Arrived at the Cape on 23rd February 1900. Was in the fighting about Wakkerstroom and Dewetsdorp in the end of April 1900; thereafter about Kroonstad. A section was with the escort to a convoy to Lindley which was heavily attacked on 26th and 27th June 1900 (see 1st King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry). Did much trekking with General C Knox between July and November 1900 (Lord Roberts' despatch of 10th October 1900, paras 14, 28, and 39). Afterwards with Colonel Crewe. A section was with Colonel Byng in the Orange River Colony in 1901, and one section with Colonel Rochefort in that colony and in the south of the Transvaal. Two men were mentioned in Lord Kitchener's despatch of 8th March 1901.
17th BatteryOfficers and NCOs of the 17th Battery, RFA. The 17th Field Battery is one of those which went out rather late to South Africa, and it had no part in the operations which ended at Bloemfontein, It is under command of Major T. K, E. Johnston, and was recently stationed at Woolwich. A great deal of attention has been directed to the operations of the gunners, whose performances have excited universal admiration. There are those who believe that our field gun is not so good as it should be, but no one doubts that the Artillerymen have made the very most of the means at their disposal. In shelling the positions of the.Boers the practice has nearly always been good, generally excellent,'.and sometimes magnificent, and the gunners themselves have shown the utmost intrepidity in going into action and engaging the enemy, sometimes in dangerous circumstances. The loss of the guns at Colenso will long be remembered, and the heroic conduct of the gunners will not be forgotten. Again, when General Wynne made his feint attack upon the Brakfontein position to cover the real purpose of Sir Redvers Builer, the conduct of the gunners in bringing away their guns under a heavy fire, which had damaged one or more of the carriages, was noted as ah excellent example of equal skill and intrepidity. But the history of the war is full of illustrations of the fine conduct of the Royal Artillery.