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Hamilton, James
Hamilton, James page 2
Hammond, Dominich 38010
Hammond, George
Hammond, John 36
Hands, Charles 34591
HaneKomp_, Wilhelm 396 42422
Hanehomp, Conrad 392 42421
Hanekom, Dirk Johannes 281 41977
Hannan, D, 38010 page 1
Hannan, Dominck 38010 page 3
Hannan, Dominick 38010 page 2
Hannon_, Charles 1045
Hannon_, Charles 1045 page 2
Hardt, Frank Gregor
Hare, Walter John
Harris, A,E, page 1
Harris, A,E, page 2
Harris, A,E, page 3
Harris, Daniel
Harris, Walter
Harris, William Duckett
Harrison, Antone Edward 236 42261
Hartley, Charles
Hartley, Edward
Harvey, William
Hauser, Arthur 323 42344
Hazelton, Walter 35597
Heeney, Edward
Hellyer, John Alfred 40245
Hellyer, john Alfred 441 42241
Henderson, Hugh William Gordon
Hendricks, Charles 32549
Hendricks, Charles 32549 page 2
Henkel, Benjamin 30160
Heppner, William 33134
Heritson, Thomas
Heyenrick, John 26046
Hicks, Harold Bound 32502
Hicks, Harold Bound 39597
Hicks, Henry
Hill, Benjamin 140 42243
Hill, Benjamin 35606
Hillier, Harry Joseph 35608
Holing, William 22789
Horn, William 57
Howarth, Peter 1049 Memo
Hudson, John 34601
Hufton, Arthur 33141
Hughes, Edward 35617
Hughes, Hugh William 33632
Hughes, William
Humphreys, Thomas
Hunt, George 232 41921
Huntington, Thomas Walker
Hurleton, Harold
Parent Category: South African units attestation
Category: Kimberley Horse
Hits: 2949
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