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Wade, Albert Weston
Wagler, Max 33138
Wakeford, Ernest V, 374 42410
Wallace, Charles Owen
Wallace, William Francis 34591
Walls, L, M, page 1
Walls, L, M, page 2
Walsh, James 130
Walshe, Maurice Richard
Walters, Frank 30214
Walters, George
Walters, William 26136
Ward, Patrick
Wardle, William
Warner, D 26986 page 1
Warner, D 26986 page 2
Warner, D page 1
Warren, Michael James
Watcham, James
Watermeyer, Carl Phillip 26065
Watlence, Adam James 33139
Watson, George
Webber, John Henry 319 42342
Webster, John William
Webster, John William 297 42289
Webster, John William 32504
Webster, John William 32504 page 2
Weir, Alexander 363 42395
Weir, Andrew Joseph 39615
Weit, Alexander 363 42395
Wellon, Henry J, 316 42339
Wellsman, William George 35615
Welman, Michael 13
Welshe, George Patrick
Wessels, Frederick 37050
West, Frederick D, 409
White, Charles Edward 362 42394
White, John Henry Martin
White, Owen 33150
Whitton, Herbert Goldsmith
Wiekins, John Samuel 158 41893
Wiekinson, John 42382
Williams, Alexander 42271
Wilke, Robert Alexander
Wilkie, Robert Alexander
Wilkins, Alfred Henry
Wilkins, Henry Joseph
Wilkins, John Samuel
Wilkins, John Samuel 1302
Wilkins, John Samuel 1302 page 2
Wilkinson, Henry 62
Willcox, William B, 298 42291
Willeman, Orson 67 41877
William D, A,
William, E, 53 Page 3
William, E, 53 Page 4
William, E, 53 page 2
William, E, page 1
Williams, Alexander 348 42377
Williams D, A,
Williams, E, 53 Page 3
Williams, E, 53 Page 4
Williams, E, 53 Page 5
Williams, E, 53 Page 6
Williams, E, 53 page 2
Williams, E, page 1
Williams, John Thomas
Williamson, George
Williamson, George 255 41960
Williamson, John 353 412382
Wills, John 18
Wilmot, William George 35652
Wilscot, John 59 41847
Wilson, Alexander
Wilson, Arthur 33146
Wilson, Ashley Henry 219 41916
Wilson, Frederick George 205 41902
Wilson, John 41819
Wilson, Thomas 159 42236
Wilson, Thomas 34948
Wilson, Thomas 35515
Wilson, William 34944
Wood, C, 43791
Wood, Charles 371
Woodthorpe, Hilary 309 42315
Woolmer, Theophilus
Wordingham, William Hyde 34603
Wright, Albert 34937
Wright, Albert 34937u
Wright, Percy
Wright, Percy 264 42398