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WO108 at the National Archives 14 years 1 month ago #29

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An index of the information available in WO108 at the National Archives.

WO 108/85. Strength of forces in South Africa, expected arrivals and casualties: Weekly returns. Period: 1899 Oct.-1901 Dec.
WO 108/86. Strength of forces in South Africa, expected arrivals and casualties: Weekly returns. Period: 1902 Jan.-1903 Apr.
WO 108/87. Departure of troops from South Africa: schedule of each ship and details of travellers. Period: 1899 Nov.-1903 Aug.
WO 108/88. Embarkations from UK and abroad of troops, animals and supplies. Period: 1899 Mar.-1902 June
WO 108/89. Nominal rolls of casualties: by locality. Period: 1899 Dec.-1900 Apr.
WO 108/90. Nominal rolls of casualties: by regiment. Period: 1900 Apr-Dec.
WO 108/91. Nominal rolls of casualties: colonial contingents listed by regiment. Period: 1900 Jan-Dec.
WO 108/92. Distinctions. Period: 1903
WO 108/93. Rolls of Officers, NCO's and men: Imperial Yeomanry. Period: 1904
WO 108/94. Rolls of Officers, NCO's and men: Volunteer Battalions. Period: 1904
WO 108/95. Rolls of Officers, NCO's and men: Volunteer Battalions. Period: 1904
WO 108/96. Lord Kitchener: telegrams. Period: 1901 June-1902 May
WO 108/97. Telegrams to Chief of Staff. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 June
WO 108/98. Telegrams to Chief of Staff: Index
WO 108/99. Telegrams from Chief of Staff. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 June
WO 108/100. Telegrams from Chief of Staff: Index
WO 108/101. Devon Post Ladysmith Defences: photographs and plans
WO 108/102. Rations: daily scale for officers and soldiers. Period: 1899 Oct.
WO 108/103. Dispersal of units and staff after surrender: telegrams to General Officers Commanding. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/104. Chief of Staff: correspondence and papers. Period: 1901 Sept.-1902 July
WO 108/105. Officers on and attached to General Staff. Period: 1902 Apr.
WO 108/106. Rifles and ammunitions: reports and comparisons with foreign types. Period: 1912-1913
WO 108/107. General Sir R. Gipps' committee on the Imperial Yeomanry: Proceedings and Report. Period: 1901
WO 108/108. Sketches of battlefields, etc., by Capt. W.C.C. Erskine. Period: 1901-1902
WO 108/109. Circular Memoranda. Period: 1900 Jan.-1902 May
WO 108/110. Army Orders. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 June
WO 108/111. Index to Army Orders, 1 Aug 1901-31 Mar 1902. Period: 1902
WO 108/112. Shorthand notes. Period: 1902 Jan-Apr.
WO 108/113. Shorthand notes. Period: 1902 Apr-June
WO 108/114. Clearing Certificates
WO 108/115. Chief of Staff's papers 1-396. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 Feb.
WO 108/116. Chief of Staff's papers 400-698. Period: 1902 Jan-May
WO 108/117. Chief of Staff's papers 701-1043. Period: 1902 Mar-July
WO 108/118. Register of letters 1-1043
WO 108/119. Lists of farms cleared in protected areas. Period: 1901 Jan-June
WO 108/120. Natal Government Railways: military traffic. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 Apr.
WO 108/121. Lists of General Officers Commanding districts and columns, etc.. Period: 1902 Jan-May
WO 108/122. Unit HQ locations. Period: 1902 Jan-June
WO 108/123. Protection of cattle: grazing guards. Period: 1902 Jan.
WO 108/124. Expected arrivals: troops and animals. Period: 1902 Feb-Apr.
WO 108/125. Armoured trains: reports. Period: 1902 Feb-Mar.
WO 108/126. Armoured trains: positions. Period: 1902 Jan-Mar.
WO 108/127. Passenger train services. Period: 1902 Feb-Mar.
