Captain P N Field, Lieutenant J Stuart-Wortley

C I C Bodyguard – Lieutenant G Fitzgerald

Reverend A B Challin Boddington


Civil Veterinary Surgeon G W Balfour

Civil Surgeons J B Davey, E H Worth, J F Lees, A Robertson

Nursing Sisters M Glenton Kerr, A Spooner

Due Southampton Dec 1.


The Fortunatus embarked yesterday at Albert Docks 1 Cavalry officer and 137 remounts. She will call at Southampton and embark there 463 additional horses, 6 officers and 100 men of the 2/DG


The Idaho arrived at Queenstown yesterday from Southampton and London and embarked an additional 95 horses then sailed for South Africa.


London Times, 16 Nov 01 (Saturday)

p7b Dateline Seychelles, Nov 15. The Armenian, with 900 Boer prisoners arrived here today on her way to Bombay.


p8a-c LG 15 Nov 1901, Kitchener Despatches here including M I D ’s


London Times, 18 Nov 01 (Monday)

p8a The 2/DG, about 500 men, and details embarked in the Orotava Saturday afternoon at Southampton. Total on board for South Africa was 44 officers and 800 men. The Orotava calls at Gibraltar where she will disembark 52 men of the 2/Cameron Highlanders and pick up 2 officers and 257 men for South Africa.


p8f Note Here: List of the members of the Advisory Board for the Army Medical Services.


London Times, 19 Nov 01 (Tuesday)

p10b & c The Kinfauns Castle left for England Nov 13 with the following on passage home:

GG – Lieutenant Colonel F J Davies

S Wales Borderers – Captain V Ferguson

Due Southampton Nov 29


The Manchester Merchant arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following on passage home:

RGA – Captain W G Lyddon

Reserve of Officers – Major C F Lindsell

4/Middlesex – 2/Lieutenants E Barker, W I Webb-Bowen, V L N Pearson

3/Middlesex – 2/Lieutenant H E Large

Imperial Yeomanry – Captains T E Topping, the Hon. W G Thesiger, M McAndrew, F A B McCrea, Lieutenants W H Hunt, M Martin

P O W L H – Lieutenant J D Willcox

Reverend B Cobbett

Civil Veterinary Surgeon J A Duff

Civil Surgeon – W M Mackay

Nursing Sisters F M Morris, C Erickson


The Templemore arrived at Southampton yesterday with the following on passage home:

1/Worcester – Lieutenant Colonel O H Oakes

21/Lancers – Captain A D Champion

1/S Wales Borderers – Captain H G Gasson, Lieutenant G E E Welby

3/Connaught Rangers – Captain J H N H Burke

3/Lancashire Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant RE Harris

3/Worcester – 2/Lieutenant R J Ford

Imperial Yeomanry – 2/Lieutenant W H A Auerbach

3/Northumberland Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant G H Stevenson

2/Cheshire – 2/Lieutenant E B Flanagan

1/R Welsh – 2/Lieutenant H de B Edwards

1/Loyal N Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant C P F Warton

1/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain H A Tremayne

Civil Surgeons C V B Stanley, W Pomeroy, J E Sandilands, C W Howe

Also 238 men of various Regiments


London Times, 20 Nov 01 (Wednesday)

p10a & b The Aurania left Port Natal for England Nov 14, with the following on passage home:

16/Lancers – Colonel Bethune

Imperial Light Infantry – Captain Coleman

J’burg Mounted Rifles – Lieutenants Hare, Dalling

2/Middlesex – Lieutenant CB Harcourt

2/R Lancashire – 2/Lieutenant Cargill

1/Staffordshire – 2/Lieutenant A J Reynolds

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant Colonel Wallington

Remount Dept. – Lieutenant Caldwell

RAMC – Captain Fuhr

Civil Surgeons Welsford, Swann

Nursing Sisters Chadfield, Audrey, Newhold

Civil Veterinary Surgeon Stubbs

2/Durham Light Infantry – Captain & Quartermaster Liebrecht ( Invalid )

Due Southampton Dec 8


The Orient left for England Nov 13 with invalids. The following were listed:

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant G B G Wood

4/Durham Light Infantry – Captain J R Shaw

1/Cameron Highlanders – Lieutenant A H Mackintosh

P o W Light Infantry – Lieutenant J D Hopper

3/DG – Captain G T R Cook

3/R Scots – Captain T C E Goff

Sick laying down, 12; convalescent, 180

Wounded laying down, 13; convalescent 12

With the following on passage home:

6/Middlesex – Captain G W B Tattersall

1/Border – 2/Lieutenant J A Ellis

1/R Inniskilling Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant A M Forteath

1/Berkshire – 2/Lieutenant E L Croslegh

4/Worcester – 2/Lieutenant V H Hankey

2/R Munster Fusiliers – 2/Lieutenant D H Powell

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant H C Bertram

Remount Dept. – Lieutenant H S Husted

2/Yorkshire Light Infantry – Lieutenant A T Walker

3/R Warwick – 2/Lieutenant T Whaley

6/ Dragoons – Lieutenant F Close

Connaught Rangers – Captain W E J Grylls

Reserve of Officers – Lieutenant H G Pirouet

Civil Surgeons E N T Rogers, M F Ellis

Nursing Sisters J M Clay, L Allman, A F Clarke

Due Southampton Dec 3.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 20 Nov 01

p8 Dateline Durban, Nov 11. The Aurania will leave for England this week with 500 invalids.

Dateline Bulawayo, Nov 14.”PRESENTATION AT BULAWAYO Bulawayo, November 14, (Reuter) A parade of all the troops in the garrison was held yesterday, including Volunteers and Town Guard, when Colonel Verner, Officer Commanding, Rhodesia, presented the DSO to the following officers: Captain M G Farquhar and Captain Walter Howard, for service at Spionkop; Captain Hook, with Plumer’s column; and Captain Bowden, of the B S A Police. A large number of townspeople assembled and repeatedly cheered the recipiants.”


p24 Dateline London, Nov 17. The Orotava has sailed for South Africa with 458 men of the Queen’s Bays and 591 men, drafts for various regts.

Dateline London, Nov 13. Here an article outlining the specs for the new rifle (SMLE)


p27 The Dunvegan Castle arrived hereTuesday morning with the following named military passengers: For Natal, Lieutenant Colonel R W Beningfield.

The Goth arrived here Monday with the following named military passengers: Lieutenant Black-Hawkins.


London Times, 21 Nov 01 (Thursday) Nothing Noted


London Times, 22 Nov 01 (Friday)

p4a & b The hospital ship Simla left for England Nov 14 with invalids. The following were listed:

RFA – Captain W G H Manley

Imperial Yeomanry – Surgeon Captain E F N Currey, Lieutenant R Persse

RGA – Lieutenant H St G Hamersley

1/Liverpool – Lieutenant F A Fynney

4/KRRC – Lieutenant G T Lee

2/ Wilts – Lieutenant H R Fisher

2/W Yorks – Lieutenant & Quartermaster C Richards

5/DG – Lieutenant G J Sandys

2/R W Kent – Lieutenant C Bonham-Carter

Reverend C W Partridge

Civil Surgeon H B T Symons

Civil Veterinary Surgeon J O’Brien

Sick laying down, 102; convalescent, 139

Wounded laying down, 18; convalescent, 15.

With the following on passage home:

1/Scottish Rifles – Lieutenant H M Lawrence

1/R Scots Fusiliers – Lieutenant F Fairlie

2/Devon – 2/Lieutenant W C R Savage

1/R Berks – 2/Lieutenant G W Hopton

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain A S V Hume

1/Norfolk – 2/Lieutenant C H A Tuck

1/Shropshire Light Infantry – 2/Lieutenant W L Herd

For duty on voyage:

RAMC – Captain R J W Mawhinny

Civil Surgeons D S Sutherland, C M Rolston

Nursing Sisters M E Harding, A M Winder, L Langley-Naylor, L P Dixon, E M Smythe

Due Southampton Dec 6.


The Raglan Castle left for England Nov 18 and has on board Civil Veterinary Surgeon W H Prime.

The Ulstermore arrived at Southampton yesterday morning. The following were listed: P o. W L H – Captain G P Tice

4/Dublin Fus – Captain J A Hope-Johnstone

Volunteer Company N Staffordshire – Captain C E Boote

2/Manchester – Lieutenant K E Kirkpatrick

2/W Riding – 2/Lieutenant T M Ellis

1/S Stafford – 2/Lieutenant J B Watts

4/DG – 2/Lieutenant A Cartonde Wiart

1/Welsh – 2/Lieutenants G H S Williams, D L Campbell

1/York & Lancaster – Lieutenant & Qm M J Duggan

Natal Police – Lieutenant O Dimmick

2/Bedford – 2/Lt/ E F K Graham

Civil Surgeons W R Williams, F M McIntosh

Civil Veterinary Surgeon N Molyneaux


London Times, 23 Nov 01 (Saturday)

p12a The Saxon arrived at Southampton yesterday morning from the Cape with Lieutenant Colonel Cockburn, DSO and Major Bernard, RMLI


