The page contains examples of medal groups to Jameson Raiders.  The names are arranged alphabetically.

Drury, Captain G V, British South Africa Police

Drury was an Inspector in the Bechuanaland Border Police prior to being attached to ‘D’ Troop, Matabeleland Mounted Police and selected for the famous Jameson Raid (The Men Who Made Rhodesia, by Colonel A. S. Hickman, refers). Subsequently appointed a Lieutenant in the British South Africa Police, he participated in the Matabeleland 1893 and Rhodesia 1896 operations, and was appointed to the command of the newly formed Barotse Native Police in North-West Rhodesia in 1899. His services in the Boer War are verified on Kaplan’s published “Relief of Mafeking” roll, in which he is stated to have have been a Captain in No. II Division, Bulawayo, BSAP.

BSACM reverse Matabeleland 1893, 1 clasp, Rhodesia 1896 (Lieut, B B Police), QSA (3) Rhodesia, Relief of Mafeking, Transvaal (Capt, BSA Police); KSA (2) (Capt, BSA Police).  DNW Apr 06 £1,700.

Froest, Frank Castle (not part of the Raid)

In 1892 Jabez Spencer Balfour, a British financier, fled to Argentina after the crash of his Liberator Building Society in which investors lost nearly six million pounds. A warrant alleging embezzlement was sworn against him in London and a detective despatched to Buenos Aires to effect his arrest. Unfortunately there was no extradition treaty with Argentinia, where Balfour, aided by his millions, was now being protected by certain corrupt officials. After two years and a number of spurious law suits it appeared that the fugitive might spend the rest of his life in South America defying British justice.

At this stage the first officer was recalled and Frank Castle Froest was given the case. Froest was born in Bristol in 1858 and joined the Metropolitan Police 21 years later. Moving rapidly through the ranks he had risen to Inspector 2nd Class at Scotland Yard by 1894. His briefing from Sir Robert Anderson, Assistant Commissioner C.I.D., was short and to the point. “You will go out to the Argentine,” said Sir Robert, “arrest Balfour and don’t come back without him. I don’t suppose we shall see you at the Yard for five years!” The new man duly arrived in Buenos Aires only to find that his quarry had bolted a thousand miles up country to the primitive settlement of Salta. Following intense diplomatic activity it was agreed that the authorities in Salta would arrest Balfour and hand him over to Froest and a Vice Consul. However, the British Consul in the capital was convinced that Balfour would be rescued by his Argentinian friends, lawfully or unlawfully, before the British party could reach the coast.  Froest and the Vice Consul made the two day journey to Salta where the Governor promised that Balfour would be handed over at noon in two days time. As the next departing train would not leave until a further 24 hours had passed, Froest took the precaution of hiring a special train. Accordingly, on the appointed day and time, Froest and his companion, each armed with a revolver, received their prisoner at the railway station from a group of smiling officials. The smiles vanished as Balfour was promptly handcuffed to the Vice Consul and hustled onto the special which was waiting with steam up. While the Vice Consul guarded Balfour in the only coach, Froest rode on the engine’s footplate alongside the driver. A few miles down the line a sheriff’s officer rode out to intercept the train, galloping alongside, waving an official paper and shouting at the top of his voice. The train driver would have stopped but Froest, though short in stature was a powerful man and prevailed upon the driver to keep going. Unhappily, the sheriff’s officer was killed when he fell from his horse in attempting to board the moving train.

After 800 miles the aged train broke down, fortunately in a station. Froest ordered another engine and coach to be made available but before the journey could be resumed a party of local police and officials arrived. They had received orders to arrest Froest and the Vice Consul for the murder of the sheriff’s officer. In the midst of a heated discussion on the platform as to whether they would be charged with murder or manslaughter, Froest received a signal from his companion that he and Balfour, still handcuffed together, were aboard the newly arrived train. The detective quietly left the group, ostensibly to answer a call of nature, gave his escort the slip and boarded the special from the track side. The train steamed out of the station, followed by agitated cries and shots, but there were no further attempts to stop them from reaching the coast. On reaching their destination, Froest hurried his prisoner onto an English cattle boat leaving for Liverpool that night. An attempt to take Balfour from the boat was beaten off with the aid of some seamen and friendly British cattlemen, and the ship sailed on the evening tide. Some months later, after a lengthy trial at the Old Bailey, Balfour was found guilty and sentenced to 14 years penal servitude.