WO 108/128. Notifications of signalling communication between columns. Period: 1902 Jan-Mar.
WO 108/129. Returns of invalids. Period: 1902 Jan-Feb.
WO 108/130. Blockhouse progress reports. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 Mar.
WO 108/131. Boer casualties. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 Apr.
WO 108/132. Summaries of Intelligence. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 May
WO 108/133. Sanitary reports. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 June
WO 108/134. Telegrams, district orders, etc.. Period: 1901 Apr.-1902 June
WO 108/135. Nominal roll accompanying 1st Despatch: copy. Period: 1901 Mar.
WO 108/136. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 1st Despatch, 8 Mar.. Period: 1901 Jan-Mar.
WO 108/137. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 2nd Despatch, 8 May. Period: 1901 Feb-May
WO 108/138. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 3rd Despatch, 8 July. Period: 1901 Mar-July
WO 108/139. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 8th Despatch, 8 Dec.. Period: 1901 Sept-Dec.
WO 108/140. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 11th Despatch, 8 Mar.. Period: 1901 Dec.-1902 Apr.
WO 108/141. Recommendations for awards, etc.: 13th Despatch, 1 June. Period: 1902 Feb-May
WO 108/142. Mentions in Despatches and Rewards Granted, 1901
WO 108/143. Acts of gallantry and awards made: extracts form Lord Kitchener's despatches. Period: 1901 May-1902 July
WO 108/144. `London Gazette'. Period: 1902 July
WO 108/145. Awards for distinguished service. Period: 1902
WO 108/146. Recommendations: corrections, omissions, etc.. Period: 1901 July-1902 July
WO 108/147. Recommendations not entered in books. Period: 1901 May-1902 Dec.
WO 108/148. Late recommendations. Period: 1902 Jan-Aug.
WO 108/149. Omissions. Period: 1901 May-1902 May
WO 108/150. Coronation Gazette: recommendations. Period: 1902 Apr.
WO 108/151. Errors in `London Gazette'. Period: 1902 July-Sept.
WO 108/152. Recommendations and rewards. Period: 1901 Mar.-1903 Jan.
WO 108/153. Final recommendations: South African Constabulary. Period: 1902 Aug.
WO 108/154. Final recommendations: Irene Railway Rest Camp. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 June
WO 108/155. Final recommendations: Civilians. Period: 1901 Sept.-1902 Oct.
WO 108/156. Final recommendations: Royal Navy. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/157. Final recommendations: Army Veterinary Department. Period: 1901 Aug. - 1902 June
WO 108/158. Final recommendations: Royal Engineers. Period: 1901 June-1902 June
WO 108/159. Final recommendations: Electrical Engineers. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 Nov.
WO 108/160. Final recommendations: Native Refugee Department. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/161. Final recommendations: Imperial Yeomanry. Period: 1901 Apr.-1902 June
WO 108/162. Final recommendations: Signalling staff. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 Aug.
WO 108/163. Final recommendations: Adjutant-General's staff. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/164. Final recommendations: Remount Department. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 June
WO 108/165. Final recommendations: Royal Army Medical Corps. Period: 1901 June-1902 Aug.
WO 108/166. Final recommendations: Army Ordnance Department. Period: 1901 June-1902 June
WO 108/167. Final recommendations: Armoured trains. Period: 1902 May-June
WO 108/168. Final recommendations: Military Police. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 June
WO 108/169. Final recommendations: Army Pay Department. Period: 1900 Nov.-1902 Sept.
WO 108/170. Final recommendations: Cavalry. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 June
WO 108/171. Final recommendations: Royal Artillery. Period: 1901 July-1902 June
WO 108/172. Final recommendations: Chaplains. Period: 1901 Aug.-1902 June
WO 108/173. Final recommendations: Reserve of Officers. Period: 1902 Apr.-July
WO 108/174. Final recommendations: Mounted Infantry. Period: 1901 July-1902 June
WO 108/175. Final recommendations: Army Post Office Corps. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/176. Final recommendations: Assistant Adjutant General for Transport. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/177. Final recommendations: Army Service Corps. Period: 1900 May-1902 June
WO 108/178. Final recommendations: Field Intelligence Department. Period: 1902 May-June
WO 108/179. Review of awards and omissions. Period: 1900 Apr.-1903 Jan.
