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Labouchere, Robert 2414
Lace, Thomas 3133
Laffan, John 1286
Lafon, Nathaniel 2770
Laidlow, John 1516
Laight, William John 999
Laing, James 2871 part 1
Laing, James 2871 part 2
Laing, James 339
Laing, John 3235
Laity, George Alfred 1496
Laity, John 1488
Lambert, Arthur 2507
Lamont, Hugh 1018
Lancaster, Alfred Ayre 2410
Lancester, Alfred Ayre 35144jpg
Lancester, Fred 1486
Lander, Edward 1269
Lane, John E
Lang, James Howard 892
Lang, Thomas 174
Lang, Thomas 3031
Langan, Walter 479
Langdon, John 2373
Langmore, Leslie Gaspond Officer
Lanyon, John 717
Larkin, Arthur 1412
Larkins, Harry 2916
Larney, Bernard 3203
Larson, Oscar 694
Laugley, John Charles 2336
Laurance, Henry Aubury 707
Laurance, John H
Laurens, Herbert 2744
Lavarack, Ernest 528
Lavery, Alexander 2752
Lavery, John 2072
Lawrie, George 620
Lawry, Walter 447
Lawson, Alexander 1840
Lay, James 1029
Laycock, William 1673
Leahy, William Joseph 2202
Leake, William Henry 1892
Lear, Alfred George 2132
Leary, William Lawrence 3428
Leaver, William 3550
Lee, Charles William 1235
Lee, Frederick 2689
Lee, John 998
Lee, Joseph 1551
Lee, Richard 1336
Lee, Thomas 704
Lee, Willie 2277
Leech, James 267
Leech, John 1473
Lees, John 314
Legale, William Rankin 560
Leget, William 2384
Legg, William Henry 872
Leibbrandy, Albert 493
Leitch, Thomas 31030
Leith, David 1283
Lennox, James Robert 1503
Leonhardt, Charles Edward 3045
Leonhardt, Charles Edward 1172
Lester, Alexander 3185
Letcher, Charles 1864
Levein, Edward Oliver 3053
Lewin, Joseph 1686
Lewis, Adam 3310
Lewis, Charles 917
Lewis, Harry Joseph 883
Lewis, Matthew 35110
Liddicoat, Walter Henry 1220
Liddle, Frederick Ravensworth 2413
Liddle, George Richardson 1196
Liddle, Robert 1274
Lightbody, William Paul 300
Lind, Henry 2570
Lindsay, William 1558
Lipsey, Fred 2295
Lister, William James 1023
Lithgow, William 2503
Little, George 2225
Little, Joseph Alex 367
Little, William 3190
Littler, Cecil Summers 2575
Livesey, Albert 2477
Livesey, John 1092
Livesey, John Heath 991
Llewellyn, James Abraham 3402
Llewellyn, John 732
Lloyd, Arthur 17
Lloyd, Arthur 17
Lobb, Gramble Brown 1487
Lock, Alfield Henry 887
Lockyer, Alfred 1776
Locock, Edwin 3003 part 1
Locock, Edwin 3003 part 2
Loraine, James 2568
Louch, William 844
Loudon, Thomas 524
Lougsdon, Alfred Edward 242
Lovett, Thomas 2128
Low, James Dewar 53
Low, William 2121
Low, William 915
Lowe, George William 480
Lowes, Walter 2794
Lowrey, Thomas 2959
Lucas, Edwin 2147
Lucas, Frank 1064
Lucas, Frank 3418
Lucas, Frank 666
Luke, John 478
Lukies, James Sermmons 150
Lund, Charles 2972
Lunn, David 1765
Lupzy, Saul 3431
Luyt, Edward Michael B
Lydington, George Frederick 3244
Lynam, Michael 12
Lynam, Micheal 12
Lynch, Francis 2282
Lynch, Francis 3338
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