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(14 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BarnardHendrik Johannes EssaisBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
BoshoffJohannes MatheusBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
BoshoffWillem HendrikBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
BothaJohan SamuelBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
Du ToitJacobus Andries PeterusAsst Veldkornet AdjutantAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst). Click here to access the record in the Forum
EnslinJacobus AlbertusBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
HoffmanJosias JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
LiebenbergHendrik Christoffel WeidemanBurgerClick here to access the record in the Forum
LubbeHendrik JohannesVeldkornetAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst). Click here to access the record in the Forum
PrinslooWillem PetrusKorporalClick here to access the record in the Forum
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