Little is known about this unit. There is a KSA roll but no QSA roll at the National Archives. The unit was no doubt set up after the taking of Pretoria on 5th June 1900.

The KSA roll shows that its members came from a wide range of other units such as the Imperial Yeomanry, RE, ILI and Brabant's Horse. The date for joining varied on the above KSA roll excerpt from 14th June 1900 to 10 October 1900 with service lasting for most constables until the end of January 1902.

KSAs are known to this unit. The KSA roll was dates 9th March 1903 in Pretoria.

There is no entry for the unit in the Times History, History of the War in South Africa, With the Flag to Pretoria or After Pretoria.

We would be pleased to hear from anyone with more information on this interesting unit.