Hi Stephen,
Not much to add to your thread, other than Walter Bayley sailed as a groom for the remount horses on board the Tropea. It left Lyttelton 13/5/1900, and headed for SA via Wellington.
Do you have a photo of your GG father at all?
Can I ask how the medal is named, as his rank of Hospital Corporal is unusual? It's always nice to see how these things were abbreviated at the time of production. If you can't manage the image function here, I can be contacted: NZMR at slingshot dot co dot nz (just trying to reduce the spam, hence the spelling out of my address. Whether it makes any difference?)
Of interest was Lt Frederic Bolton Hughes, who served in BH - came to New Zealand and actively recruited for the Prince of Wales Light Horse in 1901. He got a fair few takers as well, much to the annoyance of the Defence Department.
Let me know if I can help further.