London Times, 25 Nov 01 (Monday)

p10c & d The Roslin Castle arrived at Southampton yesterday morning. The following were listed:

2/E Yorkshire – Lieutenant Colonel E A Ogle

3/Yorkshire – Major Baron H de Teissier, 2/Lieutenant R H W Jacques

RE – Major W A Cairnes

RAMC – Major M O’D Braddell

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain F B Clarke, Lieutenant A Shaw

Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Captain L P H Bliss

1/E Lancashire – Captain Quartermaster W Holbourn

3/KRRC – Captain CB Petre

7/DG – 2/Lieutenant J H M Kirkwood

1/R Irish Fusiliers – Lieutenant A H C Macgregor

South African Constabulary – Lieutenant W H Walmsley

2/Lancashire Fusiliers – Lieutenant J C Markes

1/R Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant D G H Auchinleck

1/Derby – 2/Lieutenant M B Rimington

14/Hussars – Lieutenant J F Champion

1/R Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant P B Lefroy

Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts – Lieutenant J P E Wylie

Nursing Sisters A Gore, T E Oram

Sick laying down, 5; convalescent, 493

Wounded convalescent, 34

With the following on passage home:

8/Hussars – Lieutenant Colonel P L Clowes

2/SG – Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel G S Robinson

2/R Lancaster – Captain W A L Lethbridge

5/Manchester – Lieutenant D M S R Watters

Veterinary Dept. – Captain G H Farrell, Lieutenant U Carr

Remount Dept. – Captain C G J Edmondes

3/N Staffordshire – Lieutenant C A Chaytor

R Fusiliers – Captain F B Oldfield

R Canadian Artillery – Captain F W Van Tuyl

Imperial Yeomanry – Lieutenant E W E J S Vidal

2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – Lieutenant C W M Maydwell

Durham Militia Artillery – Lieutenant R G M Johnson and 72 men

Natal Carbineers – Major G F Tatham

Volunteer Company S Staffordshire – Captain G H Smith

9/KRRC – Captain T W M Fuge

Kaffrarian Rifles – Lieutenant E Goulder Smith (Late of)

Reverend J N Simms

Civil Veterinary Surgeon N Molyneaux

Civil Surgeons A S Arthur, R Moore Madden

Nursing Sisters E Fry, J Joel, A McKillan, W Nicholson, D Peiper, J W Williamson

Also on board, Miss Hobhouse.


The Vienna left Albert Docks Saturday with details and 300 remounts. She called at Southampton yesterday, embarked 200 additional remounts and sailed for Queenstown.


London Times, 26 Nov 01 (Tuesday)

p10a The Norman left for England Nov 20. With the following on passage home:

General Staff – Major General W Kitchener, Captain A W Speyer

2/Scots Guards – Lieutenant the Hon. J R L Yarde-Buller

Remount Dept. – Captains A C Whiteley, Cottrell-Dormer

Imperial Yeomanry – Major H E Lowden

Cameron Highlanders – Major G R Cavaye

South African Constabulary – Colonel C P Ridley

Cape Police – Lieutenant C E W Spencer

Civil Veterinary Surgeons – H E T Mason, D G Grist, F C Gavin

Due Southampton Dec 6.


London Times, 27 Nov 01 (Wednesday)

p5a & b Dateline Bombay, Nov 26. The Armenian has arrived here with 1,000 Boer prisoners.


p6b Note Here: Article on the Mars Automatic Pistol.


p6c The Canada left Southampton yesterday afternoon with the following:

Guards Company commanded by Captain E H Trotter, DSO

Essex Company commanded by Captain G N Sheffield

King’s Liverpool Company commanded by Captain H C Potter

#8 Composite Company commanded by Captain B C Fairfax, Durham Light Infantry

Drafts for the 10/Hussars, 13/Hussars, 1,5,6, & 7/DG,

Detachments of RE & AOC

Totals 59 officers, 967 men


p6d The Dunottar Castle, due to broken shaft has been taken in tow by the Runic. 100 miles south of Cape Verd. Mails transferred to the Lismore Castle and passengers will be taken on, at Dakar, by the Braemar Castle and the Galician.


