Good Morning Everyone.....
I just rec'd an ebay purchase to a Civilian who served with the Army Service Corps......
It is named: 5 Mr. C. J. Davidson, A.S.C., bars CC/OFS/Tvl.
The interesting thing is the Number 5......
I checked the other ASC medals that I have, 2 Civilian and 3 Military medals and both of the Civilian medals do not have a number.....
One is named Civilian Clerk and the other Clerk with just the name and ASC......
How often do they have a Regimental Number ?????
Were they given a proper number?????
Also the Rank? of Mr. is only on this medal how common is that?????
I have checked FMP and he is there, would there be anything in Ancestry????? Can someone please look for me..... Thanks.....