The 6th, 11 officers and 127 other ranks, landed at Durban on 19th April. On 18th May the 6th joined the column at Vrede, and afterwards the 5th and 6th worked together as a regiment. See the history for the 5th Contingent.

Click on the icon to read the account of this unit from Lt Col P L Murray's 1911 'Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa' pdficon_large

Regimental no: 
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(145 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AlexanderJohn James614TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
AngelHenry Alchin558TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
AngraveAndrew638CorporalSource: OZ-Boer database
BagotChristopher George SeymourLieutenantSource: OZ-Boer database
BarronRobert Thomas647TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
BeareH E620TrooperDemise: Died of disease 09 Apr 1902
Place: Kroonstad
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
BeareHarold Egbert S620TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
BennearAlfred James586TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
BirchmoreWilliam John316TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
BlackErnest Grant531TrooperSource: OZ-Boer database
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