Detective Inspector Froest was subsequently involved in another small piece of history when, on 18 February 1896, at Madeira, he boarded the S.S. Harlech Castle, and formally arrested 26 officers and 399 rank and file who were prisoners after having taken part in the Jameson Raid. It was the largest mass arrest in the history of British law enforcement.

Froest eventually retired in 1912 as a Superintendent and executive head of the C.I.D. at Scotland Yard. In that same year he was awarded the King’s Police Medal for meritorious service. He afterwards moved to Weston-super-Mare where he became a Justice of the Peace, and died there on 7 January 1930.

Jubilee 1887, clasp, 1897, Metropolitan Police (P.S., A Divn.), Coronation 1902, Metropolitan Police (Insp., C.O. Div.); Coronation 1911, Metropolitan Police (Supt.); King’s Police Medal, G.V.R., 1st issue (Frank Castle Froest, Supt., Met. Police).  DNW Sep 02 £1,500.

Gibb, William

Sergeant William Gibb took part in the Jameson Raid in 1896. He served in Rhodesia with D Squadron, MRF and was killed in action at Sekombe's Kraal on 5 August 1896.

BSACoM reverse Rhodesia 1896 (Sergt. W. Gibb, MRF).  DNW Dec 91 £330.

Hole, Hugh Marshall

Hugh Marshall Hole studied law at Balliol College, Oxford before emigrating to South Africa and, while working for a firm of solicitors in Kimberley in 1899, met Cecil John Rhodes. He joined the British South Africa Company in 1890 and in 1891 moved to Mashonaland where he became private secretary to Dr. Leander Starr Jameson, the Administrator, a post he held for three years. Thereafter, he served as Civil Commissioner at both Salisbury and Bulawayo, took an active part in the fighting during the Mashona rebellion, but was obliged to retire later in the year because of ill health. He returned to Matabeleland in 1898, held a number of important administrative positions, later served in the Boer War and, later still, in the Great War. After the war he resumed service withthe B. S. A. Company, in London, eventually becoming Managing Secretary from 1924 until1928. He was made C.M.G. in 1924 and retired to England in 1928. A first class historian and a cultured man of varied interests, he achieved wide recognition as an author. Among his better known books are 'The Jameson Raid, ' 'Rhodesia Days' and 'The Making of Rhodesia' all of which he was uniquely qualified to write about from personal experience.

Marshall Hole Money Cards

After seeing active service in the Boer War with the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers, Marshall Hole took up a civilian position as Government Secretary for Matabeleland. Residing in Bulawayo early in 1900 it was Marshall Hole's responsibiliry to find a way around the great currency shortage then being experienced as a result of the war. Holding large stocks of postage stamps, he introduced his now famous Money Cards bearing on one side his signature and the stamp of the Administrators Office, and on the other side a B.S.A. Company postage stamp of varying denominations.

CMG converted from breast badge, BSACoM reverse Rhodesia 1896 (Lieut. & Adjt., 5. FF.), QSA (1) Rhod (Lieut., S. Rhoda. Vol.), 1902 Coronation Medal.  DNW Dec 91 £1,100.

Jesser-Coope, John Charles

Major John Charles Jesser-Coope attested on 7/2/1890; he served in D Troop and was not popular as a Troop Sergeant as he was said to put on airs and graces and was not reasonable with his men. No. 527 Tpr. R.C. Smith relates that when he was at Macloustie practising mounting and dismounting in full marching order with his troop, his horse was very fresh and played him up. It was plunging about, making it almost impossible to mount, and Jesse-Coope kept taunting him. He says: 'I can remember fighting to keep myself under control, and at the end smiling at him. I suppose I would have got six months if I had given way...’ Jesser-Coope had accompanied D Troop on its march from Fort Tuli and was notified of his promotion when he reached Fort Victoria on 19/1/1891, but it appears from Lieut. R.J.P. Codrington's notes that he was posted to another troop, 'much to our regret... as he had proved himself a keen and able N.C.O. ' Officially he was promoted to Sub-Lieutenant in D Troop 1/1/1891. In June of the same year he was said to have been sent with a party of men by Dr. Rutherford Harris, the Company's Cape secretary, to improve and repair the Tuli road after the heavy rains. On the way from Fort Tuli to Fort Salisbury, Lt-Col. E.G. Pennfather met the party at the Narka Pass and turned them back.

