Volume V (From the disaster at Koorn Spruit to Lord Roberts's entry into Pretoria) of Louis Creswicke's South Africa and the Transvaal War, published in 1900. The contents are presented in PDF format.
Contents |

Chapter I |
The disaster at Koorn Spruit. The Reddersburg mishap. Escape of prisoners from Pretoria. Preparations for action. The battle of Boshof, April 5 |

Chapter II |
Mafeking, April. Affairs in Rhodesia |

Chapter III |
The siege of Wepener. Operations for relief. The tentacles at work |

Chapter IV |
The Great Advance - from Bloemfontein, Brandfort, and the Vet to Welgelegen, May 9. From Thabanchu to Winburg and Welgelegen (General Iam Hamilton), May 9. Towards the Zand River to Kroonstad, May 12 |

Chapter V |
Mafeking, May. With Colonel Mahon's Force. On the western frontier. The relief. How the news was received by the British Empire |

Chapter VI |
From Kroonstad to Joannesburg |

Chapter VII |
General Rundle's march to Senekal. The Highland Brigade. Lord methuen's march from Boshof to Kroonstad, May 29. The battle of Biddulph's Berg, May 28, 29. Fighting on the western border, May 30 |

Chapter VIII |
General Buller's advance to Newcastle |

Chapter IX |
The interregnum at Pretoria. From Johannesburg to Pretoria |

Appendix |
Re-arrangement of staff. Deaths in action and from disease |
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