Pearse: Contents, illustrations and introduction
Hits: 887
Pearse: Chapter 1 - How the Corps was raised and equipped
Hits: 726
Pearse: Chapter 2 - Preparing for the front - Departure from Calcutta
Hits: 596
Pearse: Chapter 3 - Outward bound
Hits: 609
Pearse: Chapter 4 - Nearing the Goal - Disembarkation
Hits: 635
Pearse: Chapter 5 - An interlude
Hits: 668
Pearse: Chapter 6 - By rail and route march to Bloemfontein
Hits: 682
Pearse: Chapter 7 - Impressions of Bloemfontein
Hits: 609
Pearse: Chapter 8 - The baptism of fire
Hits: 668
Pearse: Chapter 9 - After Ospruit
Hits: 639
Pearse: Chapter 10 - Prisoners of war
Hits: 630
Pearse: Chapter 11 - Towards Pretoria
Hits: 636
Pearse: Chapter 12 - Johannesburg and Pretoria in our hands
Hits: 591
Pearse: Chapter 13 - On lines of communication
Hits: 625
Pearse: Chapter 14 - Alarms and excursions
Hits: 635
Pearse: Chapter 15 - A march under Mahon of Mafeking
Hits: 678
Pearse: Chapter 16 - Eastward to Belfast and Barberton
Hits: 742
Pearse: Chapter 17 - Marching and fighting
Hits: 621
Pearse: Chapter 18 - Homeward bound
Hits: 603
Pearse: Chapter 19 - A return to India
Hits: 666
Pearse: Chapter 20 - A stirring sequel
Hits: 667
Pearse: Appendix 1 - Roll
Hits: 941
Pearse: Appendix 2 - Mobilisation scheme
Hits: 625
Pearse: Appendix 3 - The Adjutant's note-book
Hits: 656
Pearse: Appendix 4 - List of those who received awards
Hits: 706
Pearse: Appendix 5 - Honours and promotions
Hits: 640
Pearse: Appendix 6 - Honorary rank in the army
Hits: 602
Pearse: Appendix 7 - Lumsden's Horse equipment fund
Hits: 690
Pearse: Appendix 8 - Friends and supporters of the corps
Hits: 692
Pearse: Appendix 9 - Lumsden's Reception Committee
Hits: 694
Pearse: Appendix 10 - The final accounts
Hits: 606
Pearse: Appendix 11 - Lumsden's Horse transport
Hits: 598
Pearse: Appendix 12 - Topical song
Hits: 598