WO 108/180. Capt. R.T. McMaster, West Australian Contigent. Period: 1901 Mar-May
WO 108/181. Col. Cooper's administration of martial law: appreciation. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/182. Col. J.S. Napier's Acting staff pay, Dec.1900-June 1901: demand for refund. Period: 1901 Nov.-1902 Sept.
WO 108/183. Prof. Archibald Watson, University of Adelaide: request for recognition of services. Period: 1901 Oct.-1902 Sept.
WO 108/184. The Army in the South African War: commentary by Col. J.M. Grierson RA
WO 108/185. `The Boer War' by Major H. de Montmorency RFA
WO 108/186. Lists of material loaned to Lt. Col. Henderson, Official War Historian. Period: 1902 Nov-Dec.
WO 108/187. Representations for awards: replies by Col. F. Gordon. Period: 1902 Nov.-1903 Jan.
WO 108/188. Men who served in South Africa: enquiries. Period: 1902 June-Aug.
WO 108/189. Representations for awards: replies by Col. F. Gordon. Period: 1903 Mar.-1904 Jan.
WO 108/190. Major Campbell's request to Gen. Hamilton for recognition for his staff. Period: 1902 Dec.
WO 108/191. James Denoon Duncan (attorney-at-law): letters of commendation, and recommendation for award for ser .... Period: 1900 May - 1903 Mar.
WO 108/192. 5th Battalion Rifle Brigade: record of service. Period: 1903 Feb
WO 108/193. Register of soldiers' graves in the Transvaal. Period: 1905 Dec
. Imperial Yeomanry
WO 108/194. Equipment: tenders, contract, etc.. Period: 1899 Dec.-1900 Jan.
WO 108/195. Equipment and embarkation, casualties, etc.: orders. Period: 1899 Dec.-1900 Aug.
WO 108/196. Stores and equipment: orders to Contractors. Period: 1900 Jan.-Apr.
WO 108/197. Embarkation and equipment: telegrams. Period: 1900 Jan-July
WO 108/198. Equipment: tenders, contracts, etc.. Period: 1900 Jan-Oct.
WO 108/199. Irish troops: attestation, selection of staff, etc.. Period: 1901 Jan-Mar.
WO 108/200. Purchase of stores and equipment. Period: 1900 Jan-Apr.
WO 108/201. Horse returns, sick lines and accounts. Period: 1900 Jan-May
WO 108/202. In letters: register. Period: 1900 Mar-Oct.
WO 108/203. Contracts, accounts and shipments. Period: 1900 Apr-Aug.
WO 108/204. Horses and saddlery. Period: 1900 Apr-Sept.
WO 108/205. Sea transport. Period: 1900 Jan.
WO 108/206. Embarkation of men and equipment: register of letters. Period: 1900 Jan-June
WO 108/207. Staff appointments, etc.. Period: 1900 Jan-June
WO 108/208. Mobilization and embarkation, etc.. Period: 1900 Jan-Aug.
WO 108/209. Mobilization and embarkation, etc.. Period: 1900 Jan-Sept.
WO 108/210. Orders, etc.. Period: 1901 Jan-May
WO 108/211. Out Letters 1-1190, etc.. Period: 1901 Jan-Mar.
WO 108/212. Out Letters 1192-2503, 2516-7 Commissions, appointments, etc.. Period: 1901 Jan-May
WO 108/213. Out Letters 2509-16, 2518-3478. Period: 1901 May-Aug.
WO 108/214. Out Letters 3479-4548. Period: 1901 Aug-Oct.
