I have been contacted by Richard Rosser of Just Medals who says:
It may be of interest to your readers/site visitors that we have been uniquely licenced by the National Archives (PRO) to re-sell all WO/100 series and ADM series medal rolls for ALL conflicts up to and including the 2nd Anglo-Boer War.
I am gradually 'translating' the microfiche images into pdf files and have now completed about 90% of the 2ABW particiating Regiments/units including all of the Colonial Units.
Prices range from £9.95 for a large UK Infantry Regiment for their QSA and KSA rolls down to £3.95 for a small DMT unit with only a QSA Roll.
Anyone interested can contact me on the above eMail address or on the new site -
which is still under construction but in fair working order.