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 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BotterillWInterpreterQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
BousfieldH RMajorHe was born in Winchester, Hants, May 3, 1863, and is the eldest son of Rt Reverend Henry Brougham Bousfield, DD, Bishop of Pretoria; was educated at All Hallowes, Honiton, and Sherborne. He was attached to HM Ordnance Department, Transvaal, 1879-80 (Zulu and Sekukuni wars); joined the Transvaal Civil Service (Colonel Secretary's Department), 1880, and was employed on staff duties during the siege of Pretoria in the Boer War of 1880-1; attached Acct. General's Department of the Army at Pretoria, Aug, 1881, and was appointed to the Natal Civil Service in the following Sep Subsequently he became Chief Clerk to the RM, Durban, and Registrar of the Circuit Court; JP for the County, 1886; and acting Magistrate in Durban in 1889. He resigned the Natal Civil Service in Oct, 1890, and was called to the Bar of the Inner Temple in November, 1892. He was admitted Advocate of the Supreme Courts of Natal (1893), and the Cape of Good Hope (1899), and a Commissioner in Natal of the Supreme Court of the Transvaal in 1902. He joined the Royal Durban Rifles as Lieut, in 1886, was Captain in Natal Royal Rifles, 1888, receiving his majority and the command of the Durban Light Infantry in 1893, and transferred to the Reserve, Natal Volunteers, 1895. During the Boer War he acted as Station Staff Officer at Durban, 1899-1900, being mentioned in despatches and receiving the medal and CMG, 1902. Colonel Bousfield retired from the Service early in 1902 with the hon. rank of Lt. Colonel, and in Feb, 1905, rejoined the Natal Militia Staff (Supernumerary List) as Lt. Colonel He married, Apr 22, 1890, Coral, second daughter of Rt Hon Harry Escombc, PC, QC, LLD, Member of the Legislative Assembly, late Premier of Natal.
Source: List of CMG recipients. Various sources
Bru De WoldH MColonelHe was born 25 Aug 1842, son of Hans C Bru-de-Wold, of Trondhjem, Norway.  He was educated at the Naval College, Norway.  He joined the Volunteer Forces Natal, in 1873; served in the Zulu Campaign of 1878-79, with the Alexandra Mounted Rifles (Medal and clasp), and became Lieutenant, Alexandra Mounted Rifles, 7 August 1882.  He served in the Boer War, 1899-1902, as Chief Staff Officer, Natal Volunteer Force.  He took part in operations in Natal, 1899, including the actions at Rietfontein and Lombard's Kop; defence of Ladysmith (severely wounded), including action of 6 January 1900; operations in Natal, March to June 1900, including action at Laing's Nek; operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to October 1900; operations on the Zululand Frontier of Natal, September and October 1901; in command of the Natal Volunteer Brigade 10 April to 31 May 1902.  He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 8 February 1901 (Sir G S White, 2 December 1899, and 25 March 1900), and London Gazette, 16 April 1901]; received the Queen's Medal with three clasps, and was created a CMG.  He was promoted Colonel 1 July 1905, and on the outbreak of the Natal Native Rebellion, as Commandant of the Natal Militia, he took command of all troops operating, and carried the campaign to a satisfactory end.  He received the Natal Native Rebellion Medal and clasp, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 28 June 1907] "For services during the Native Rebellion in Natal, 1906: Hilmar Theodore Bru-de-Wold, CMG, Commandant, Local Forces, Natal".  On 25 August 1907, he retired to the Staff Supernumerary List at the age of 65.  He had the Volunteer Decoration.  Colonel Bru-de-Wold died 8 September 1913.  He married (1st), in 1871, Sarah (died 1892), eldest daughter of John Bazley, of Natal, and their children were: Jane Bernardine, born 30 April 1873 (married A H Borgnis, Lieutenant, 3rd SAMR), and Thorkill Walhan Brue-de-Wold, born 26 January 1879 (Lieutenant, South African Infantry; killed at Delville Wood).  He married (2ndly), in 1895, Helen Mary, daughter of J D Shuter, of Durban.
Source: DSO recipients (VC and DSO Book)
Bru-de-WoldH TLt. Col.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Bru-De-WoldH TMajorMID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 918. Source: Lieutenant General White. 2 December 1899. Re: Ladysmith
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Bru-De-WoldH TMajorMID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 931/2. Source: Lieutenant General White. 23 March 1900. Re: Ladysmith
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Bru-De-WoldH TMajorMID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2611. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Bru-de-WoldHTMajorList of CMG recipients. Various sources
CholesF JCaptainServed 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
CollinsJ GSergeant.Served 29 Sep 1899 to 31 May 02
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
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