WO 108/215. Out Letters 4549-5731, 5737. Period: 1901 Oct-Dec.
WO 108/216. Out Letters 5732-5736, 5741-5820, 2/1-2/2099. Period: 1901 Dec.
WO 108/217. Out Letters 2/2102-2/3498. Period: 1902 Feb-Mar.
WO 108/218. Out Letters 2/3499-2/4715. Period: 1902 Mar-May
WO 108/219. Out Letters 2/4716-2/5767. Period: 1902 May-July
WO 108/220. Out Letters 2/6807-2/7885. Period: 1902 Oct.-Nov.
WO 108/221. Out Letters 2/7887-3/343. Period: 1902 Nov.-1903 Jan.
WO 108/222. Imperial Yeomanry Orders Book 2, 1-14 Feb.. Period: 1901 Feb.
WO 108/223. Imperial Yeomanry Orders Book 5, 16-27 Mar.. Period: 1901 Mar.
. Pieces without a sub-series parent
WO 108/224. Recruitment, appointments, etc: telegrams. Period: 1901 Jan.-1902 Feb.
WO 108/225. Recruitment, appointments, etc: telegrams 2. Period: 1902 Feb.-1903 Jan.
WO 108/226. Supplies: telegrams. Period: 1902 June-Nov.
WO 108/227. Supplies: telegrams. Period: 1902 Nov.-1903 Feb.
WO 108/228. Detail Issue Store, Pretoria: Provision Magazine Book. Period: 1901 Oct.-1902 Aug.
WO 108/229. South African Telegrams 1-3800. Period: 1899 Apr.-1900 Mar.
WO 108/230. South African Telegrams 3801-6000. Period: 1900 Mar-June
WO 108/231. South African Telegrams 6001-8250. Period: 1900 June-Sept
WO 108/232. South African Telegrams 8251-10600. Period: 1900 Sept.-1901 Feb.
WO 108/233. South African Telegrams 10601-12600. Period: 1901 Feb-May
WO 108/234. South African Telegrams 12601-14600. Period: 1901 May-Oct.
WO 108/235. South African Telegrams 14601-16600. Period: 1901 Oct.-1902 Feb.
WO 108/236. South African Telegrams 16601-19022. Period: 1902 Feb-Sept.
WO 108/237. South Africa Despatches, Nov. 1899-June 1900
WO 108/238. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: telegrams and letters, C1-C1214 Dec. 1899-Apr.1900. Period: [1903]
WO 108/239. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: C1216-C2146, Apr.-June 1900. Period: [1903]
WO 108/240. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: C2149-C3376, June-Aug. 1900. Period: 1900 June-Aug.
WO 108/241. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: C3378-C4599, Aug.-Sept. 1900. Period: [1903]
WO 108/242. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: C4600-C5900, Sept.-Oct. 1900. Period: [1903]
WO 108/243. Field Marshal Lord Roberts: C5908-C6683, C1-C101, Nov.-Dec. 1900. Period: [1903]
WO 108/244. Army Ordnance Department: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/245. Army Ordnance Department: Reports from Ordnance Officers in South Africa, July 1899-Sept. 1900. Period: 1901
WO 108/246. Engineer Arms: Reports on Organisation and Equipment, June and Sept.. Period: 1900
WO 108/247. Steam Road Transport: Report. Period: 1900 Oct.
WO 108/248. Engineer Arms (Auxiliary Forces): Reports on Organisation and Equipment July 1900-Jan. 1901. Period: 1901
WO 108/249. Steam Transport for Heavy Guns: Report, Aug.. Period: 1900
WO 108/250. Cavalry: Report on Organisation and Equipment, Nov. 1900. Period: 1902
WO 108/251. Lines of Communication: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/252. Medical Units: Report on Organisation and Equipment. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/253. Infantry, 11th Division: Report on Organisation and Equipment. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/254. Infantry, 7th Division: Report on Organisation and Equipment. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/255. Army Chaplain's Department (Church of England): Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/256. Signalling: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/257. Military Postal Service: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/258. Transport Services: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/259. Office of Provost-Marshal: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/260. Adjutant-General's Department: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/261. Remount Department: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/262. Press Censorship: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/263. Imperial Yeomanry: Report. Period: 1900 Oct.
