The Scottish National Red Cross Hospital was organised in the first instance by the St Andrew’s Association and was funded by voluntary donations. The organisation of the hospital commenced in January 1900, the personnel eventually consisting of an officer in charge, 18 civil medical officers, 1 Quartermaster, 1 Warrant Officer, 2 secretaries, 35 nursing sisters of the Army Nursing Service Reserve, 45 first-class orderlies, all of whom were medical students, and 57 second-class orderlies, making a total of 160.

The first section arrived at Cape Town on 13 May 1900, and the hospital was opened for patients on 4 June, at Kroonstadt. Previous to that time however, the hospital staff had been employed on duty in the military hospitals at Bloemfontein and Kroonstadt. It remained during the whole period at Kroonstadt, and its equipment was handed over to the Government, when it ceased to exist as a private hospital, on 14 October 1900.

The clasps awarded on the QSA were: CC & OFS.

See the forum posts on the Scottish Hospital.  

See the forum posts on tribute medals.

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(13 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
CayleyHSurgeon GeneralList of CMG recipients. Various sources
CayleyHDeputy Surgeon GeneralMID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5969. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
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ClarkeH EMrMID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2599. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
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GravesGSurgeonQSA (2) CC OFS (Surg. G Graves. Scottish Hospital).  Kaplan May 03
LitsonFOrderlyDied of disease. Kroonstad, 4 September 1900
Civ Sgn/Vol Amb
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
LoweRQSA (1) CC (R Lowe, Scottish Hosp).  DNW Sep 03 £370.
MackintoshD JMedical Officer at the Scottish Hospital.
CB (m) cd 24 Jan 17. MVO 4th Class, Nr 134. Order of St John, Knight of Grace set and Officer's badge. 1911 Coronation. 1935 Jubilee Medal. 1937 Coronation. Voluntary Medical Service Medal with two bars (Col). Spink, 30 Nov 00, est £700.
Source: List of MVO recipients. Various sources
PattersonWOrdAfghan (0) (6994 Gunr W Patterson, H/1st Bde. R.A.); Egypt (1) Tel-El-Kebir (14876 Gunr, H/1st Bde. R.A.); QSA (2) CC OFS (Ord., Scottish Hos.); Khedive's Star 1882.  DNW Apr 04 £460.
ShannonE CMatronMID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5969. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
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ShannonElizabeth CochraneNSScottish National Hospital
Source: List of recipients of the RRC
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