The Griqualand Light Horse formed part of the Griqualand Field Force.

7 medals issued around 12 September 1905.

The Griqualand Light Horse regiment of native Griquas was formed in East Griqualand early in 1901, being raised in the Mount Currie, Kokstad and Matatiele districts and extended also into the Harding district of Natal. The reason for the raising of the corps was to defend the borders of East Griqualand against the raiding of beligerent and rebel Boer parties from the adjacent Barkly East districts of the Cape Colony, which, in the absence of the regular volunteer units on war service elsewhere, had assumed menacing proportions. The headquarters of the regiment was at Roof Koppies, in East Griqualand, and the unit was embodied on a whole-time basis during its existence. The strength was 300, organised in three squadrons each of two troops. Members provided their own horses and saddlery but wastages were supplied and made good by Government. They received three shillings per day as pay, including horse allowance, plus rations for man and horse. No capitation or other grant was made to the regiment.

The first commanding officer was Major T. C. Birbeck, who raised and organised the corps. Upon his resignation Major McMillan succeeded to the command. Other officers were Captain Blain, formerly of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, Captain Impey, Lieutenants A. Birbeck (Quarter Master), Goss, Cowie, Matthew Kennedy, T. Henry Reed, Kelly and D. E. de Souza. These completed the commissioned personnel. All the non-commissioned officers were Griquas, and the Warrant Officer was Regimental-Sergeant Major Thomas Kok, of the family after which Kokstad was named. He was followed by his brother, Gert Kok, as R.S.M.

The uniform of the corps, supplied by Government, was the universal khaki jacket, cord breeches, black puttees and boots, smasher hat, with brim turned up on the left side and bearing three-quarter inch brass block letters, G.L.H., as a badge. The same letters were worn on the shoulder straps. No crests, motto or war-cry were adopted.

The Griqua Light Horse was armed with the Martini Metford rifle. Officers carried the .450 Webley revolver, a few carrying sporting rifles.

The regiment engaged in a number of minor actions and skirmishes with the enemy, mostly in Maclear district, and. sustained several casualties in wounded. No individual decoration were gained by members.

The regiment was disbanded at Kokstad in July, 1902, at the end of the Anglo-Boer War, after a very useful and creditable period of field service of over a year. The Lieutenant Matthew Kennedy, one of the officers, has (1944) attained the age of 101 years, and is still comparatively hale.

Source: Short History Of The Volunteer Regiments Of Natal And East Griqualand, Past and Present.  Compiled by Colonel Godfrey T Hurst, DSO OBE VD, Honorary Colonel of the Natal Mounted Rifles.

Regimental no: 
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(9 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
BlaineA ECaptainWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
CowieH ALieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
De SouzaD FLieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
GossH ALieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
ImpeyG GCaptainWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
KellyP DLieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
KennedyMLieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
McMillanF DouglasCaptainWO100/247p23. OC Griqualand LH. QSA (0)
ReedS HLieutenantWO100/247p23. QSA (0)
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