WO 108/264. Casualties: Report. Period: 1900 Nov.
WO 108/265. Vickers-Maxim 1-Pr. Automatic Guns. Period: 1900
WO 108/266. Heavy Artillery. Period: 1900
WO 108/267. Machine Guns. Period: 1900
WO 108/268. Working of the line of Communication in Natal. Period: 1900 Dec.-1901 Jan.
WO 108/269. Field Intelligence since Nov. 1900: Report. Period: 1902 June
WO 108/270. Field Intelligence Department: Report. Period: 1900 July
WO 108/271. Military Pigeon Post, Cape Colony: Report of operations, Sept. 1901-Aug.1902. Period: 1902 Sept.
WO 108/272. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Rifles, carbines, ammunition and sword bayonet. Period: 1901
WO 108/273. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Sword, cavalry, lance, pistols and pistol ammunition. Period: 1901
WO 108/274. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Valise equipment, bandoliers, pouches, water bottles, etc.. Period: 1901
WO 108/275. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Mule harness, saddlery, horse shoes, forage nets, picketing pegs, ropes, etc.. Period: 1901
WO 108/276. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Carts and wagons. Period: 1901
WO 108/277. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Blankets, sheets, tools, kettles, tents and filters. Period: 1901
WO 108/278. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Signalling equipment, telescopes and binoculars. Period: 1901
WO 108/279. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Guncotton and detonators, bicycles, etc.. Period: 1901
WO 108/280. Extracts from Reports 1899-1901: Clothing. Period: 1901
WO 108/281. Answers by Officers employed in South Africa to questions from branches of Quartermaster-General's D .... Period: 1901
WO 108/282. Remounts. Period: 1902 Sept.
WO 108/283. Role of Engineers, Ch. 1: Operations in Natal, Oct. 1899-Feb. 1900
WO 108/284. Role of Engineers, Ch. 2: Defence of Mafeking
WO 108/285. Role of Engineers, Ch. 4: Cape Colony West and Lord Methuen's advance to Magersfontein
WO 108/286. Role of Engineers, Ch. 5: Operations in Cape Colony East
WO 108/287. Role of Engineers, Ch. 6: Relief of Kimberley and advance to Bloemfontein
WO 108/288. Role of Engineers, Ch. 7: Advance from Cape Colony into Orange Free State
WO 108/289. Role of Engineers, Ch. 8: Halt at Bloemfontein and Advance to Pretoria
WO 108/290. Role of Engineers, Ch. 9: Operations outside the general line of advance; Advance from Kimberley; Br ...
WO 108/291. Role of Engineers, Ch. 10: Lord Roberts' advance from Pretoria to Koomati Poort
WO 108/292. Role of Engineers, Ch. 11: Operations in Natal after Relief of Ladysmith, Buller's advance to Stande ...
