This corps, which was raised by Major Vallentin, was largely composed of surrendered Boers, was employed on the Standerton line, their duties being chiefly to protect the line and the possessions of surrendered Burghers in the neighbourhood.  But they did more active work, and on 24th May 1901 were credited with a smart capture of a laager, when they secured 9 armed prisoners and much stock.  Major Vallentin was wounded on this occasion.  On 24th July a party of the scouts fell into an ambush, and 4 were killed.

The following Mention was gained:—

LORD KITCHENER'S DESPATCH: 8th August 1901.—Guide German, near Heidelberg, July 24th, remained behind with Major Vallentin to cover the retirement of 4 dismounted men of Burgher Corps who would have been shot had they fallen into enemy's hands.