The date on which he left the police is not recorded, but he was appointed Forest Officer in the hills above (old) Umtali by the Company and in 1892 Inspector of Roads in the same district. He made what was then known as O'Reilly's road berween Rusape and Odzi, cutting out the Devil's Pass. In 1893 he was a member of The Salisbury Horse, but does not appear to have served in this unit in the Matabele War.

In the Jameson Raid of December, 1895, he was a Lieutenant on the Headquarters Staff, acting as intelligence and transport officer as a member of the Rhodesia Horse Volunteers. He was taken prisoner at Doornkop and repatriated to England in the Harlech Castle in February, 1896, giving as his address as Eversleigh, Staines, Middlesex.

In the Matabele Rebellion of 1896 he served as a Captain in the Matabeleland Relief Force, commanding a unit of Scouts which he raised himself at Mafeking and of which J.L. Crawford (No. 17 Pioneer Corps) was a member. But when his men marched North he put them under the command of J.E. Nicholls (No. 762) as he himself had been authorized to recruit Bamangwato levies from Khama's people. He succeeded in raising about 150 of Raditladi's men on the Ramaquabane River and his scouts met with them at Mangwe. The Mangwe settlers were in laager under Lee and van Rooyen, both well known hunters, and after the camp there had been organized Jesser-Coope went ahead of his men to Bulawayo. Then he was engaged with his Scouts in operations in the Matabos, though it was not long before the Bamangwato were sent home again.

He and his men were also engaged in the attack on Thabas Imamba north of Inyari on the 6/ 7/1896. They lost three men killed and one wounded and Crawford relates: 'I got a skelp of skin knocked off below the knee when I went to assist O'Reilly (killed), and much to Coope's disappointment refused to catalogue it as a casualty; he loved a long casualty list without a much diminished strength '

He and his scouts also took part on the 20/7/1896 in the storming of Babyaan's stronghold in the Matabos, and were later at Inugu, known as Laings graveyard. Finally they were in action at Sekombo's when the commanding officer, Major F. Kershaw, was killed on the 5/8/1896.

Shortly afterwards Rhodes began negotiations with the Matabele, and during this period operations were suspended, but Col. H. Plumer, who did nor believe in idleness, kept the men at drill. The Scouts were not included and were in the process of being disbanded. Jesser-Coope however was engaged in building a road from the Matobos across to the Gwanda road on their western fringe and 'completed a nice piece of work over the pass descending into the Tuli River Valley.' He was transport officer to a large patrol that set our from Fort Filabusi early in 1897 for the Mpateni area of Belingwe to search for arms; they established a fort at Mpateni.

In 1898 he commanded the escort to Capt. A. C. Lawley, the Administrator, when he went to North Western Rhodesia to obtain a concession from King Lewanika of Barotseland. He served in the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers in the Boer War of 1899-1902 and was present at the Relief of Mafeking. In June 1902 he joined the Public Works Dept. in Matabeleland, and in 1904 became paymaster for that department. He was the first manager of the B.S.A. Company's Rhodesdale Estate, and was later manager of the Anglo-French Ranch at Belingwe. He continued as a member of the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers and served with the 2nd Rhodesia Regiment in German East Africa in 1915, commanding C Company of his regiment. In November of the same year he was promoted Major, and was presented with the Long Service Medal by the Administrator. He was in temporary command of the 2nd Rhodesia Regt. on 31/8/1916, but relinquished his commission on the grounds of ill health on 4/5/1917. He was afterwards on the Defence Force Reserve of Officers. He was made a Freeman of the City of Salisbury in 1935. During the railway strike of February, 1929, he commanded the special constables at Bulawayo. He was a well-known and much respected citizen of Bulawayo and died on 29/6/1950 at Buenos Aires, Argentina, in his 83rd year. Only 59 Mashonaland 1890 medals were issued with 2 clasps. It is unusual to find it in company with the original issue as the B.S.A. Company went to unusual lengths to ensure that the correct exchange of medals took place.

BSACoM reverse undated (2) Mashonaland 1890, Rhodesia 1896 (Sgt., B.S.A.C.P.), BSACoM reverse Rhodesia 1896 (Captn., M.R.F.), QSA (2) Rhod RoM (Captain, S. Rhod. Vols.), 1914-15 Star (Lieut.), BWM, VM (Major), 1902 Coronation, Colonial Auxiliary Forces Decoration GV (Captain, Southern Rhodesian Volunteers).  DNW Dec 91 £3,600.