WO 108/293. Role of Engineers, Ch. 12: Buller's advance to Lydenburg
WO 108/294. Role of Engineers, Ch. 13: Guerilla Warfare and the Protection of Lines of Communication
WO 108/295. Role of Engineers, Ch. 14: Blockhousing
WO 108/296. Role of Engineers, Ch. 15: Work on Lines of Communication, Natal side
WO 108/297. Role of Engineers, Ch. 17: Survey and Mapping Sections
WO 108/298. Role of Engineers, Ch. 18: Searchlight Sections
WO 108/299. History of the Railways: Letterpress. Period: 1904
WO 108/300. History of the Railways: Illustrations. Period: 1904
WO 108/301. Transferred to MPH 1/838. Period: 1879-1901
WO 108/302. Military Courts, 1899-1900: extracts from proceedings. Period: 1901
WO 108/303. Boer prisoners-of-war Nos. 1-7404
WO 108/304. Boer prisoners-of-war Nos. 7405 - 11931
WO 108/305. Boer prisoners-of-war Nos. 11932-12384
WO 108/306. Censorship, Prisoners-of-war, etc.: telegrams. Period: [1902]
WO 108/307. Operations in South Africa: Proceedings of C-in-C's Committee, 13 July 1899-5 Nov. 1900. Period: [1900]
WO 108/308. Operations in South Africa: Proceedings of C-in-C's Committee, 25 Jan.1901-11 Mar. 1902. Period: [1902]
WO 108/309. Royal Commission on War Stores: Sales transactions. Period: [1906]
WO 108/310. Royal Commission on War Stores: Resumé of references in Report. Period: [1906]
WO 108/311. Royal Commission on War Stores: Statement of Cases. Period: [1907]
WO 108/312. Royal Commission on War Stores: Affidavit of documents, Pt. I, Supply Contracts, 31 May, 1902-1 Jan. .... Period: 1905 Sept.
WO 108/313. Royal Commission on War Stores: Affidavit of documents, Pt. II, Sales Contracts, 31 May 1902-1 Jan. .... Period: 1905 Sept.
WO 108/314. Royal Commission on War Stores: Supply transactions. Period: [1906]
WO 108/315. Royal Commission on War Stores: Sale of Supplies in South Africa. Period: [1906]
WO 108/316. Butter Committee on Sales and Refunds: Précis and Memoranda. Period: 1905 June
WO 108/317. The Chaff Case Oct. 1902-Apr.1903: Memorandum of evidence. Period: [1906]
WO 108/318. Purchase of Meat, Hospital Supplies, Forage, etc. 31 May 1902-1 Jan. 1904: List of contracts. Period: 1906 Mar.
WO 108/319. Supply of meat to troops on active service. Period: 1902
WO 108/320. Supplies, etc: telegrams, 25 May 1902-31 Mar 1905. Period: 1905
WO 108/321. Meyer Ltd.: financial position, Jan. 1903-Mar. 1904. Period: 1903 Jan.-1904 Mar.
WO 108/322. Prevention of supply of War Material to the Boers. Period: 1899 Dec.
WO 108/323. Supply of ordnance abroad: Krupps, French firms, etc.. Period: 1900 Jan.-Dec.
WO 108/324. Supply of ordnance abroad: Krupps. Period: 1899 Dec.
WO 108/325. Supply of ordnance abroad: Skoda works, Pilsen. Period: 1900
WO 108/326. Supply of ordnance abroad: French firms. Period: 1900 Jan-Apr.
WO 108/327. Supply of ordnance abroad: Krupps, French firms, etc.. Period: 1899 Dec.-1900 Mar
WO 108/328. Supply of ordnance abroad: USA. Period: 1900 Mar.
WO 108/329. Supply of ordnance abroad: USA. Period: 1899 Dec.-1900 Jan.
