Did Louis Botha ever write his memoirs as a first person account? I am not able to locate any.
I found this quote from Ian Hamilton in his memoir. “Listening for the Drums” published in 1944 that refers to his doing so.
"Louis Botha has himself told us in his memoirs how he had been on the point of delivering a crushing blow at French and his Cavalry on our extreme left which would have sent him (so Botha was persuaded) scampering back to Pretoria when, his own left having been turned, he had to forgo his coup and fall back with the whole of his force. " Source: Listening for the Drums by General Sir Ian Hamilton Faber And Faber Ltd 24 Russell Square London 1944 p. 248-249 Listening for the Drums : Hamilton : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Perhaps Ian is referring to a magazine article or other published recollection
Louis Botha has several biographys of his life to his credit. But none contain any first person language or, so far as I can tell, discuss this part of the action at Diamond Hill.
General Botha, the Career and the Man, Constable, Harold Spender 1916 Google Books, UCAL-Davis: General Botha, the Career and the Man - Harold Spender - Google Books And:
Digitized Jul 21, 2010 Length 348 pages
Harold Spender Catalog: at IA:
1916 U Michigan Copy at IA:
Cornell Copy:
General Louis Botha by F. V. Engelenburg, G. G. Harrap & co. ltd. 1929
University of Michigan copy:
University of Nottingham copy:
Dutch/Afrikaans Edition: General Louis Botha by F. V. Engelenburg, J.L. Van Schalk BPK, Pretoria. 1928.
Louis Botha: A Man Apart Paperback – Illustrated, September 17, 2018 by Richard Steyn (Author)
The attached Botha Bibliography also has working hyperlinks. I'd appreciate any help in confirming this, on way or another. Thanks. Payton