The Mount Currie Reserves were part of the East Griqualand Field Force.

The roll appears in WO100/247p59-61.  Approximately 22 medals were issued to the unit.

See the forum posts on the Mount Currie Reserves.

Regimental no: 
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(58 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AdamICorporalSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
BarnesC DTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
BarnesSQMSSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
BlakewayA MCorporalSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0). Issued by EGFF
BlakewayR GLieutenantSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0). Issued by EGFF
BrownDTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
CarrF CTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
ClarenceLTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
ClarenceRTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
ClarkeLTrooperSource: WO100/247p59. QSA (0)
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