Cape Times Weekly Edition, 27 Nov 01

p5 The Scot has arrived here from East Coast ports with the following named military passengers: Captain Webb, Sergeant A C T Humphries, Sergeant Selig, from East London, Captain T M S Pitt, Captain Peile, from Algoa Bay.


p19 The Briton arrived here yesterday with the following named military passengers: Captain Brook, Major General I Hamilton and servant, Major Maddocks and servant, Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs Arnold and maid ( for Natal).


London Times, 28 Nov 01 (Thursday)

p10a The Avoca left for England Nov 25. with invalids. The following were listed:

7/DG – Lieutenant M E Lindsay

5/Lancers – Lieutenant A G McClintock

Scottish Horse – Major A Blair, Lieutenant W Loring

5/Dublin Fusiliers – Lieutenant J C Heys Thompson

1/Durham Light Infantry – Lieutenant C L Matthews

Imperial Yeomanry – Captain R G Seymour, Lieutenant H H Earle

2/S Wales Borderers – 2/Lieutenant A H J Ellis

Army Veterinary Dept. – Veterinary Major Pringle

2/Norfolk – Lieutenant J R Clarke

2/N Lancashire – Major J E Pine-Coffin

1/Inniskilling Fusiliers – Lieutenant H S Cobb

2/Gloucester – Lieutenant H M Harrison

1/Scots G – Captain R Gordon

1/Derby – Captains P F R Anley, R H Keller

1/Devon – Lieutenant G F Green

RAMC – Major S Butterworth

Civil Surgeons H B Bannerman, J D Doherty, Gilroy, Walker

Nursing Sisters R L Strappere, E L Corser, L Hand, A E Nixon, B E Brooks, L H M Oryan


p10d (corrected) Note Here: Parliamentary Paper #374 (just issued)concerns shipping between April 1, 1900 and March 31, 1901.


London Times, 29 Nov 01 (Friday)

p9f Note Here: Maxse, CG, ump. war games and Wilkinson 3/CG

p10a, b, & c The Nubia left Port Natal for England Nov 26, with the following invalids:

2/DG – Captain H P Sykes

RA – Major G T M Bridges

Suffolk Militia Artillery – Captain A V St J White

2/Scots G – Major J C Heriot-Maitland

Antrim Militia Artillery – Lieutenant C H Blackwood

5/Manchester – Lieutenant E B W Solano

1/R Lancaster – Lieutenant L B Webster

1/Gordon Highlanders – Major & Quartermaster H Carlaw, Captain H Macneal

Essex M I – Captain Stoddart-McLellan

Veterinary Surgeon H K T Tasker

RAMC – Captain J Grech

Civil Surgeons A Cameron, R Corfe, R Raycroft, R V Milathorpe

Nursing Sisters D F Palmer, J E Phillips, L M Green, M E Richardson, J T Wells, H I Anderson

Due Southampton Dec 18.


The Harlech Castle left Cape Town for Bermuda Nov 23 with the following:

6 Company E Division RGA – Lieutenant Colonel A B Shute, Captain G G Traherne, Lieutenants W A Edmeades, W Meares, F W F Jackson and 106 men.

For duty on voyage and for England, Civil Surgeon E R Townshend and 7 men.


The Canada arrived at Queenstown from Southampton yesterday morning, She embarked 12 officers and 355 men from various regts. She sailed in the afternoon with totals of 71 officers and 1,332 men, women and children.


The Hyanthes left Albert Docks yesterday with 3 officers, details and 310 remounts. Will call at Southampton and Queenstown for more details and 340 additional horses.


The Manchester Merchant leaves Albert Docks today with 235 troops, including 100 men of Lord Lovat’s Scouts, a draft of Scots Greys and remainder of 7/Hussars, and 370 horses. She will call at Queenstown.


London Times, 30 Nov 01 (Saturday)

p12b & c The City of Vienna left Port Natal for Bombay Nov 25 with the following:

3/B D RA – Colonel Hall, Captain Philpotts

75 Bty. RFA – Major H J W Farrell, Lieutenant P J Paterson, 2/Lieutenants F G C Bailey, R L Baker, and 80 men

62 Bty. RFA – Major M R Courage, Lieutenant F Stanley, 2/Lieutenant W A F Jones and 61 men

18 Bty. RFA – Major H E Stockdale, Lieutenant W P S Jones, 2/Lieutenants F G Sanders, J Macdonagh and 88 men

Indian Medical Service – Major Elliott

Mule Train – Sub-Conductor Maher

Due Bombay Dec 13.


The Hyanthes called at Southampton yesterday and embarked 250 remounts, then sailed.