Townsend W S 441 Corporal QSA (4) Nat OF
Hits: 9955
Charlew Wesley WHITBURN
Previou service
Hits: 10284
The Badge of Gallantry . Awarded to memb
Hits: 10864
There's a picture of one of the
Hits: 9956
David, The bullion badge shown is much t
Hits: 10520
Regarding the SAC Badge of Gallantry, ex
Hits: 11045
Worth a read on this topic is
Hits: 10300
1025 Tpr E Jennings is an American civil
Hits: 10371
My father James Ireland-Low fought in th
Hits: 11035
Edward Clulow 4458 is my great uncle, i
Hits: 11248
I wonder if a list of names of prisoners
Hits: 10850
I am wondering if anyone knows why or ??
Hits: 10690
Does anyone know what [KCR] in the
Hits: 10807
Anglo is for the Engliah and Boer -- dut
Hits: 10570
I have done genealogical research on the
Hits: 10335
This Forename here should read S. This
Hits: 10286
S Moore's entry has been correct
Hits: 9962
which side are you on on this site? Did
Hits: 9787
Can I suggest you wait until t
Hits: 10187
Sapr. A. Powell was slightly wounded 6 J
Hits: 10260
I have a little information o
Hits: 10026
In the list of serving officers/men is T
Hits: 10310
Also Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Soci
Hits: 11556
NORRIS Samuel Edward, 1344 Sgt 6th Regt
Hits: 10697
Hits: 10770
Richards J.B. 79 Serjt., the QSA with cl
Hits: 10418
how do i add names??
Hits: 10411
Davies E.Z. Civil Surgeon, died of disea
Hits: 9955
Jameson Raider:- Lieut A.R.J.Dewar QSA c
Hits: 10113
Lieut A.R.J.Dewar further info:- from Wa
Hits: 9535
I'm interested to know where the name of
Hits: 9942
I think Private A (Alfred James) Hicks w
Hits: 10986
Farnley A.H.Act/Ch/Yeo/Sig medal named t
Hits: 10272
The order of wearing is not always as sh
Hits: 9234
Just checked my NZ QSAs
4th Cont NZMR 7
Hits: 10227
Sorry forgot to name the recipient:- G.J
Hits: 10252
McInnes known to exist (1)
Hits: 10156
Butterton Known to exist (4) two relief
Hits: 10309
18159 Bombadier Alfred Bailey was killed
Hits: 10658
91248 Gnr.Alfred William Pound 21st Bty.
Hits: 11219
I am wondering if the Trooper E Hampton
Hits: 10217
Were these people set free after the pea
Hits: 10259
Thank you David for loading the Newcastl
Hits: 9855
Frank Greaves was born at Leicester, Eng
Hits: 11658
I have Major Greaves' medals. Since the
Hits: 10732
Hi Brett
Look forward to hearing from y
Hits: 10823
Sgt.G.H.Boulden served as the Mayor of N
Hits: 10397
If memory serves then a chap of my acqua
Hits: 10316
Martin, Herbert Pvt 7287
IGSN bar : Re
Hits: 9962
Thank you for this informat
Hits: 10775
546 Tpr. William Everard Quested-Natal C
Hits: 11651
Officers of the 1st Battalion Essex Regi
Hits: 11609
I was very pleased to see this addition
Hits: 10070
i cant find my ggrandad william frank sc
Hits: 10776
David, I'll echo Brett. A wonderful addi
Hits: 10406
The current list of 41 men of t
Hits: 10073
thanks david.that explains it.
Hits: 9730
dear david thanks for that. it explains
Hits: 10082
There was a list of the Boer prisoners.
Hits: 10444
QSA in my possession 846 trp.p.j vice
Hits: 10242
It is nit-picking, I know, but the use o
Hits: 10017
You're absolutely right. I ha
Hits: 10311
Lieutenant Arthur H Thomas of the Ceylan
Hits: 9861
I should like to view the papers for 117
Hits: 10036
Correction to information on 1st South A
Hits: 9746
Thank you for the notification. The err
Hits: 16434
I can open both of those attestat
Hits: 10926
Hello David,
In the nominal roll for
Hits: 10023
Well spotted. My error which
Hits: 11077
Thank you Ferran. I have corrected his
Hits: 9898
Hello David,
No I didn't. That would
Hits: 9715
Thank-you for posting. My grandfather wa
Hits: 9836
Following is Army Order Record in Britis
Hits: 9972
Thirteen members of the Natal Police, wh
Hits: 9961
The deaths in the camps were terrible. I
Hits: 9686
A nominal roll of the cattle rangers is
Hits: 10748
most difficult site to use. No names of
Hits: 10043
Sorry to hear your comments
Hits: 10123
I was unable to access the site
Hits: 9479
I tried the link too and see
Hits: 9582
My great grandmother was brought from Pi
Hits: 9804
The post is absolutely fantastic! Lots o
Hits: 9680
I have a QSA medal engraved 'S.G. Rattle
Hits: 10028
Hello David,
I do believe that you ha
Hits: 9438
Well spotted Adrian. Not sure how I mis
Hits: 9628
Hello All -
I have managed to purcha
Hits: 9874
In the list of "Native Recipients", the
Hits: 9511
I have just noticed that the names of Na
Hits: 10613
That sounds like a very intere
Hits: 10297
As you no doubt know, medals is
Hits: 10005
My greatgrand father - W.E. Scambrey - F
Hits: 10069
It may be worth mentioning the
Hits: 9670
If the CIV Battery returned to Britain i
Hits: 9744
Where do I find the records of the 4th C
Hits: 9410
I am trying to find John Henry Senior Bo
Hits: 9898
Medal to Townsend, W.S., 441, Corporal..
