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 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AcworthGeorge Pelham AufrereCaptainHQ SAFF. Invalided home 15 Mar 1900. QSA issued 8 Jun 1903.

QSA (1) CC

TNA ref 155/1

Medals extant
AgarEdwardMajorEngineer Services. QSA issued 8 Jun 1903. Also on roll of 26th Company, which mentions a bronze medal. MiD by Roberts 4 Sep 1901.


TNA ref 155/5; 157/34; 314/39

CMG; QSA (3), CC, OFS, Tr (Major E. Agar, RE); KSA (2) (Maj. E. Agar, RE); BWM (Col. E. Agar); France, Legion of Honour, Officer's breast badge, gold and enamels; Belgium, Order of Leopold I, Officer's breast badge with swords, silver-gilt and enamels; Japan, Russo-Japanese War Medal 1904-05; Japan, Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd class neck badge, silver-gilt and enamels; Japan, Order of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd class neck badge, silver-gilt and enamels, repair to one red cabochon 'jewel'; Russia, Order of St Anne, 2nd class neck badge by Edouard, gold and enamels; Denmark, Slesvig Medal 192

CMG LG 1 January 1919. Legion of Honour LG 15 April 1916. Order of St Anne LG 24 November 1916. Order of Leopold LG 21 September 1917. Order of the Rising Sun LG 10 October 1918. Edward Agar was born on 30 May 1859, son of Major Edward Walter Agar, late Bombay Infantry, and educated at Cheltenham College, August 1870-76 (Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1872; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1874; Hornby Prize, 1874; Schacht Prize, 1875-76). He attended the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78, where he 'passed in' First in order of merit, and 'passed out' First Engineer, having won the Pollock Gold Medal and Prizes for Mathematics and Mechanics, German, Spanish, and Italian. He joined the Royal Engineers in 1877, becoming Captain in 1888, Major in 1896, Lieutenant-Colonel in 1903, and Colonel in 1908. He passed staff college in 1886, qualified in German as a voluntary subject and in Russian as an extra subject, and served subsequently as Staff Captain (Intelligence), Headquarters of Army, 1891-94; Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-General (Intelligence, Headquarters of Army, 1894-96. Agar served in the South African war, 1900-02, in command of the 26th Company, Royal Engineers, and took part in the operations in the Orange River Colony, and in the Tr (Mentioned in despatches, Queen's Medal with (3), King's Medal with (2)). He was attached to the Japanese Army in Manchuria, July to September 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War, and was author of a report on Russian and Japanese Field Defences (Japanese War Medal and 3rd class Order of Sacred Treasure). Colonel Agar retired in 1911 but was recalled in 1914 to be a General Staff Officer, First Class (GSO1) at the War Office, 1914-17. From 1917-20 he was Colonel in charge of records, Royal Engineers (Transport Section). After the war, Colonel Agar was British Representitive on the Dano-German Boundary Commission 1920-21, by which the Duchy of Slesvig was returned to the Danish Crown. Colonel Agar died in France on 28 October 1930. Sold with some research including copy MIC which confirms entitlement to BWM only (Theatre of War: Western Europe 'A'; qualifying date, 24 September 1917). DNW Sep 2009 £3700
AllanJ1776SapperBase Details RE.

QSA (1) CC

TNA ref 161/32

Roll states medal returned to Woolwich
AndrewsR26522DriverRegimental Staff. Batman to Lt Col P. T. Buston, staff 8th Division.

QSA (2) CC Witt. KSA

TNA ref 155/4; 155/9; 315/109
AnsonJ ALieutenantHQ SAFF. Served with 11th Mounted Infantry. QSA issued 21 Jan 1906.

QSA (5) CC OFS Tr SA01 SA02

TNA ref 155/1
ArdaghJohn CharlesMajor GeneralHQ SAFF. KCIE, CB. QSA sent to Sir J. C. Ardagh at 113, Queen's Gate, London, SW 4 Aug 1902.

QSA (0)

TNA ref 155/1.

Medals held by the RE Museum
ArmstrongBertie Harold OliverLieutenantHQ SAFF. Served in South Africa 2 Dec 1900 to 31 May 1902. QSA issued 11 Apr 1905.

QSA (3) CC SA01 SA02

TNA ref 155/1
AstinJ20499Foreman of Works Staff SergeantEngineer Services. To CRE Harrismith. QSA (1) issued 2 May 1904. Clasp OFS issued 23 Sep 1905.


TNA ref 155/10; 161/16; 315/105
BailingA29316DriverSupernumerary Staff. QSA issued 17 May 1902. Attached to Staff of Cavalry Division.

QSA (6) RoK Paard Drief Joh DH Belf

TNA ref 155/19; 299/81
BallardG H18872Engineer Clerk QMSRegimental Staff. Invalided to Durban 31 Jan 1900. Now at Middleburg, office of CRE. QSA (3) sent to CRE Middleburg 15 Apr 1904.


TNA ref 155/8; 316/8
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