Volume IV (From Lord Roberts' entry into the Free State to the battle of Karree) of Louis Creswicke's South Africa and the Transvaal War, published in 1900. The contents are presented in PDF format.
Contents |

Chapter I |
The vote of censure. Kimberley. General French's ride, February 12 to 15. Strategy and tactics. The herding of Cronje, February 16 to 18. The battle of Paardeberg, February 18. Trapped. The surrender of Cronje |

Chapter II |
Mafeking, December and January |

Chapter III |
At Poplar Grove. The fight at Driefontein. At Bloemfontein, March 13 |

Chapter IV |
Mafeking, February |

Chapter V |
At Chieveley, again. Ladysmith, February 1 to 26. The battle of Pieter's. February 20 to 27. Expectations. The relief of Ladysmith, February 28. The formal entry, March 3 |

Chapter VI |
Changes in Cape Colony, February and March. At Bethulie, March 12 |

Chapter VII |
Bloemfontein under British rule. The battle of Karree |

Chapter VIII |
Mafeking in March. Colonel Plumer's operations. List of Staff |

Appendix |

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Category: Creswicke: South Africa & the Transvaal War [PDF]
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