WO 108/330. Supply of ordnance abroad: Chile and Argentine Republic. Period: 1900 Jan-Feb
WO 108/331. Supply of ordnance abroad: France. Period: 1900 Apr-Nov
WO 108/332. Supply of ordnance abroad: France. Period: 1900 Jan-1901 Feb
WO 108/333. Harness and saddlery from Germany. Period: 1900 Apr-Dec
WO 108/334. Faulty axles from Germany. Period: 1900 Dec-1901 Mar
WO 108/335. Faulty axles from Germany. Period: 1901 Jan-Apr
WO 108/336. Ordnance and ammunition from Germany. Period: 1900 July-1901 June
WO 108/337. Ordnance and ammunition from Germany: freight charges. Period: 1900 July-1901 Mar
WO 108/338. Lists of casualties. Period: 1899 Oct-1902 Aug
WO 108/339. South African Mounted Irregular Forces: returns. Period: undated
WO 108/340. Water turbine and refugee camp at Howick, Natal. Period: [1902]
WO 108/341. Blockhouses at Commando Nek, Zilikats Nek, Nysstroom and Pretoria: to accompany report by CRE Pretor .... Period: 1902
WO 108/342. Pretoria defences: Fort Wunderboom, West Fort, Schanzkop Fort, Klapperkop Fort, East Redoubt, Duspoo .... Period: [1902]
WO 108/343. Blockhouses at Elandsfontein, Taaibosch Spruit, Schrapeurust. Period: [1902]
WO 108/344. Defences in Standerton District, Natal. Period: [1902]
WO 108/345. Defences in Brandwater Basin, Harrismith and Barberton Districts, Orange Free State. Period: [1902]
WO 108/346. Defences in Bloemfontein, Edenburg, Springfontein, Norvalspoort and Heilbron, Orange Free State, to .... Period: 1902
WO 108/347. Blockhouses in Harrismith, Barberton and Bethlehem, Orange Free State. Period: [1902]
WO 108/348. Photographs used in photographic reconnaissance and to test telephotographic equipment: Cape Provinc .... Period: [1902]
WO 108/349. Miscellaneous photographs showing various types of defences used in South Africa. Period: [1902]
WO 108/350. Boer War News (printed official reports from Pretoria, translated into English from Afrikaans). Period: 1896 Jan-1899 Nov
WO 108/351. Boer War News (printed official reports from Pretoria, translated into English from Afrikaans). Period: 1899 Nov-Dec
WO 108/352. Boer War News (printed official reports from Pretoria, translated into English from Afrikaans). Period: 1900 Jan-Feb
WO 108/353. Boer War News (printed official reports from Pretoria, translated into English from Afrikaans). Period: 1900 Mar-May
WO 108/354. Ladysmith Intelligence Reports (précis of intelligence reports to Chief of Staff, Ladysmith). Period: 1899-1900
WO 108/355. Number not used.
WO 108/356. List of Field Intelligence Department (FID) personnel serving in South Africa in 1900. Period: [Undated]
WO 108/357. Unique photograph showing British and Boer senior officers (including Lord Kitchener and General Bot .... Period: 1901
WO 108/358. Colonial and irregular corps: pensions and gratuities; copies of correspondence, memoranda and notes. Period: 1900-1902
WO 108/359. Conditions of Service of South African and Over-seas Contigents employed in the South African War. Period: 1904
WO 108/360. Casualties: South African Field Force 1899-1902. Period: 1899 Oct-1902 May
WO 108/361. Casualties: monthly and weekly returns. Period: 1900 Feb-1902 May
WO 108/362. Casualties: memoranda on casualty reporting. Period: 1899-1901
WO 108/363. List of war graves: Cape Colony. Period: 1903 Aug
WO 108/364. List of war graves: Cape Colony. Period: 1907 Dec
WO 108/365. List of war graves: Orange Free State. Period: 1907 Dec
WO 108/366. List of war graves: Ladysmith cemetery; plan of graves. Period: 1901 Aug
WO 108/367. List of war graves: Natal. Period: [1904]
WO 108/368. List of Boer prisoners of war: nos 1-32561. Period: [1899-1902]
WO 108/369. Boer prisoners in Ceylon: nominal roll. Period: 1900 Nov
WO 108/370. Boer absentee farmers suspected of joining the enemy: 1901. Period: 1901 Jan
WO 108/371. Number not used.
