Canada furnished three batteries of artillery, 'C', 'D', and 'E', of six guns each.

'C' arrived at the Cape about the end of March 1900, and, while still encamped at Stellenbosch, on 14th April they received orders to march back to Cape Town. Starting in the evening, the 33 miles were covered in a night, and by 12 noon on the 15th they had re-embarked on the Columbian, en route for Mafeking via Beira and Bulawayo. After a week at sea the battery landed at Beira, and there entrained for Marandellas. Thence to Bulawayo the personnel travelled on coaches, and the guns were hauled by mules, changed at posting depots, between 60 and 100 miles being covered each day. From Bulawayo to Ootsi the journey was accomplished by train, the latter town being reached on the 12th May, in seven days from Marandellas. By forced marches the battery covered the remaining 70 miles and joined Colonel Plumer on the 15th. On that date Plumer, from the north, and Mahon, from the south, joined hands, and on the 16th (see Imperial Light Horse) the combined force fought the stiffly contested action west of Mafeking which opened the gates of the town and raised a siege which had engrossed the attention of the British Empire for seven months. The officers of 'C' Battery were Major Hudson, Captain Panet, and Lieutenants King and Leslie.

Colonel Mahon in his report said that the battery, by a series of forced marches, reached him on the morning of the fighting, and rendered very valuable assistance; and Colonel Baden-Powell, speaking of this, said they had joined "with incredible rapidity". To the Canadian Government the latter officer sent a telegram: "Mafeking relieved to-day, and most grateful for invaluable assistance of Canadian Artillery, which made record march from Beira to help us".

The battery operated with Colonel Plumer after the relief while he was looking after the repair of the railway from the north, and towards the end of May was part of the force which he led to Zeerust, and thence farther east. They were in action on the following occasions: Olifant's Nek, 19th-25th July; Hainan's Kraal, 20th August; Pienaar's River, 21st; Warmbad, 22nd; Nylstroom, 24th; Warmbad, 3rd-10th September; Jericho, 24th October; Twee River, 1st November; and at three places in the Zeerust district on the 4th, 6th, and 8th of that month.

'D' and 'E' Batteries arrived at Cape Town on the Laurentian on 17th February 1900, and in the beginning of March were sent north to form part of a column which Lord Roberts arranged should operate from Victoria West under Colonel Sir C Parsons. The district west of the railway was at the time very seriously disaffected, and quite unsafe for loyal farmers. It was therefore necessary to overawe the rebels. The column, which included the 2nd Canadian MR, some West Australian and New Zealand MR, and some Imperial Yeomanry, marched through the Kenhardt district, doing about 700 miles in six weeks. There was practically no fighting, but much hardship. It was expected that a want of water would be a serious trouble, but for weeks the rain poured heavily, often making the rivers barely passable. About the middle of April the column was back on the railway near De Aar. The training during these six weeks of actual war service, although without serious fighting, was invaluable to every unit in the column.

In May Sir Charles Warren was again operating west of the railway against rebels, the area of his work being north of that gone over by Sir C Parsons. On the night of 29th May Sir C Warren's force, which included 'E' Battery, was most fiercely attacked at Faber's Put near Campbell (see Duke of Edinburgh's Volunteers). After a trying fight the enemy were driven off. Sir C Warren praised his troops very highly, and among those specially mentioned in his despatch of 29th June 1900 were the names of Major Ogilvie and Captain Mackie of 'E' Battery. The battery had 1 killed and 8 wounded. After the engagement Warren operated northwards, and came into the line at Kimberley towards the end of June 1900. 'E' Battery was then split up into sections to defend or work from posts on the Kimberley-Mafeking Railway.

'D' Battery remained on the Kimberley-De Aar line till July 1900, when they were entrained for Bloemfontein, and after a short time in that neighbourhood were railed to Pretoria. Here they joined Hickman's mounted column, which, with the infantry brigade of General Cunningham, was to operate under Ian Hamilton. The battery saw much hard marching and fighting in the Transvaal. For example, in the march to Lydenburg 'D' Battery had six days' fighting, and in October and November they were in action on twenty two days, chiefly under General Smith-Dorrien. As has already been mentioned under the Mounted Rifles, 'D' Battery had two guns in the force of Brigadier General Smith-Dorrien in the very severe fighting on 2nd and 6th November 1900.

About 80 of the personnel of the Canadian Artillery remained in South Africa until June 1901, serving eighteen months.

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AginsWilliam437Source: Medal rolls
AldcroftGeorge T14Source: Medal rolls
AldcroftJohnSource: Medal rolls
AlexanderHugh274Source: Medal rolls
AllanWilliam82Source: Medal rolls
AndersonArthur150Source: Medal rolls
AndersonJohn C270Source: Medal rolls
AndressBurton18Source: Medal rolls
AndrewsWm71Source: Medal rolls
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