Panzera, Francis William (not part of the Raid)

Francis William Panzera was born in 1851 at Canford, Dorset. His military career spanning many years was spent mainly in South Africa and adjoining territories. During the Matabele War 1893-4, he commanded the base at Macloustie and the southern line of communications under Colonel Goold-Adams. For his services he was awarded the B.S.A. Company Medal and promoted to Major in the Reserve of Officers. In later years he was the Expert to the Treasury in the Jameson trial of 1896 and Special Commissioner for Ngamiland 1898-99. During the Boer War he served in the defence of Mafeking and was afterwards employed on the Staff. He was mentioned in despatches (London Gazette 8 February 1901) and received the Queen’s medal with two clasps and King’s medal with two clasps. Pazera was created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (London Gazette 2 January 1911) as Resident Commissioner, Bechuanaland Protectorate. During the Great War Colonel Panzera was Commandant of the Prisoner of War Camp at Knockaloe, Isle of Man. Designed to hold 5,000 prisoners, it eventually came to hold 23,000 - the largest in Europe. On 4 June 1917 Colonel Panzera was inspecting a part of the camp which was up a steep gradient. With the exertion he fell down dead having suffered a heart attack.

The photograph mounted on card and signed, ‘F. W. Panzera, 1906’.

A letter to Miss Mary K. Panzera, dated 8th October 1917, from Clive Wigram of York Cottage, Sandringham, Norfolk, which reads:  ‘Dear Madam, I have laid before the King [your] letter of the 30th September together with that from Mr Hepworth reporting the death of his son. His Majesty was most interested to read of his career, and how having started in His Majesty’s Regiment, the 1st Life Guards, had kept up the reputation made there during the later years of his life until he fell nobly doing his duty with the Australian Contingent. I have received the King’s commands to send the father’s letter to the Officer Commanding the Depot, 1st Life Guards, London. His Majesty well remembers meeting your father, Colonel Panzera on his return from Bechuanaland, and much regrets that he was not spared longer to enjoy his well-earned retirement from official life.’

BSACoM, QSA (2), KSA (2).

Pescod, William Thomas

William Thomas Pescod rode on the Jameson Raid and was sent back on the 'Harlech Castle' to England. He served with the Natal Field Artillery in the Boer War and was awarded the clasps for Elandslaagte, Relief of Ladysmith and Transvaal to his Queen's Medal. As Troop Sergeant-Major in the South African Constabulary he earned the additional clasps for Cape Colony and Orange Free State as well as the King's medal. He was mentioned in despatches by Lord Kitchener, 1 June, 1902, 'For gallantry and good service in action on the Vaal River in February, 1902.' During the Great War he served with the 2nd Imperial Light Horse and was killed in action at Gibeon Siding, German South West Africa, in 1915, one of approximately 29 killed in this campaign. Two of his five brothers were killed at Gallipoli. Sold with further research and his original discharge certificate from the S.A.C. dated 14 March 1903.

BSACoM reverse Rhodesia 1896 (Tpr., M.M.P. Corps), QSA (5) Eland RoL Tr CC OFS (105 Serjt., Natal F.A.) officially reimpressed naming, KSA (2) (87 T. Serjt. Maj., SAC), 1914-15 Star (Sjt., 2nd I.L.H.), BWM, VM (Sjt., 2nd I.L.H.).  DNW Dec 91 £500.

Pilkington, Percy

Percy Pilkington took part in the famous Jameson Raid in December 1895. Interviewed by the Kentish Times in 1939, he said: “My actual participation in the Jameson Raid was preparing the 60 mile depots which were established between Mafeking and Bulawayo in order to enable the raiding force to travel entirely without wheeled transport. Each depot was provided with two days’ man and horse provisions. Actually I travelled up and down a number of places establishing these posts. I belonged at the time to a force that was called the Rhodesian Horse Volunteers....During those days in December 1895, I was in daily contact with Dr. ‘Jim.’ My personal chief on the military side was Sir John Willoughby, commanding officer of the Rhodesian Horse, who was subsequently tried at Bow Street. I met Cecil Rhodes in those days, too. He was trekking with us at a time when some of the papers were saying that he was hiding from justice. Frank Rhodes I knew better. He was one of the five raiders who were sentenced to death. We had travelled together in the famous coach that ran between Bulawayo and Mafeking.”