Hits: 10063
I was interested to see the photo of the
Hits: 9828
Capt. Clarence John Hobkrik, 1 Essex Reg
Hits: 9828
Looking for # 2319 Watson, Herbert Doug
Hits: 9754
Looking for #322603, General G. Keyter.
Hits: 9810
I am hoping to discover which Commando m
Hits: 10191
My great-grandfather Eduard Goldschagg w
Hits: 11507
The Anglo-Boer War Museum (or Museum of
Hits: 9988
How would I establish if Attfield P
Hits: 9861
Would you like to post these questions i
Hits: 9378
I have received some info'about Herbert
Hits: 9459
PTE 5804 Arthur Neale, Loyal Nth Lances
Hits: 11697
Seeking information for 4263 Pte G E Edg
Hits: 10061
If you post this in the Forum
Hits: 9981
Any photos of the 54th company 13th batt
Hits: 10006
Is there any way to get more information
Hits: 10132
Can I suggest you post this q
Hits: 9337
This is my Great Grandad and his Surname
Hits: 10261
Sorry that was a misreading of t
Hits: 9703
I am searching for information regarding
Hits: 9312
The initial for Pte. Duval is incorrect.
Hits: 9739
I have searched for a "Myles Newby" but
Hits: 10019
An additional name is ance Corporal Will
Hits: 9801
Dear starkeyj: many years ago (1979) I
Hits: 10200
How do i put messages in the forum
Hits: 9702
I Live in Australia and have been resear
Hits: 9502
Val, to add a message to the forum, you
Hits: 10302
William Henry Bower Number 151147 - his
Hits: 11091
Sergeant H. Reeves, medal named Imperial
Hits: 9827
My great grandfather was William Bowen,
Hits: 10036
If you have a couple of names with the s
Hits: 10069
There should be service papers
Hits: 10191
You would probably need to consult the o
Hits: 9851
great site i had at least two relations
Hits: 9978
I believe that J.C. Denton was John Cope
Hits: 10412
Many thanks David, will let you know the
Hits: 9647
Fascinating site.
I need a bit of hel
Hits: 9477
If you would like to post this
Hits: 9473
Dear Sir; As indicated, 170 pers. from t
Hits: 9689
Gabriel Honey (Hannie) was a Cape Police
Hits: 9558
I am currently researching my great gran
Hits: 9822
In loving memory of my Great-Grandfather
Hits: 9936
Nesbitt's Horse was an irregular unit ra
Hits: 11486
Does anyone know if there are names reco
Hits: 10069
Hi Brett
I have posted the medals on
Hits: 10068
I live in Belfast South Africa, the angl
Hits: 12891
Hi....... I would like information iro m
Hits: 11528
Hi All,
This is my first post.
Hits: 10347
Please enable me to register as a member
Hits: 10217
Hi Sidney,
I can see your registratio
Hits: 10284
Your great-grandfather Eduard Goldschagg
Hits: 10031
Did you see the photograph of your great
Hits: 10509
do you hav list of campaigns as was said
Hits: 9451
I am looking for Francis Lycett Trevithi
Hits: 9778
I am looking for Francis Lycett Trevithi
Hits: 9728
Can I as if you would post th
Hits: 9572
The current list of the DEOVR is not com
Hits: 11062
S F Hurrey incorrect
Should read
Hits: 10012
Thanks Alf. S F Harvey has been changed
Hits: 10171
There are now nearly 4,000 entries for t
Hits: 9746
Access is not a problem, just go to the
Hits: 9945
Add Captain R.H.M.C. Miers who was kille
Hits: 10362
Hello. I have just found and joined thi
Hits: 9928
Hello Wendy.....
Just found your post
Hits: 9862
It may be easier to find if we had his n
Hits: 9326
Hits: 10116
Ryan's number is 375 and with the rank o
Hits: 10157
Trooper Priaulx - from his no bar QSA
Hits: 9872
Private E. Garrad 3614 20th Hussars, Lat
Hits: 11427
Joseph Marnell was my paternal grandfath
Hits: 10351
Hello to all BW historians,
I recently
Hits: 9986
Searching for my great great
Hits: 9955
Private A.C. Archer 4720 2nd Dragoons. L
Hits: 9910
I am researching my late
Hits: 9677
Also add in ANDERSON, Laurence, 2nd Scot
Hits: 9817
Private William Edward Smith
Hits: 10050