This list of vets is taken from A History of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps 1796 - 1919 by Maj Gen Sir Frederick Smith KCMG CB.

The list includes regular officers, civil vets and the Natal vets but excludes the Yeomanry, colonial and overseas vets and those employed on Sea Transport Service.

Civil Veterinary Surgeons, subsequently commissioned:

Natal Volunteer Veterinary Corps:

Yeomanry Veterinary Officers:

Names unknown, being regimental officers; they are believed to have been about thirty in number.

Colonial Forces, South African and Overseas Veterinary Officers:

Names unknown, being regimental officers; they are believed to have been about sixty in number.

Regimental no: 
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(159 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
ArmstrongRCivilian Vet SurgeonAttached
Demise: Died of disease - malignant growth, cancer, carcinoma 13 Feb 1902
Place: Cape Town. Wynberg
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
BartlettE BAVD
BartlettEdgar BrowneVeterinary LieutenantQSA (5) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BartlettEdgar BrowneVeterinary LieutenantQSA (5) Tal DoL OFS Tr LN; KSA (2)
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
BlenkinsopL J
BlenkinsopL JVerterinary CaptainMID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 845. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 31 March 1900. Re: Orange Free State
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
BlenkinsopLayton JohnCaptainBLENKINSOP, LAYTON JOHN, Captain, was born 27 June 1862, third son of Lieutenant Colonel William Blenkinsop and Elizabeth, daughter of William Sandford.  He was educated at King's School, Canterbury, and at the Royal Veterinary College, London, and was Coleman Medallist, 1883.  He entered the Army Veterinary Department, 1883; was Advising Veterinary Surgeon to the Punjab Government, and Professor at Lahore Veterinary College, 1891-93; was SVO for British troops, Sudan Expedition, 1898 (Despatches; Egyptian Medal with clasp; English Medal; created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 15 November 1898]: "Layton John Blenkinsop, Captain, Army Veterinary Department.  In recognition of services during the recent operations in Egypt and the Sudan, including the Battle of Khartoum".  Insignia sent to GOC, Egypt, and presented by him, 20 December 1898, at a full-dress parade of the Cairo Garrison).  He was Senior Veterinary Officer in Egypt, 1896-99; served in South Africa, 1899-1902, as SVO, Cavalry Division, under Lieutenant-General Sir J D F French, until September 1901, and SVO Remounts in South Africa to December 1902 (Despatches; South African Medal with six clasps; King's Medal with two clasps; promoted Major); became Lieutenant-Colonel, AVC, 15 March 1903; Principal Veterinary Officer, 3rd Army Corps, and PVO, Irish Command, 19 April 1904 to 3 August 1906.  He was Principal Veterinary Officer, South Africa, 2 September 1906 to 24 November 1909; became Colonel 15 March 1908; was Principal Veterinary Officer, Northern Command, 22 February 1910 to 20 April 1910; Principal Veterinary Officer, Southern Command, 20 April 1910 to 31 December 1912, and Assistant Director of Veterinary Services, Aldershot Command, 1 January 1913 to 1 January 1914.  Colonel Blenkinsop became Inspecting Veterinary Officer, India, 8 February 1914, and Director, Veterinary Service in India, with rank of Brigadier General, on 24 July 1916, and on the 1st December 1918, was appointed Director General, Army Veterinary Service, War Office, with rank of Major General.  He was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1905.  He married, 1905, Ethel Alice, daughter of John Wells, JP, Booth Ferry House, Goole, Yorkshire.
Source: DSO recipients (VC and DSO Book)
BrownELieutenantQSA (5)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Elandslaagte
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