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Fadners, John Kuit 43468 or 316
Farquhar, Samuel 218
Fielding, Harry 42101 or 153
Finch, William 43110 or 131
Fletcher, Henry 42114 or 157
Forsyth, G
Foster, William 40484 or 173
Fraser, Alexander 92 or 42210
Fraser, Arthur 270 or 26510
Fraser, John Alexander 42074 or 144
Fulcher, Henry 44009 or 336
Gallacher, William 43453 or 292
Gill, Thomas 42032 or 79
Gilling, Christopher 42176 or 53
Gilware, David 26485
Glinstor, William George 21
Godfrey, Herbert 83
Gray, Arthur 43981 or 325
Grewar, Ignatius 42224 or 32
Grone, Louis 43063 or 260
Grove, Raymond Benson Willoughby 41396 or 37
Hadley, William George 41746 or 206
Hadley, William George 41746 or 206 page 1
Hadley, William George 41746 or 206 page 2
Hains, Harry William 41737 or 167
Hains, Harry William 41737 or 167 page 1
Hains, Harry William 41737 or 167 page 2
Hall, Frank 86
Halton, Walter Teyroll 42184 or 65
Hartslief, John Abraham 95
Harvey, Ernest William 43150 or 289
Harvey, Fred 43150 or 284
Harvey, George Kingston 42065 or 109
Harvey, James 41700 or 26
Hastings, Herbert Edward 43631 or 295
Heiue, John Henry 42027 or 75
Hempseed, John Richardson 17
Henderson, Henry 43067 or 257
Herselman, Christian 26498
Herselman, Christian 26498 or 720
Herselman, Christian 26498
Heslin, Henry 41723 or 66
Heslin, Henry 41723 or 66 page 1
Heslin, Henry 41723 or 66 page 2
Heslin, Henry 41723 or 66
Higgins, Martin 43105 or 198
Hilditch, Henry Vincent 43032 or 248
Hiles, Douglas Edmund Stanley 42218
Hiles, Douglas Edmund Stanley 42218 or 18
Hirsk, Thomas Henry 43974 or 334
Hirsk, Thomas Henry 43979 or 334
Hodsell, William 41743 or 208
Hogan, Edward 36140 or 202
Holbrook, Harry 43145 or 278
Holmes, Thompson 42077 or 101
Hopkins, John 26504
Howe, Herbert 279
Hudson, Robert 43154
Hufton, Arthur 43467
Hughes, William Matthew 42173 or 45
Huntley, Alfred 42059 or 125
Hurley, Peter 239 or 26508
Hurley, Peter 26508 or 239
Hutchinson, Walter Williamson 41643 or 22
Isaacson, Ernest Douglas Edward 43045 or 250
Jackson, John 42132 or 323
Jackson, John Edward 42071 or 105
Jacobs, Francis 42139
Jacobs, Hendrick 43125 or 273
James, Albert William 42168 or 49
Jameson, Robert 41397 or 38
Jamieson, George 43130
Jarvie, Alexander 43412 or 321
Jensen, Peter 43789
Johnson, Ernest 40457 or 115
Jones, John Joseph 44011
Jones, William Henry 43666 or 298
Joubert, Pirt 31
Joubert, William 308
Kelleer, Thomas 43463 or 315 page 1
Kelleer, Thomas 43463 or 315 page 2
Keller, Frederick 43055 or 263
Kelly, Davidson Renkin 42991 or 189
Kenney, John 43875 or 309
Kerwin, Andrew 43736 or 299
Key, James Henry 43148 or 282
Kidd, James 42651 or 197
Kiely, John 43466 or 318
Kildrff, Thomas John 42202 or 84
Kilduff, Thomas John 36135 or 84
King, John Patrick Henry 43064
Kirkpatrick, Alfred 42220 or 14
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