Royal Navy and ships
Capt. Clarence John Hobkrik, 1 Essex Reg
Capt. Clarence John Hobkrik, 1 Essex Regt.
He was promoted to Captain on 23 Feb 1900 and sailed for South Africa on the SS Siberian in command of a draft to reinforce the British Army then fighting the Anglo Boer War which had broken out the previous year. He was placed in command of G Company of the 1st Battalion of the Essex Regiment which formed part of Field Marshal Lord Robert’s column advancing north from the Cape Colony to Orange Free State and later into the Transvaal. During his service in South Africa he was in action on many occasions and so impressed Lord Roberts that he was recommended for the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) on 4 Feb 1901 - this however was not awarded to him at that time. He was mentioned in despatches by Lord Roberts (London Gazette of 10 Sep 1901) and again by Field Marshal Lord Kitchener (London Gazette 29 Jul 1902). The War Services of Officers of the Army of 31 Dec 1922 records his South African Service as follows:
“Operations in the Orange Free State, including actions at Vet River (5 and 6 May 1900) and Zand River. Operations in the Transvaal in May and Jun 1900, including actions at Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 Jun). Operations in the Transvaal, west of Pretoria including action at Frederickstad (17 to 25 Oct).
“Operations in the Transvaal and Cape Colony, 30 Nov 1900 to 31 May 1902. Station Commandant 11 Feb to 6 Mar 1901.”