The undermentioned officers of Colonel Lumsden’s corps are, on the
disbandment of the corps, granted honorary rank in the Army as follows,
with permission to wear the uniform of the corps:—
To be Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel:—
Lieutenant-Colonel D. McT. Lumsden, C.B. (Dated January 12, 1901.)
To be Honorary Major:—
Major H. Chamney, C.M.G., Second-in-Command. (Dated January 12,
To be Honorary Captains:—
Captain F. Clifford }
” B.W. Holmes }
” J.B. Rutherfoord, D.S.O. } (Dated January 12,
” C.L. Sidey } 1901.)
” S.A. Powell, M.D., Medical }
To be Honorary Lieutenants:—
Lieutenant H.O. Pugh, D.S.O. }
” G.A. Neville } (Dated January 12,
” C.E. Crane } 1901.)
” F.S. McNamara }
To be Honorary Veterinary-Captain:—
Veterinary-Captain W. Stevenson, Veterinary Officer. (Dated January
12, 1901.)
—‘London Gazette,’ June 24, 1902.
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