After serving on the staff of the Bulawayo Field Force, as Orderltroom Sergeant Major, during the Matabele campaign of 1896, Pilkington served in the Boer War as part of the 17th Mounted Infantry. The Regimental History of the Lancashire Fusiliers contains a copy of a note which a company commander sent to the Colonel of the 3rd Battalion (Lancashire Fusiliers), “I have lost Colour-sergeant Pilkington, I am sorry to say, as he has been made R.S.M. He is a very plucky chap. He has had four horses shot under him. He is certain to get the D.C.M.”

Pilkington served on the staff during the Great War as Assistant Provost Marshal, and later as Commandant of a Reception Camp, from June 1918. He served in France and Belgium from August 1915 to November 1918, and later went to Russia in support of General Denkin’s military mission.

MBE (Military) 1st type, DCM EdVII (6167 A.Serjt.-Maj. P. Pilkington, Lanc. Fus.), BSACoM reverse Rhodesia 1896 (O.R.S.M. P. Pilkington, Staff B.F.F.), QSA (5) CC OFS Tr 01 02 (6167 Clr. Serjt. P. Pilkington, Lanc. Fus.), 1914-15 Star (Lieut. & Q.M. P. Pilkington, L’pool. R.), BWM, VM (Major); Army LS & GC Wd VII (6167 S.Mjr. P. Pilkington, Lanc. Fus.).  DNW Mar 97 £1,600.

Pomeroy, Granville George

Granville George Pomeroy was born at Bristol on 15 May 1878, the eldest of five sons. He was educated at Clifton College and served in the Somerset Militia. He attested for the Mashonaland Mounted Police sometime in 1895, and in the following year took part in the Jameson Raid, being shot through the left knee and taken prisoner. He was treated at Krugersdorp Field Hospital and was one of the twenty or so wounded prisoners who signed a letter of appreciation to the hospital staff for their kindness and attention. He was one of the last prisoners to be released, on 31 January 1896, and later that year took part in the operations in Rhodesia with the Matabeleland Relief Force.

Back in England Pomeroy obtained a commission with the 4th Somerset Light Infantry, as 2nd Lieutenant, in May 1897. Advanced to Lieutenant in November 1899, he took a regular commission in the 1st Battalion Gloucester Regiment in March 1900 and served with them in the Boer War, including the operations of the Drakensburg Defence Force and the seizing of Van Reenan’s Pass (Medal with 2 clasps). He was subsequently attached to the West African Frontier Force and took part in the operations in Nigeria in 1902 (Medal with Clasp). During the Great War he served as a Captain in the 12th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment, attached to the Nigeria Regiment, and died of malaria at Zungeru, Nigeria, on 30 March 1917.

BSACoM, reverse Rhodesia 1896 (Troopr. G. G. Pomeroy, M.R.F.).  DNW Mar 02 £780.

Ryan, Francis Kearns

From a manuscript obituary notice written by himself:

‘Late Francis Kearns Ryan. Born 8th March 1869 [Dublin, Ireland]. Served in the following Corps:- 3rd Prince Wales Dragoon Guards. British Bechuanaland Border Police. Mashonaland Police. Diamonds Fields Horse. Cape Police D2. Cape Mounted Police. South African Mounted Riflemen (Permanent Force). During the Anglo Boer War took part in the siege of Kimberley, Relief of Mafeking, also saw service in the Transvaal and Orange Free State. Was wounded and taken prisoner whilst taken part in the Jameson Raid, was attached to the South African Police (Natal Division) that proceeded to Bulhock C.P. to quell the native disturbance. Retired on pension 1921 with an Exemplary Character and the rank of Warrant Officer. Was the holder of the Meritorious Service Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Cape General Service Medal, King’s and Queen’s Medal South African War, 1914 Star, Allies and Victory Medals for the Great War. Leaves wife, two sons and daughters, Eric, Frankie, Kearnsey and Patsy. Send a notice to the Natal Mercury, Natal Witness & Nongu Police Paper. FKR 8/2/38.’.  Paddy Ryan died at the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on 14 October 1949.