WO 108/372. Surrenders of British troops, and action taken subsequently. Period: 1905 June
WO 108/373. British prisoners at Pretoria: treatment, and evidence given at subsequent enquiry. Period: 1900
WO 108/374. Journal of events in South Africa, 31 May 1899-31 July 1902. Period: [1899-1902]
WO 108/375. Imperial Yeomanry: report on drafts raised for service in South Africa. Period: 1902 Dec
WO 108/376. History of telegraph operations during the South African war. Period: 1902 May
WO 108/377. Steam road transport. Period: 1903 Sept
WO 108/378. History of railways during the war. Period: 1903
WO 108/379. Staff diaries (diaries compiled by officers commanding columns, districts etc). Period: 1901 May-July
WO 108/380. Secret despatches: vols 1, 2 & 3 (bound together as one volume). Period: 1899-1902
WO 108/381. Secret despatches: defence of Ladysmith (including disposition of troops, and actions at Tweebosch a .... Period: 1900
WO 108/382. Schedule of despatches and recommendations during Lord Roberts' command. Period: 1900 Jan-Nov
WO 108/383. Royal Commission on War Stores in South Africa: letters. Period: 1905 July-Dec
WO 108/384. Royal Commission on War Stores in South Africa: letters. Period: 1905 Dec-1906 Feb
WO 108/385. Royal Commission on War Stores in South Africa: letters. Period: 1906 Mar-Aug
WO 108/386. Royal Commission on War Stores in South Africa: documents given in evidence. Period: 1902-1904
WO 108/387. Central Red Cross Committee: report on voluntary organizations in aid of the sick and wounded. Period: 1902 May
WO 108/388. Reports on sanitary conditions likely to affect troops. Period: 1903 Oct-Dec
WO 108/389. Report on surgical cases. Period: 1905 Sept
WO 108/390. Report on medical arrangements during the South African war, by Surgeon-General South African Field .... Period: 1904 Oct
WO 108/391. Martial law: confidential pamphlets. Period: 1901
WO 108/392. Martial law: Cape Colony 1901-1902. Period: 1902 May
WO 108/393. Persons expelled from South Africa, or given free passage, during 1900. Period: 1902 Mar
WO 108/394. Undesirable aliens expelled from South Africa. Period: 1900 Sept
WO 108/395. Mobilization regulations for a field force in South Africa. Period: 1899 Sept
WO 108/396. Demobilization regulations. Period: 1902 July
WO 108/397. Imperial Yeomanry orders. Period: 1900 Jan-1903 Feb
WO 108/398. Effective field states. Period: 1902 Oct-1903 Dec
WO 108/399. Confidential telegrams. Period: 1899-1902
WO 108/400. Press censorship: rules for guidance. Period: 1900-1901
WO 108/401. Boer Army List: 1901. Period: 1901 Nov
WO 108/402. Translation of consular correspondence etc found buried in Orange River Colony. Period: 1902 Apr
WO 108/403. Reports on colonial and Indian contingents: 1899-1900. Period: 1900 Apr
WO 108/404. Indian contingents for operations in South Africa: telegrams 1899-1900. Period: 1901 Sept
WO 108/405. South African war: precises of correspondence. Period: 1899-1902
WO 108/406. Extracts from principal decisions on various subjects during the South African campaign, 10 Jan 1900 .... Period: 1902
WO 108/407. Reports on defence of Ladysmith. Period: [1899-1900]
WO 108/408. Army Orders: Cape Town 31 Oct 1899 - 22 Jan 1900. Period: 1900 Mar
WO 108/409. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts' home and overseas correspondence: 12 December 1899 - 4 June 1900. Period: 1899-1900
WO 108/410. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts' home and overseas correspondence: 5 June - 5 September 1900. Period: 1900
WO 108/411. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts' home and overseas correspondence: 5 September 1900 - 1 January 1901. Period: 1900-1901
WO 108/412. Royal Engineers Report: defence of Kimberley. Period: 1899-1900
WO 108/413. The case of the officers implicated in the Raid on the Transvaal (Jameson Raid). Period: 1896 Aug 05
WO 108/414. South Africa: report on working of armoured trains. Period: 1901 Oct 18
WO 108/415. Statement of the Intelligence Division of the War Office, particularly concerning its work prior to .... Period: 1902 Oct 01 - 1902 Oct 31
Dr David Biggins

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