Royal Navy and ships
18159 Bombadier Alfred Bailey was killed
18159 Bombadier Alfred Bailey was killed on the 22 December 1899 . H.W.Nevinson book Ladysmith: The diary of the Seige Page 187/188.Quotes" But the morning routine was changed.Having waked me up as usual with the crash of shells close by on my left, the gun was turned down town, smashed into a camp or two without damage, and then suddenly whipped round on his pivot and sent a shell straight into the Gloucester lines, about 300 yards away to my right. It pitched just on the top traverse at the foot of the low hill now held by the Devons. The men were quite off their guard,busy with breakfast and sharing kettles.In an instant five lay dead and twelve wounded. The shell burst so close that the three of the dead were horribly scorched....".He was buried in the Ladysmith cemetery on the 23 December 1899,Grave8,L.Section Bx2.