CGHGSM (1) Bechuanaland (Pte., Spl. Pol.); QSA (3) DoK OFS Tr (531 Corpl., Cape Police), KSA (2) (531 Serjt., C.P. Dist. 2), 1914-15 Star (S.S.M., 5th S.A.M.R.), BWM, VM (2nd C/W.O., 5th S.A.M.R.), MSM GV (No. 1805 S.S.M., S.A.M.R.), Permanent Forces of the Empire Beyond the Seas L.S. & G.C., G.V.R. (No. 1805 Sqn. Sgt. Maj., 3rd Rgt. S.A.M.R.), Kimberley Star.  Together with two regimental prize medals: Griqualand West Brigade 1896, silver cross pate, the reverse hallmarked Birmingham 1896 and inscribed ‘G.W.B.S. 97 Sword Exercise won by E Troop D.F.H. Tr. K. Ryan); the second an ornate shield shaped medal in silver and gilt, the obverse scroll inscribed ‘“Q” C.M.P. Rifle Club’, the reverse hallmarked Birmingham 1905 and inscribed ‘2nd Aggte. Score, No. 58 Sgt. Ryan, Dec. 1905, Score 96’.  DNW Jul 04 £2,200.

Tapp, George Raikes

George Raikes Tapp was born in London in about 1873. In 1895 he was serving as a Sergeant in the Mashonaland Mounted Police, and rode with “C” Troop in the column that left Pitsani in the Bechuanaland Protectorate on 29th December of that year, and entered the Boer Transvaal Republic. The column, comprising 372 officers and men mainly drawn from the M.M.P., joined up with 122 members of the Bechuanaland Border Police on the following day. The force was commanded by Doctor Leander Starr Jameson and future history books would refer to the incident as the Jameson Raid. The invading force met with increasing Boer resistance until, after a running fight over 10 miles, they became effectively trapped by the Boers near Klipkopje and were forced to surrender on the 2nd January, having lost 25 killed, 37 wounded and a further 35 missing. Jameson and his senior officers were all sent for trial to London aboard the H.M.T. Victoria, whilst the remaining 425 raiders were embarked aboard the S.S. Harlech Castle. When the Harlech Csstle called at Medeira it was boarded by Detective Inspector Frank Froest, of Scotland Yard (see Lot 42), who formally arrested the 26 officers and 399 rank and file in what became the largest mass arrest in the history of British law enforcement. Jameson and his senior officers were subsequently tried in London but the remaining ‘raiders’ never faced trial.

When the Matabeles rose in revolt in March 1896, followed by the Mashonas three months later, Tapp returned to Africa with the Matabeleland Relief Force and served in Rhodesia throughout the campaign of 1896 as a Trooper in “E” Squadron. Little else is known of George Tapp’s career until after the Great War when his name appears in the London Gazette as the recipient of the O.B.E. Medal in 1920. He was then serving in “R” Division, which included Blackheath where Tapp lived and did duty. The Division contained a number of legitimate targets such as the Royal Dockyard, Woolwich Arsenal, the Artillery Barracks and the Royal Military Academy, and accordingly was subjected to a number of air raids by Zeppelins and Gotha bombers. Hence it is possible that Tapp’s award arose out of some act of gallantry during this time but this cannot be proved. The medals were presented to these 46 deserving Special Constables by the Prince of Wales at Olympia on Tuesday 1st February 1921 in front of a parade of 1200 Specials. Sold with further research, including correspondence with the National Archives of Rhodesia from the early 1970’s.

OBE Medal London Gazette 7 September 1920: ‘The King has been graciously pleased to confer the Medal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Civil Division) upon the undermentioned members of the Metropolitan Special Constabulary for service in that Force during the War which has been distinguished by conspicuous courage or by exceptional zeal and devotion to duty.’ One of 46 awards to the Metropolitan Special Constabulary.

OBE (Civil), BSACoM for Rhodesia 1896 (Sergt., Matabeleland R.F.) a later replacement medal, bruising over rank, Special Constabulary Medal, G.V.R., clasp, The Great War 1914-18 (Sergt. George R. Tapp).  DNW Sep 02 £560.

Wood, Edward Allen

Captain Edward Allen Wood rode in the Jameson Raid in the Bechuanaland Border Police column under the command of Lieut-Colonel Raleigh Grey, 6th Dragoons. He served with the Matabeleland Relief Force during the rebellion in 1896, and was present at the relief of Mafeking with the South African Constabulary.

BSACoM reverse Rhodesia1896 (Lieut., M.R.F.), QSA (2) RofM Tr (Capt., S.A.C.).  DNW Dec 91 £680.